JNU CEEB Syllabus PDF 2023 – Exam Pattern, Papers, Duration, Marking Scheme

JNU CEEB Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025: Latest JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 is available in this article. Students who are going to start their exam preparation for JNU Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology (JNU CEEB) can get the complete and latest information about Syllabus, and JNU Combined Biotechnology Entrance Exam Pattern can check out this post. Therefore, to help them here in this page we are providing you with the subject wise JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 PDF (जेएनयू सीईईबी सिलेबस) Download links. Hence, applicants who want to score better marks in the examination need to download the Syllabus and prepare well for the test.

In this, all the information is completely related to the JNU CEEB. You can view or download the JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 PDF is also available in this article.

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JNU CEEB Syllabus & Exam Pattern – Important Dates

Interested candidates can apply on or before April 2025. For the ease of students, we have assembled a lot of important stuff about Syllabus as well as, subject wise topics and subtopics on this article. Therefore, aspirants can refer them and start your preparation. Also, the higher officials of Jawaharlal Nehru University are planning to conduct the JNU CEEB Examination 2025 on April 23, 2025. So, without any delay, students can download the JNU CEEB syllabus through the links present at the bottom of the article.

Name Of the OrganizationJawaharlal Nehru University
Name Of the ExaminationJNU Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology (JNU CEEB)
Date Of Written ExamApril 23, 2025 (Tentative)
CategoryEntrance Exams
Sub-categoriesEngineering Entrance Exams, Science Entrance Exams
Mode of the ExamOffline
Official Websitejnu.ac.in or ntajnu.nic.in

JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025

Part A:
(Basic Engineering and Technology, Pharmacology)

  • Basic Engineering and Technology
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences & Bioprocess technology, and Pharmacology

Part – B:
(Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics)

  • Mathematics
  • Calculus – Differential Equation- Complex numbers- Complex integration & Power series- 3-Dimensional Geometry Algebra
  • Physics
  • Mechanics Syllabus: Kinematics- Newton’s laws – work & mechanical energy- dynamics of rotary motion- fundamentals of
  • the special theory of relativity- gravitation- motion in non-inertial frames.
  • Thermodynamics: Ideal gases- Ist law of thermodynamics- Kinetic theory of gases- 2nd law of thermodynamics -real gases.
  • Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics- Coulomb’s law- electric field potential- capacitance- dielectrics in an M.Tech. Biotechnology
  • electric field- the energy of an electric field- direct current- magnetic field of direct current- – electromagnetic induction.
  • Waves and Optics: Free harmonic oscillators- elastic waves- electromagnetic waves- interference, diffraction, scattering and polarisation of light- thermal radiation.
  • Modern Physics: Structure of matter and basic solid-state physics – elementary nuclear physics- elementary quantum
  • mechanics- the structure of the atom.


  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Analytical techniques in Biotechnology

JNU CEEB 2025 Exam Papers & Subjects

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) conducts the Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology (CEEB) for admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Sc. Agri. Biotechnology, M.V.Sc., and M.Tech. Biotechnology programs offered by various participating universities.

The CEEB exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and covers the following subjects:

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • English Comprehension and Analytical Skills

The exam duration is 3 hours, and the total number of questions asked is 200. The questions are asked from Class 12th level and undergraduate level in the respective subjects. The marking scheme is +1 for each correct answer and -0.25 for each wrong answer.

JNU CEEB previous year question papers are available online and solving them can help candidates understand the exam pattern and difficulty level of the questions asked in the exam.

M. Tech Exam Pattern

The time allocation for Entrance Examination will be of 3-hours duration consisting of Two Streams:

Technology Stream:

  • Part A: Basic Engineering & Technology – at the undergraduate level
  • Section B: Physics/Chemistry/Maths – at an undergraduate level
  • Part C: Fundamental Life Sciences and Informatics – at 10+2 level

Life Science Stream:

  • Part A: Life Sciences (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Immunology) – at postgraduate level
  • Section B: Maths, Computer & Information Sciences – at 10 + 2 level.
  • Part C: Chemistry/ Physics – at an undergraduate level

M.Sc Biotechnology Pattern

The time limit for the exam will be 3 hours divided into two parts.

Part A: This an MCQ type of exam. And 60 questions are present in the section. Each topic carries one mark. Subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. Also, there will be negative marking for each wrong answer. 1/2 mark will be deducted.

Part B: There will be questions from Physics, Mathematics, Biology (e.g., Botany, Microbiology, Zoology, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology) and Chemistry. There will be 60 questions in these sections. Each question carries three marks. Total marks for Part B are 180 Marks. There will be negative marking. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology & M.V. Sc. Pattern:

The time duration of the examination is 3 hours. And it consists of 2 parts.

Part A: This an MCQ type of examination. And sixty questions will be present in the section. Each topic carries one mark. Subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. Also, there will be negative marking for each wrong answer. half mark will be deducted.

Part B: There will be 100 questions out of which students have to attempt 60 questions. Each topic carries three marks. Also, there is negative marking. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

JNU CEEB 2025 Exam Duration, marks

The JNU CEEB (Jawaharlal Nehru University Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology) is a computer-based test conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to various M.Sc. and M.Tech programs in Biotechnology offered by JNU and its affiliated colleges.

The JNU CEEB exam duration is 3 hours (180 minutes). The exam consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A consists of 60 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on general Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics. Part B consists of 100 MCQs on Biotechnology.

The total marks for the JNU CEEB exam are 100 marks. Part A carries 30 marks, and Part B carries 70 marks. Each correct answer in Part A is awarded one mark, while in Part B, each correct answer is awarded 3.5 marks. There is negative marking for incorrect answers, with 1/3 mark deducted for each wrong answer in Part A and 1 mark deducted for each wrong answer in Part B.

Therefore, the maximum marks that a candidate can score in Part A is 30 marks, and in Part B, it is 245 marks. The total maximum marks that a candidate can score in the JNU CEEB exam is 275 marks.

JNU CEEB 2025 Negative Marking Scheme

JNU CEEB (Jawaharlal Nehru University Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology) does not have negative marking. This means that there is no penalty for incorrect answers.

The exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with four options. Candidates are required to choose the correct option out of the four given options. Each correct answer carries one mark.

The JNU CEEB exam is conducted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University for admission to M.Sc. (Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Agri.) Biotechnology, M.V.Sc., M.Tech. (Biotechnology) and M.Sc. (Horticulture) Biotechnology programmes offered by participating universities.

Download the JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 PDF

JNU CEEB Official WebsiteClick Here
JNU CEEB Syllabus 2025 PDFClick Here

JNU CEEB 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern FAQs

What is JNU CEEB?

JNU CEEB stands for Jawaharlal Nehru University Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology. It is a national level entrance examination conducted by JNU for admission to M.Sc. (Biotechnology), M.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Tech (Biotechnology) and M.V.Sc. programs offered by various participating universities and institutes.

What are the eligibility criteria for JNU CEEB?

The eligibility criteria for JNU CEEB varies depending on the program applied for. Generally, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree in the relevant field with a minimum of 55% marks. For detailed eligibility criteria, candidates should refer to the official notification released by JNU.

What is the exam pattern of JNU CEEB?

The JNU CEEB exam is conducted in online mode and consists of a single question paper. The exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions with four options for each question. The exam is divided into two parts – Part A and Part B. Part A consists of 60 questions and covers topics such as General Science, Mathematics, and Chemistry. Part B consists of 40 questions and covers topics related to Biotechnology.

What is the syllabus for JNU CEEB?

The syllabus for JNU CEEB is different for Part A and Part B. Part A syllabus includes topics from General Science, Mathematics, and Chemistry. Part B syllabus includes topics from various disciplines of Biotechnology, such as Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, and Immunology.

Is there negative marking in JNU CEEB?

Yes, there is negative marking in JNU CEEB. For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the total score. However, there is no negative marking for unanswered questions.

What is the duration of JNU CEEB?

The duration of JNU CEEB is three hours.

What is the mode of JNU CEEB?

JNU CEEB is conducted in online mode.

What is the application fee for JNU CEEB?

The application fee for JNU CEEB varies depending on the category of the candidate. For General/OBC candidates, the application fee is Rs. 1000, while for SC/ST/PwD candidates, the application fee is Rs. 500.

What is the cutoff for JNU CEEB?

The cutoff for JNU CEEB varies every year depending on various factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates appearing for the exam, and the number of seats available. Candidates who score above the cutoff are eligible for admission to the various programs offered by the participating universities and institutes.

What is the selection process for JNU CEEB?

The selection process for JNU CEEB includes a written examination and an interview. Candidates who clear the written examination will be called for an interview. The final selection will be based on the candidate’s performance in both the written examination and the interview.

Here, we have given the information about the JNU CEEB Syllabus and Exam Pattern in 2025. So, visit once on this page and if you have any queries regarding this article give a comment via comment section or go for the official website. Don’t forget to share this article with our friends and family.

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