IGNOU B.Sc Course 2025 – Fee, Exam Date and Syllabus

Check out the details regarding IGNOU B.Sc Course 2025 – Exam Date, Syllabus and Fee. If you are searching for IGNOU distance BSc course details 2021, then you are in the right place. Here we are providing detailed information about the distance BSc program in IGNOU. The Indira Gandhi National Open University offers admission to its distance learning Bachelor Degree Programme of Science (B.Sc) in both January and July academic sessions. The Course provided by IGNOU is designed in such a way that students can gain not only theoretical knowledge but practical experience too, as the B.Sc Course syllabus includes few practical sessions.

The IGNOU University offering 3 years B.Sc degree through distance education in India. In this article, we have included the updated B.Sc Syllabus approved by IGNOU for the year 2020.  Find out the Bsc course details, Exam Date, fees structure, eligibility criteria, etc details below.

IGNOU B.Sc Course Details – Exam Date, Fee, Syllabus & Structure

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a distance learning national university in India, announces Admissions to its Distance Education Academic Programmes for the Academic Cycle commencing from January 2021

IGNOU announces Admission to Bachelor’s Degree Programmes for the Academic commencing from January 2020 and July 2020.

Also Check :

Admissions open for July-2020 Session
Note : Last date for Fresh Admission without Late Fee is : June-2020

B.Sc Degree from IGNOU University – Distance Education

IGNOU Logo - The Indira Gandhi National Open University

Program Details – About B.Sc Course

For the January and July admission cycle each year, the university invited applications from eligible students for online admission to a bachelor degree course, their name is Bachelor’s Degree Programmes – BDP (B.A/B.Com/B.Sc). The short form of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes is BDP. All these disciplines come under the School of Sciences(SOS),  School of Social Sciences(SOSS), School of Management Studies(SOMS) respectively. Students who want to take online admission in bdp discipline can take in any one of the admission cycles.

Students who have completed BDP (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) degree can apply to take admission to a higher master’s degree. It is offered in both the January & July cycle of admissions. To get a BDP degree, the students need to pass all subjects in 3 years (minimum) and 6 years(maximum). The BDP is a 3-year degree discipline. The University offers Bachelor’s Degree Programme leading to Bachelor’s Degree in the following fields :

  • B.A (Bachelor of Arts),
  • B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce),
  • B.Sc (Bachelor’s Degree in Science).

The other details about the BDP program are as follows :

IGNOU BDP (BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com) Online Admission

Every year, a huge no. of students take admission in BDP (BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com) degree in the university through distance online or offline admission mode. The candidates can fill up IGNOU BDP Online Admission Form in both academic cycles. The university published the admission notification of BDP (Bachelor’s Degree Programmes) discipline in the newspaper or IGNOU official website www.ignou.ac.in in the April-May month for July session and in Oct-Nov month for January session.

The students can check the last date of admission, admission form, and prospectus, etc of BDP by visiting university online portal ignou.ac.in. Eligible candidates can take admission in via two modes of admission i.e. Online or Offline.

For online mode, candidates need to visit the IGNOU Online Admission website at https://onlineadmission.ignou.ac.in.

For offline mode, students need to visit the nearest IGNOU Regional Centre with all the required documents. The Online Admission to (1) BTS (2) B.A (3) B.Com and (4) BSW Programmes is through two streams :

 1) Non-formal: The non-formal stream is for those students who have not passed 10+2 or its equivalent examination. They have to pass a Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme of IGNOU to qualify for admission to B.A, BTS, B.Com & BSW.
2) Formal: Formal stream of admission is 10+2 or its equivalent examination.

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates should be For B.A – 10+2 or it’s equivalent or BPP from IGNOU, For B.Com – 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU, For B.Sc – 10+2 with science subjects or its equivalent qualification.

The medium of Instruction: Both medium i.e English and Hindi

B.sc Course Duration

To complete the BDP (B.A/B.Sc/B.Com) degree, the university provides a duration of a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years to students. Interested candidates can take online admission in both the admission cycle i.e January and July.

B.sc Fee Structure in IGNOU

In IGNOU, for B.Sc, for full program, the total fee structure is Rs. 10,500/- which is to be paid year wise @ Rs 3,500/- per year.

Eligibility10+2 with science subjects or its equivalent qualification.
Medium of InstructionEnglish & Hindi
DurationMinimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years; offered in both January & July cycle of admissions.
Fee StructureRs. 10,500/- for full program to be paid year wise @ Rs.3,500/- per year.
Admission Starts fromJune and Dec of every year
Admissions Last Date

For June Admissions – 31st March

For Dec Admissions – 30th Sep

IGNOU BDP (BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com) Prospectus

The candidates can get the hard copy of IGNOU BDP Prospectus 2016-17 by visiting their nearest IGNOU Regional Centers by paying the small fee of Rs.200/- or can also get via post by making a DD(Demand Draft) of Rs 250/- in favor of IGNOU, New Delhi to the following address:

Registrar, Student Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, 110068 .

The Common IGNOU BDP (BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com) prospectus consists of the complete detail about the BDP discipline.

IGNOU BDP (BA/ B.Sc/ B.Com) Courses & Syllabus Details

The University offers Bachelor’s Degree Programme leading to Bachelor’s in Science (B.Sc). The University follows the credit system. One credit is equal to 30 hours of learner’s study time. To earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Science, a learner has to earn 96 credits in minimum of three years with 32 credits per year. For earning 96 credits, a student has to opt for courses from three categories.

(1) Foundation Course

(2) Elective Courses and

(3) Application-Oriented Courses as  per the following table:

ProgramFoundation CoursesElective CoursesApplication Oriented Courses
BSC24 Credits56 Credits or 64 Credits from Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics and Physics (At least 25% of the total credits in Physics, Chemistry & Life Science have to be obtained from Laboratory Courses)16 or 8 Credits


In addition to these courses, all B.Sc students have to study an awareness course on the environment entitled -‘An Introduction to the Environment’ (NEV1). The course aims to improve the understanding and enrich knowledge about the prevalent environmental concerns and issues; and management of various environmental problems. There will be no examination for this course.

In order to complete the B.Sc. degree within the minimum period of three years, you are allowed to take courses worth 32 credits in each year. Elective courses worth a minimum of 8 credits and a maximum of 48 credits in any one of the four Science disciplines can opt. You can choose 56 or 64 credits of elective courses from a minimum of two Science disciplines and a maximum of four Science disciplines.

Of the total credits opted in elective courses in Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences disciplines, at least 25% must be from the laboratory courses. The year-wise scheme of the study is shown in the following table.

Note: We strongly recommend that you opt for mathematics electives, only if you have studied mathematics at 10 + 2.


[Compulsory 24 Credits (1st year 16 credits, IInd year 8 credits)]

Course CodeTitle of the Course Credits
Compulsory Courses
BSHF 101Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Sciences 8
FST 1Foundation Course in Science & Technology 8
FEG 1Foundation Course in English-1Choose anyone4
FHD 2Foundation Course in Hindi-2
Optional Courses (Choose anyone)
FAS 1Assamese 4
FBG 1Bengali 4
FEG 2English 4
FGT 1Gujarati 4
BHDF 101Hindi 4
FKD 1Kannada 4
FML 1Malayalam 4
FMT 1Marathi 4
FOR 1Oriya 4
FPB 1Punjabi 4
FTM 1Tamil 4
FTG 1Telugu 4
FUD 1Urdu 4
BSKF 1Sanskrit 4
BBHF 1Bhojpuri 4
BMAF 1Maithili 4
Total Credits of Foundation Course24


MTE 1Calculus 


MTE 4Elementary AlgebraTo be taken together


MTE 5 Analytical Geometry


MTE 2Linear Algebra 


MTE 6Abstract Algebra 


MTE 7Advanced Calculus 


MTE 8Differential Equations 


MTE 9Real Analysis 


MTE 10Numerical Analysis 


MTE 11Probability and Statistics 


MTE 12Linear Programming 


MTE 13Discrete Mathematics 


MTE 14Mathematical Modeling 


BPHE 101Elementary MechanicsTo be taken together


BPHE 102 Oscillations and Waves


BPHL 103Physics Laboratory-I 


PHE 4Mathematical Methods in Physics-ITo be taken together


PHE 5Mathematical Methods in Physics-II


PHE 6Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 


PHE 7Electric and Magnetic Phenomena 


PHE 8LPhysics Laboratory-II 


PHE 9Optics 


PHE 10Electrical Circuits and Electronics 


PHE 11Modern Physics 


PHE 12LPhysics Laboratory-III 


PHE 13Physics of Solids 


PHE 14Mathematical Methods in Physics-III 


PHE 15Astronomy and Astrophysics 


PHE 16Communication Physics 


CHE 1Atoms and MoleculesTo be taken together


CHE 3LChemistry Laboratory-I


CHE 2Inorganic Chemistry 


CHE 4Physical Chemistry 


CHE 5Organic Chemistry 


CHE 6Organic Reaction Mechanism 


CHE 7LChemistry Laboratory-IITo be taken together


CHE 8LChemistry Laboratory-III


CHE 9Biochemistry 


CHE 10Spectroscopy 


CHE 11LChemistry Laboratory-IV 


CHE 12LChemistry Laboratory-V 


MTE 3Mathematical Methods 


Life Science
LSE 1Cell Biology 


LSE 2Ecology 


LSE 3Genetics 


LSE 4LLaboratory Course-I 


LSE 5Physiology 


LSE 6Developmental Biology 


LSE 7Taxonomy and Evolution 


LSE 8LLaboratory Course-II 


LSE 9Animal Diversity-I


To be taken together




LSE 10Animal Diversity-II


LSE 11LAnimal Diversity Laboratory


LSE 12Plant Diversity-I

To be taken together




LSE 13Plant Diversity-II


LSE 14LPlant Diversity Laboratory



MTE1 is a pre-requisite for MTE7 to MTE10.
MTE7 is a pre-requisite for MTE11.
MTE7 is a co-requisite for MTE8.
MTE8 is a pre-requisite for MTE14.
CHE 1 is a pre-requisite for CHE4, CHE 5 and CHE10.
CHE1 is a co-requisite for CHE2 CHE2 is a pre-requiste for CHE10.
CHE 5 is a co-requisite for CHE6 and pre-requisite for CHE9 & CHE10
BPHE-101, PHE4, and PHE5 are pre-requisite for PHE11
PHE7 is a pre-requisite for PHE16
PHE10 is a co-requisite for PHE16
PHE4 and PHE5 are pre-requisite for PHE14
PHE11 is pre-requisite for PHE13

If you opt for LSE9, LSE10, and LSE11L, you cannot opt for LSE12, LSE13 and LSE14L, and vice-versa. Since the Chemistry courses of IGNOU include quantitative techniques, we suggest that you take MTE 3, if you haven’t studied Mathematics up to the +2 level. It will help you to cope better with these courses. However, if you plan to take any other Mathematics electives (MTE 1,2,4 to 14), you are not permitted to take MTE 3.

Mathematics elective courses are offered to BA/B.Com students as well. However, these courses should not be opted by students coming to BA/B.Com through BPP. It is strongly recommended that only those students who have studied Mathematics as a subject at 10+2 level should opt for the Mathematics electives.

Co-requisite and pre-requisite course combinations are advised to enable you to complete the related courses easily. Otherwise, it is not a compulsory directive. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you opt for these courses as advised.

IGNOU will try to make every effort to conduct Laboratory Courses in the program at the Study Centre chosen by you. But in case of any difficulty, you may be advised to attend the Laboratory Courses at some other Study Centre. You should be prepared for such a situation.

 Application-Oriented Courses

The third component of the Bachelor’s Degree program comprises Application Oriented Courses. These courses are developed to equip you in some areas of your choice, which requires applications of skills. You must select at least 8 credits worth of courses from this group. You are allowed to select a maximum of 16 credits from this group.

If you have opted for a total of 64 credits in elective courses, you should take only 8 credits under Application Oriented Courses. Alternatively, if you have taken only 56 credits in elective courses, you are allowed to take 16 credits in Application Oriented Courses. The detailed list of the Application Oriented Courses currently available is given below.

Course CodeTitle of the CourseCredits
AFW(E)Feature Writing (English)



BHDA 101Samachar par aur fitchar lekhan (HINDI)


AWR(E)Writing for Radio (English)



BRPA 101Radio Lekhan (Hindi)


ATR 1Translation(English)


ACC 1Organizing Child Care Services


ANC 1Nutrition for the Community


AHE 1**Human Environment (6 Credits Theory + 2 Credits Project)


AMK 1*Marketing


AED 1*Export Procedure and Documentation


AOM 1*Office Organization and Management


ASP 1*Secretarial Practice


AMT 1**The teaching of Primary School Mathematics (6 Credit Theory + 2 Credit Project)


ACS 1Consumer Studies


CTE 3Teaching Strategies


CTE 4Teaching English-Elementary



CTE 5Teaching English-Secondary School (With CTE 3 take anyone either CTE 4 or CTE 5)


AST 1***Statistical Techniques


AOR 1Operational Research


+AEC 1*Environmental Chemistry (6 Credit Theory + 2 Credit Project)


APM 1*Integrated Pest Management


BCOA 1Business Communication and Entrepreneurship (English Medium only)


*Commerce based Application-oriented Courses. However, students are free to choose any Application-oriented Course(s) of their choice. Among 4 credit Application Oriented Courses, they have to choose at least two 4 credit courses to make up 8 credits in total.

** All these courses have a theory component of 6 credits and a project/Lab component of 2 credits. The project is to be submitted in SED at IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068.

*** +2 level of mathematics is a pre-requisite.

+ CHE1, CHE 2 and CHE 3(L) are pre-requisite for this course. This course is only for those who have studied Chemistry up to 10+2 level.

Students are free to choose any Application Oriented Course from the list given above subject to fulfillment of prerequisites. However, they have to opt at least two 4 credit courses to make up 8 credits in total.


In order to enable you to complete the Bachelor of Science Programme within the minimum period of three years, you are allowed to take courses worth 32 credits each year.

  • In the first year of study, you should take the prescribed credits in Foundation Courses (BSHF 101, FEG 1 or FHD 2 and FEG 2 or any one of MILs or FST 1), and the remaining credits in Elective Courses.
  • In the second year, you should take the remaining credits of Foundation Course and Elective Courses.
  • In the third year, you should take 16 or 24 credits in Elective Courses and 16 or 8 credits in Application Oriented Courses.

In order to complete the B.Sc. degree within the minimum period of three years, you are allowed to take courses worth 32 credits in each year. Elective courses worth a minimum of 8 credits and a maximum of 48 credits in any one of the four Science disciplines can opt. You can choose 56 or 64 credits of elective courses from a minimum of two Science disciplines and a maximum of four Science disciplines.

Of the total credits opted in elective courses in Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences disciplines, at least 25% must be from the laboratory courses. The year-wise scheme of the study is shown in the following table. Note: We strongly recommend that you opt for mathematics electives, only if you have studied mathematics at 10 + 2 level.

Year of


    Foundation Courses Elective CoursesApplication Oriented Courses Total  Credits
I Year16 Credits as under16 credits 32 credits

i) FST 1 8 Credits

ii) FEG 1 Or FHD 2

4 Credits

iii) FEG 2 or BHDF 101

4 Credits

Or any one of MILs

BPHE 101, BPHE 102

BPHL 103, PHE 4,5,6

CHE 1,2,3(L),5,7(L),8(L) LSE 1,2,3,4(L)

MTE 1,2,4,5,6

II Year8 Credits24 Credits 32 Credits
 BSHF 101

BPHE 101, BPHE 102, BPHL 103, PHE 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(L), 9, 10, 15

CHE 1,2,3(L),4,5,6,7(L),8(L),9, 11(L) & MTE 3

LSE 1,2,3,4(L),5,6,7,8(L) & MTE 3

MTE 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10




 24 Credits or 16 Credits8 Credits or 16 Credits32 Credits

BPHE 101, BPHE 102, BPHL 103, PHE 4,5, 6,7,8(L), 9,10,11, 12(L),13,14,15,16

CHE 1,2,3(L),4,5,6,7(L), 8(L),   9, 10, 11(L), 12(L) & MTE 3
LSE 1,2,3,4(L),5,6,7,8(L)9, 10, 11(L), 12,13, 14(L) & MTE 3

MTE 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12, 13, 14

 AOC worth 8 or 16 Credits 
Total Credits24 Credits64 Credits or 56 Credits8 Credits or 16 Credits96 Credits


As per the above table, in the first year of study, you should take 16 Credits in Foundation Courses (FST 1, FEG 1 or FHD 2 and FEG 2 or BHDF 101 or any one of the MILs) and 16 credits in Elective Courses.

In the second year, you should take 8 credits of Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences (BSHF 101) and 24 credits of Elective Courses. In the third year, you can take 24 or 16 credits of electives and 8 or 16 credits of application-oriented courses (together it should be 32 credits).

B.Sc. (Major)

To obtain B.Sc.(Major), the total number of Credits to be taken in elective courses in the respective disciplines is as follows, subject to the condition that you cannot take more than 48 credits in any Discipline:

DisciplineElective CoursesTotal Credits
BotanyLSE 1 to 8(L) and the package* of LSE 12, 13, 14(L)48
ChemistryCHE 1 to CHE 12(L)40
MathematicsMTE 1,2,4 to 9 worth 28 Credits are compulsory. Remaining 12 credits may have opted from MTE 10 to MTE 1440
PhysicsBPHE 101, BPHE 102, BPHL 103, PHE 4 to PHE 1648
ZoologyLSE 1 to 8(L) and the package of LSE 9, 10,11(L)48


*Please note that you will not be allowed to opt for any individual course from the package. The courses LSE 9,10 and 11(L) are to be taken together as a package. You will not be allowed to opt for any individual course from the package. Similarly, LSE 12,13 and 14(L) should also be taken as a package. If you opt for LSE 9, LSE 10 and LSE11L, you cannot opt for LSE 12, LSE 13 and LSE 14L, and vice-versa.

B.Sc. (General)

For any combination of Science Electives other than those given above, you will be awarded a B.Sc. (General) degree.

Year of StudyFoundation CoursesElective Courses   Application Oriented    Courses        



 I Year16 Credits16 Credits 32 Credits
II Year8 Credits24 Credits –32 Credits



     –16 Credits or 24 Credits8 Credits or 16 Credits32 Credits
Total Credits24 Credits64 Credits or 56 Credits8 Credits or 16 Credits96 Credits


For both B.Sc.(Major) and B.Sc.(General) degrees, at least 25% of elective Credits in Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences must be earned from laboratory courses.

Prof. S.S. Hasan, [email protected], 011-29572810
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, [email protected]

Syllabus Details

  • For Physics check the pdf : Physics Syllabus
  • For Chemistry check the pdf : Chemistry Syllabus
  • For Maths check the pdf : Maths Syllabus
  • For Life Sciences check the pdf : Life Sciences Syllabus

Hope you like this article IGNOU B.Sc Course Details 2025. We have furnished you with the course details regarding Bachelor of Science programme in IGNOU, admission procedure, eligibility, prospectus, fee details, course & syllabus structure in this article.


  1. Sir I completed my bsc 2nd year from sies college Mumbai, I couldn’t clear my tybsc can I take admission for tybsc botany. My 1st year subjects were physics, chemistry and botany. 2nd year chemistry and botany. Please let me know

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