UPSC Age Limit 2025 – Maximum Age for Civil Services IAS/IFS/IES Exams

Check out the UPSC Age Limit for 2022 Civil Services Exams(or any other Services). Union Public Service Commission clearly mentioned the upper age limit for the Civil Services Exam (CSE), Forest Services Exam, Engineering Services exam and Services examinations. In the present structure, the age criteria for the candidate is between 21 and 32 years of age to be eligible for the UPSC exam.

Also Check: UPSC Eligibility Criteria

UPSC Age Limit for IAS IFS IES

UPSC Maximum Age Limit

CategoryUpper Age Limit
General32 Years
Other Backwards Castes (OBC)32 Years with the relaxation of 03 years = 35 years
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST)32 Years with the relaxation of 05 Years = 37 years
Physically disabled candidates (Blind, Deaf-Mute, Orthopedic)32 years with relaxation of 10 years = 42 years
Jammu & Kashmir DomicileGeneral = 37 years,
OBC = 40 Years, SC/ST = 42 Years, PH = 50 years
Disabled servicemen disabled from dutyGeneral= 37 years,
OBC = 38 Years,
SC/ST = 40 Years

UPSC  Age Criteria

The detailed UPSC Exam Age limit & Relaxation of Age Limit for UPSC Exams have been provided here.

  • A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years(Twenty-one) and must not have attained the age of 32 years on August 1st of the year of exam.
  • For OBC  the upper age limit is 35, and for SC and ST the limit is (37) thirty-seven years.
  • The minimum age limit for candidates is 21 years
  • The maximum age limit is 32 years.
  • The upper age limit is further relaxed by (5) Five years and 3 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC categories respectively.
  • up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and Orthopaedically
    handicapped persons.

UPSC Eligibility Criteria - Age Limit & Qualification

UPSC Age Limit & UPSC Attempt Limit
Age 32Age 35Age 37Age 42Additional 5 years
6 attempts9 attemptsUnlimited attempts9 attemptsDepend upon category
General & Creamy OBCNon-creamy OBCSC / STPhysically Handicapped (Gen / OBC)J&k and Ex-serviceman

Relaxation of Age Limit:

  • maximum of (5) five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the State
    of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from the 1 st Jan 1980 to the 31st day of
    Dec 1989;
  • maximum of (3) three years in the case of Defence Services Personnel, disabled in
    operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof;
  • maximum of (5) five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned
    Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least (5) five years Military Service and have been released;
    (a) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be
    completed within 1 year otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency; or
    (b) on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service; or
    (c) on invalided


  1. Next year Age relaxation 32 to 35 must be implemented for UPSC CSE next year followed by reserved candidates..Dream to be IAS

  2. Age relaxation must be implemented in Next UPSC CSE from 32 to 35 followed by reserved candidates overage candidates will be benefited then only unless their Dream to become IAS officer will be fulfilled in next birth Govt must take initiative for that.

  3. There should no difference in the age limit of central civil services exam and provincial c civil services exam.

  4. Why govrmernment not increasing age limit in IAS as similar as in case of state civil services does influence any person but will be good for general people and sc/st candidate.when experienced and litterate people will be selected our country future will be bright than increase the age limit in IAS exam. Also sir.

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