Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML – B.Tech 2nd Year Books
Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML: Check Out Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML Pdf Free Download. We provide B.tech Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML study materials to B.Tech students free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need. From the following B.tech Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML Notes, you can get the complete Self Learning Material in Single Download Link (ఆబ్జెక్ట్ ఓరియంటెడ్ అనాలిసిస్ అండ్ డిజైన్). You can Check Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML of B.Tech Subjects Study Materials and Lecture Notes with Syllabus and Important Questions Below.
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Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML Notes
Designing software for large applications is a very complex task. It could arguably be said that there is no limit to how complex software design could get. The reason for this is that we generally design software to model some real-world phenomenon. This course forms a strong foundation in the understanding and design of modern computing systems. this course explores techniques that go into designing a modern microprocessor. Fundamental understanding of computer architecture helps in hardware and processor design and forms the foundation for compilers, operating systems, and high-performance programming.
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML Pdf Notes
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List of Reference for OOAD books- B. Tech 2nd Year
- “Object- Oriented Analysis And Design with Applications”, Grady BOOCH, Robert
- A. Maksimchuk, Michael W. ENGLE, Bobbi J. Young, Jim Conallen, Kellia Houston, 3rd edition, 2013, PEARSON.
- “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, 12th Impression, 2012, PEARSON.
- “Object-oriented analysis and design using UML”, Mahesh P. Matha, PHI
- “Head first object-oriented analysis and design”, Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice, Dave West, O‟ Reilly
- “Object-oriented analysis and design with the Unified process”, John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd, Cengage Learning
- “The Unified modeling language Reference manual”, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, Addison-Wesley
Object Oriented Analysis and Using UML Syllabus
• To understand how to solve complex problems
• Analyze and design solutions to problems using object oriented approach
• Study the notations of Unified Modeling Language
Introduction: The Structure of Complex systems, The Inherent Complexity of Software, Attributes of Complex System, Organized and Disorganized Complexity, Bringing Order to Chaos, Designing Complex Systems, Evolution of Object Model, Foundation of Object Model, Elements of Object Model, Applying the Object Model.
Classes and Objects: Nature of object, Relationships among objects, Nature of a Class, Relationship among Classes, Interplay of Classes and Objects, Identifying Classes and Objects, Importance of Proper Classification, Identifying Classes and Objects, Key abstractions and Mechanisms.
Introduction to UML: Why we model, Conceptual model of UML, Architecture, Classes, Relationships, Common Mechanisms, Class diagrams, Object diagrams.
Basic Behavioral Modeling: Interactions, Interaction diagrams, Use cases, Use case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams.
Advanced Behavioral Modeling: Events and signals, state machines, processes and Threads, time and space, state chart diagrams.
Architectural Modeling: Component, Deployment, Component diagrams, and Deployment diagrams. Case Study: The Unified Library application.
• Ability to find solutions to the complex problems using an object-oriented approach
• Represent classes, responsibilities, and states using UML notation
• Identify classes and responsibilities of the problem domain
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML Review Questions List
- What is an abstract class? Mention its use. Can the concrete class be a superclass? If yes, give an example, if no, give a reason.
- Create a class hierarchy to organize the following drink classes: Mineral water, wine, alcoholic, nonalcoholic, grape juice, soda, bears.
- Draw the use-case diagram for Hotel Information System. There are two types of customers: Tour-group customers and Individual customers. Both can book, cancel, check-in and check-out of a room by Phone or via the Internet. There are booking process clerk and reception staff who manages
it. A customer can pay his bill by credit card or pay utility bills. - What do you mean by Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? What are the phases (stages) of it? Which phase requires maximum efforts? Also explain why domain analysis i.e. domain class model, domain state model, and domain interaction model is important.
- Under what situation activity diagram should not be used? Which diagrams are preferable under such situations?
Also give practical situations, when to use the following diagram: a. Use-Case Diagram, b. Object Diagram, c. Interaction diagram - What are the similarities/dissimilarities between a sequence diagram and a collaboration diagram? Draw the Interaction diagram for an ATM – used for a card-based banking system.
- Prepare an object diagram showing at least 10 relationships among the following object classes. Include associations and qualified associations, aggregations, generalizations, and multiplicity. You may add additional objects. Also, show attributes and operations. School, playground, principal, school board, classroom, book, student, teacher, canteen, restroom, computer, desk, chair.
- What the use is of “include” and “extends” relationships in the use-case diagram?
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