IBPS RRB Online Test 2020 – Free Mock Test Series for Exam Preparation

IBPS RRB Online Test 2020: The IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) will conduct the IBPS RRB Prelims for Officer Scale I on Aug 2020. For Office Assistant, the IBPS RRB Preliminary examination is scheduled for Aug 2020. At this point, applicants who have applied for the examination must have finished their IBPS RRB Online Test syllabus. It is, therefore, extremely important to take a few IBPS RRB mock test (IBPS RRB ऑनलाइन टेस्ट) for the post you have applied.

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IBPS RRB Online Test 2020

IBPS RRB is one of the Competitive exams, On this page, the applicants will find the complete syllabus of IBPS RRB Notification Syllabus with an explanation for all the questions. IBPS RRB Prelims Exam having the English Language, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability. And Mains exam having the English Language, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability, general awareness & computer knowledge.  So, all the competitors need to know the simple tricks to know the Questions. Thus, the applicants can check and know all the details of the Quantitative Quiz.

Online Test NameIBPS RRB
Exam TypeMultiple Choice Questions
CategoryIBPS RRB Online Quiz
No.of Questions20/30 Questions (Based on Examination)
Time20/30 Minutes (Based on Examination)
Exam ModeOnline
Medium of ExamEnglish, Hindi and other local languages

IBPS RRB Online Test 2019 - Free Mock Test Series for Exam Preparation

About IBPS RRB Mock Test

An online test is a practice examination designed to be as much similar to the real examination as possible. It has several reasons specifically for the Banking, SSC & Insurance Examination aspirant. It gives the candidate a good idea of what to expect, and useful practice in time mgmt. For candidates who are performing well in the Mock Tests, it can be a boost to their confidence. For applicants who are not working hard, it serves as a useful wake-up call so that they can improve & overcome their shortcomings.

For all candidates, it can highlight areas that really need more practice for the test. It makes an exam aspirant habitual of the test-taking environment so that he/she doesn’t feel uncomfortable or uneasy when taking the real test

Syllabus for IBPS RRB – (Prelims & Mains)

Prelims Exam Syllabus:

  • Reasoning &
  • Numerical Ability

Mains Syllabus:

  • Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • Numerical Ability
  • English Language/ Hindi Language
  • Computer Knowledge

Prelims Exam Pattern & Marks

SectionsNo.of QuestionsMarksDuration of exam
Reasoning40 Que40 Marks45 Minutes
Numerical Ability40 Que40 Marks
Total80 Que80 Marks

Mains Exam Pattern & Marks

Reasoning Question Paper40 Questions50 Marks
General Awareness Paper40 Questions40 Marks
Numerical Ability Paper40 Questions50 Marks
English Language / Hindi Language40 Questions40 Marks
Computer Knowledge Syllabus Paper40 Questions20 Marks
Total200 Questions200 Marks

How To Take IBPS RRB Mock Test

Following are the steps as under to take the IBPS RRB mock tests 2020 is:

Step 1: Visit the bank mock test page

Step 2: From the left side of the screen, click on “Select Exam” and then select “IBPS RRB Officer Prelims”.

Step 3: Now click on “Select Test Type” and select “Full Test” from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Click on “Select Test” and select the test you want to take.

Step 5: Click on “Start Solving” or “Start Test”.

Step 6: Read the instructions carefully and then click on “I am ready yo begin”. Your test will start.

How to Start the IBPS RRB OnlineTest

IBPS RRB Practice Test: Before starting of the IBPS RRB examination start the 1st section, you must read the instructions. Instructions are available on the screen. So, see the instructions carefully next start the exam. Next read the question and see below choices like a,b,c,d. Choose a suitable answer for the above question & click on the particular answer and move forward to the next question. In this wise, you can answer the remaining all questions. If you don’t know the answers simply move to the next there -ve marking there. Finally, complete the section submit the online test and get a score. This is the pattern for the IBPS RRB attempting the Online Mock Test.

Free IBPS RRB Mock Test Series

So if applicants sincerely follow our study plan and practice our IBPS RRB office assistant exam and officer scale I mock test free packages it will surely reap you the success. Nowadays banking examinations are getting more tougher as the competition has become huge. Daily practice of IBPS RRB office assistant and officer scale I mock test free packages available at our site will increase your speed, accuracy, and confidence. Practice it and assess your level in a daily manner. As a result, you can realize your mistakes and correct them later. We have also provided the detail answer key for every mock test. After finishing the test you can use it for future reference.

In these test series, after completing the exam you can check your rank among the other competitive candidates. So you can analyze how much you are lagging behind. It will motivate you to practice harder and get a good rank among the other applicants. So it will automatically reflect in your real examination performance and you can easily get to the results.

Start Quiz for IBPS RRB Mock Test

Once you finished the whole syllabus then start attempt the full-length Mock Exam Test. Make sure that you attempt at least one online test daily & then analyze your performance of that day to day. Find out where you got stuck, where you spend more time, where you made silly mistakes, what you could have done so that your score improves. In the initial stage, if you get fewer marks then don’t get disappointed. Slowly after some time, you will definitely get good marks, just continue with your practice & never give up. Try out the different strategy of attempting the paper so that you score to get good marks in 45 Min.

  • IBPS RRB Prelims Online Quiz
  • IBPS RRB Mains Online Quiz

Hope this article is useful for those who are prepared for the IBPS RRB 2020 Online Test. Here we have given the Free Online Tests, exam pattern, syllabus, and other details are also mentioned above on this page and if you have any doubts give a comment via comment section. Please don’t forget to share this article to others and get the latest details about all the competitive examinations.

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