Web Technology Notes- B.tech 3rd Year Books PDF
Web Technology Pdf: Check out Web Technology Pdf Download for Engineering Third Year Students.
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Web Technology Pdf Notes
Web Technology Pdf: Web Technology introduces you to the basic concepts of the internet, it also deals with the resources needed to access the Internet. On completion of this unit, you will be able to explain the evaluation of the Internet, Establish an Internet connection, Explain the role of Internet Services. This course is designed to introduce students with no programming experience to the programming languages and techniques associated with the World Wide Web. The course will introduce web-based media-rich programming tools for creating interactive web pages.
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List of Reference Books for Web Technology
- TCP/IP – Forouzan (TMH)
- Internet and World Wide Web, How to Program, Dietel and Dietel, Pearson Education.
- Complete Reference JAVA – Naughton Schildt
- Web Technologies – Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate
- Programming the World Wide Web, Robet W Sebesta, 7ed, Pearson.
- Web Technologies, Uttam K Roy, Oxford
- The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming, Bai, Ekedahl, Farrelll, Gosselin, Zak, Karparhi, Maclntyre, Morrissey, Cengage
- Ruby on Rails Up and Running, Lightning fast Web development, Bruce Tate, Curt Hibbs, Oreilly (2006)
- Programming Perl, 4ed, Tom Christiansen, Jonathan Orwant, Oreilly (2012)
- Web Technologies, HTML< JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP, XML and AJAX, Black book, Dream Tech.
- An Introduction to Web Design, Programming, Paul S Wang, Sanda S Katila, Cengage
Web Technology Syllabus- B.Tech 3rd Year
Basic Syntax, Standard HTML Document Structure, Basic Text Markup, Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, HTML5
CSS: Levels of Style Sheets, Style Specification Formats, Selector Forms, The Box Model, Conflict Resolution
UNIT-II: Javascript
The Basic of Javascript: Objects, Primitives Operations and Expressions, ScreenOutput and Keyboard Input, Control Statements, Object Creation and Modfication, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Patttern Matching using Regular Expressions DHTML: Positioning Moving and Changing Elements
XML: Document type Definition, XML schemas, Document object model, XSLT, DOM and SAX Approaches, AJAX A New Approach: Introduction to AJAX, Integrating PHP and AJAX.
PHP Programming: Introducing PHP: Creating a PHP script, Running PHP script. Working with variables and constants: Using variables, Using constants, Data types, Operators. Controlling program flow: Conditional statements, Control statements, Arrays, functions. Working with forms and Databases such as MySQL.
Introduction to PERL, Operators and if statements, Program design, and control structures, Arrays, Hashes and File handling, Regular expressions, Subroutines, Retrieving documents from the web with Perl.
Introduction to Ruby, Variables, types, simple I/O, Control, Arrays, Hashes, Methods, Classes, Iterators, Pattern Matching. Overview of Rails.
• Analyze a web page and identify its elements and attributes.
• Create web pages using XHTML and Cascading Styles Sheets.
• Build dynamic web pages.
• Build web applications using PHP.
• Programming through PERL and Ruby
• Write simple client-side scripts using AJAX
List of Important Questions for Web Technology
- Write the HTML code to display your class time table.
- Explain different types of cascading style styles with suitable examples.
- Write a JavaScript code to test whether the given number is an Armsstrong number or not.
- What are the differences between DTDs and XML Schema?
- Write an XML program to illustrate XSLT.
- Explain the importance of XML in web applications.
- What are the differences between a traditional web application and an AJAX-based web application?
- Explain the working mechanism of AJAX with a suitable example.
- Write a PHP script for uploading a file to the server and display the uploaded files details.
- Write a PHP script to validate the student data (Name, Regd.No, Email) using regular expressions and store in the database.
- Explain HTML tags emulation, arrays, hashes in PERL.
- Which feature of Perl provides code reusability? Give an example of that feature.
- Explain hashes and classes in ruby with suitable examples.
- Describe MVC architecture and Write ruby code for web application
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