TS ICET Syllabus 2025 (Available) – Check the TS Section wise Syllabus Topics for ICET – Free Download

TS ICET Syllabus 2025: Here you can download the TS ICET 2021 Syllabus – Every year the online integrated management test takes place in the month of May 2021. So, aspirants who are planning to appear for TSICET 2021 Exam. Even more, for the convenience of candidates, the examination body releases the syllabus for TS ICET. This way it becomes easier for an applicant to prepare according to the points. The exam has 3 sections which will test on your analytical, mathematical & communication skills (टीएस आईसीईटी सिलेबस).

An applicant must compete in all the sections to secure a good rank in the examination. You can download the TS ICET Syllabus 2021 PDF that will be available on this page.

Also, read the following article links to know other information about the TS ICET 2021 Exam will be given as:

TS ICET Syllabus 2025 (Available) – Important Dates

Name of the EventsTS ICET Syllabus – Important Dates 2021
Issue of notification4th week of February 2021
Starting of registration for the online application form1st week of Mar 2021
Last date to fill and submit the application form without late fee4th week of March 2021
Last date to fill and submit an application form with late fee of Rs. 500/-1st week of May 2021
Last date to fill and submit the application fee (with late fee of Rs. 2000/-)2nd week of May 2021
Last date to fill and submit the application fee (with late fee of Rs. 5000/-)2nd week of May 2021
Starting of downloading the hall ticket1st week of May 2021
TS ICET 2020 exam date4th week of May 2021
Releasing of preliminary key4th week of May 2021
Last date of submission objection on the preliminary answer key4th week of May 2021
Declaration of result and final answer key2nd week of June 2021
Counseling started fromJun/Jul 2021

TS ICET 2021 Syllabus

TS ICET Section A Syllabus 2025 – Analytical Ability

1. Data Sufficiency:

A question is given followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as I and II. If the data given in I alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (1) is the correct answer. If the data given in II alone is sufficient to answer the question then choice (2) is the correct answer. If both I and II put together are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement alone is sufficient, then choice (3) is the correct answer. If both I and II put together are not sufficient to answer the question and additional data is needed, then choice (4) is the correct answer.

2. Problem Solving

a) Sequences and Series:

Analogies of numbers and alphabet, completion of blank spaces following the pattern in a: b: c: d relationship; odd thing out: missing number in a sequence or a series.

b) Data Analysis:

The data are given in a Table, Graph, Bar diagram, Pie Chart, Venn Diagram or a The passage is to be analyzed and the questions pertaining to the data are to be answered.

c) Coding and Decoding Problems:

A code pattern of the English Alphabet is given. A given word or a group of letters is to be coded or decoded based on the given code or codes.

d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems:

Calendar problems, clock problems, blood relationships, arrivals, departures and schedules, seating arrangements, symbol and notation interpretation.

TS ICET Section B Syllabus 2025 – Mathematical Ability

I. Arithmetical Ability

Laws of indices, ratio, and proportion; surds; numbers and divisibility, l.c.m. and g.c.d; Rational numbers, Ordering; Percentages; Profit and loss; Partnership, Pipes and cisterns, time, distance and work problems, areas and volumes, mensuration, modular arithmetic.

II. Algebraical and Geometrical Ability

Statements, Truth tables, implication converse and inverse, Tautologies-Sets, Relations and functions, applications – Equation of a line in different forms.Trigonometry – Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles, (0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 180°): Trigonometric identities: sample problems on heights and
distances, Polynomials; Remainder theorem and consequences; Linear equations and expressions; Progressions, Binomial Theorem, Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative; Plane geometry – lines, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate geometry-distance between points.

III.Statistical Ability:

Frequency distributions, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, simple problems on Probability.

TS ICET Section C Syllabus 2025 – Communication Ability

Objectives of the Test

1. Identify the vocabulary used in day-to-day communication.
2. Understand the functional use of grammar in day-to-day communication as well as in
the business contexts.
3. Identify the basic terminology and concepts in computer and business contexts (letters,
reports, memoranda, agenda, minutes, etc.).
4. Understand written text and drawing inferences.

Part 1: Vocabulary
Part 2: Business and Computer terminology
Part 3: Functional Grammar
Part 4: Reading Comprehension (3 Passages)

TS ICET 2021 Exam Pattern

TS ICET Syllabus: First, check the TS ICET exam pattern of an exam before starting your preparation. It will give you a general idea of the number and type of questions in the exam. Moreover, you will know the marking scheme and the total duration of the exam.

  • Examination Mode – The exam is an online computer-based test.
  • Question Types –All questions MCQs with four options each.
  • The medium of test – English – Section-C; English, Telugu, and Urdu – Section-A & Section-B.
  • Marking Plan – Each question carries 1 mark for every correct answer. Moreover, there is no negative marking in the exam.
  • No of Questions – There is a total of 200 questions in the paper.
  • Duration of the test –The total duration of the exam is 150 min.

How to check the TS ICET Exam Syllabus 2025

The following are the steps to check the Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test 2021 is given as:

  • First, visit the official website of TS ICET www.tsche.ac.in
  • The home page will be available on the screen.
  • Next, search the ‘Syllabus’ tab on the home page.
  • After that, select the course name and hit on the ok button.
  • Now, the Telangana State Integrated Common Entrance Test Syllabus will be available now.
  • Finally, download the Syllabus PDF and take a hard copy for future reference.

Download TSICET 2021 Syllabus [email protected]

TS ICET Syllabus 2025 DownloadClick Here

In this page, we have given the information regarding the TS ICET 2021 Entrance Syllabus PDF. So, if you have any confusion give a comment via the comment section otherwise move to the official website link is given in the above paragraphs. Don’t forget to share or subscribe to this web portal with your friends.

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