TS HORTICET Syllabus PDF 2023 – Exam Papers, Pattern, Marking Scheme & Duration
TS HORTICET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025: The details related to the TS HORTICET Syllabus 2025 are provided in this article. Therefore, the candidates need to check all the particulars of the TS HORTICET from this post. Furthermore, the officials of the Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University will conduct the Horticulture Common Entrance Test in July 2025 (टीएस HORTICET सिलेबस). So, the contenders need to check the syllabus for the exam from this page. At the last of this article, we have attached a link to download the Horticulture Syllabus 2025 PDF for the sake of competitors. Hence, the contenders need to check all the sections which are arranged in this post.
In addition to this, the competitors need to start their preparation without any delay. So, check the below sections to get more clarification about the TS HORTICET Syllabus 2025. In this, all the details are related to the
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TS HORTICET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025
Before starting the preparation, the candidates need to gather the syllabus for the Horticulture Common Entrance Test. So, we have arranged all the data in this article for the sake of contenders. Furthermore, the individuals can collect the TS HORTICET Syllabus 2025 from the official site. Moreover, we have obtained and arranged the same information on this page. Thus, the students can check this post after completing the application process to gather the topics. In addition to this, the contenders can check the below table to get an idea about the examination dates. Hence, we suggest the competitors collect the syllabus to practice for the test. Without any delay, the contenders need to begin their preparation for the examination.
Name Of The Organization | Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University |
Name Of The Examination | Horticulture Common Entrance Test |
Date Of Written Exam | July 2022 |
Category | Entrance Exams |
Sub Category | Agriculture Entrance Exams |
Official Website | drysrhu.edu.in |
TS HORTICET Exam Syllabus 2025
- Application of nanotechnology
- Biochemistry
- Genetics and breeding of horticulture crops
- Principle of horticulture and plant biotechnology
- Agricultural principles
- Applied Physical Sciences and Statistics
- Entomology and apiculture
- Disease and pest management
- Commercial horticulture and bio-inputs
- Forestry, natural resources, and environmental sciences
- Vegetable Science and post-harvest technology
- Crop physiology
- Floriculture
- Medicinal and aromatic plants
TS HORTICET Syllabus 2025 Exam Papers & Subjects
The TS HORTICET (Telangana State Horticulture Common Entrance Test) is a state-level entrance exam conducted by the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) for admission into the B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture degree program.
The exam consists of a single paper with 200 multiple choice questions. The duration of the exam is two hours. The questions are based on the following subjects:
- Physical Sciences: Physics and Chemistry
- Biological Sciences: Botany, Zoology, and Horticulture
- Mathematics: Mathematics at 10+2 level
The distribution of questions from each subject is as follows:
- Physical Sciences – 40 questions
- Biological Sciences – 60 questions
- Mathematics – 100 questions
The exam is conducted in English and Telugu languages. The standard of the exam is that of intermediate level of Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education.
The TS HORTICET exam paper includes questions on various topics like plant physiology, plant breeding, seed technology, horticultural crop production, soil science, plant pathology, entomology, agriculture economics, and agricultural meteorology, etc.
Candidates who clear the TS HORTICET exam are eligible for admission into the B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture degree program offered by PJTSAU and its affiliated colleges in the state of Telangana.
TS HORTICET 2025 Exam Pattern
TS HORTICET consists of objective multiple choice types of questions from the relevant subjects. The language of the test will be Telugu only.
- The Exam is in Offline Mode.
- The questions will be of objective type.
- Each question paper contains 200 questions for 200 marks.
- The duration of each question paper is 2 hours.
TS HORTICET 2025 Exam Duration, marks
The duration and marks of TS HORTICET exam are as follows:
- Duration: The TS HORTICET (Telangana State Horticulture Common Entrance Test) is a 2-hour exam.
- Marks: The TS HORTICET exam is conducted for a total of 200 marks.
The exam consists of 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), with each question carrying one mark. The questions in the exam are based on the syllabus prescribed by the Telangana State Horticulture University (TSHU), which includes topics such as Horticulture, Agricultural Science, Botany, Zoology, Physics, and Chemistry.
Candidates who score above the qualifying marks in the TS HORTICET exam are eligible for admission to the B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture program offered by TSHU. The qualifying marks for general category candidates are 25% of the maximum marks, while there is no qualifying marks requirement for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
TS HORTICET 2025 Negative Marking Scheme
TS HORTICET (Telangana State Horticulture Common Entrance Test) is an entrance exam conducted for admission to undergraduate programs in horticulture in colleges across Telangana state.
As per the official notification, there is no negative marking scheme for TS HORTICET. So, candidates are advised to attempt all the questions in the exam without any fear of negative marking.
However, it is important for candidates to read and understand the instructions carefully before attempting the exam. They should also manage their time effectively and attempt the questions they are confident about first, and then move on to the others.
Overall, candidates should focus on answering the questions to the best of their knowledge and not worry about negative marking.
Download TS HORTICET Syllabus 2025 PDF
Following are the links regarding the Telangana State HORTICET Entrance Exam Syllabus in the academic year of 2022 PDF download link is available in below table:
TS HORTICET Syllabus 2025 PDF | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
TS HORTICET 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern FAQs
TS HORTICET (Telangana State Horticulture Common Entrance Test) is a state-level entrance exam conducted by the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) for admission into undergraduate courses in Horticulture.
What is the exam pattern for TS HORTICET?
The exam pattern for TS HORTICET is as follows:
1. The exam consists of one paper with 200 multiple-choice questions.
2. The duration of the exam is two hours.
3. The language of the exam is English.
4. Each question carries one mark, and there is no negative marking for wrong answers.
5. The exam is divided into three sections: Agriculture Sciences (60 questions), Physical Sciences (60 questions), and Biological Sciences (80 questions).
What is the syllabus for TS HORTICET?
The syllabus for TS HORTICET includes topics from Agriculture Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Biological Sciences. Some of the important topics are:
Agriculture Sciences:
1. Agronomy
2. Seed Technology
3. Soil Science
4. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
5. Agricultural Economics
Physical Sciences:
1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
Biological Sciences:
1. Botany
2. Zoology
3. Biochemistry
4. Microbiology
What are the eligibility criteria for TS HORTICET?
The eligibility criteria for TS HORTICET are as follows:
1. The candidate should be a citizen of India.
2. The candidate should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission.
3. The candidate should have passed 10+2 with Biology, Physics, and Chemistry as main subjects.
4. The candidate should have scored a minimum of 45% (40% for SC/ST candidates) in the qualifying exam.
How to apply for TS HORTICET?
Candidates can apply for TS HORTICET online by visiting the official website of PJTSAU. The application form can be filled and submitted online, along with the application fee. The application fee for general category candidates is Rs. 1300, and for SC/ST candidates, it is Rs. 650.
What is the mode of the TS HORTICET exam?
The mode of the TS HORTICET exam is offline (pen and paper-based). Candidates have to mark their answers on an OMR sheet using a black or blue ballpoint pen.
When will TS HORTICET be conducted?
The date of the TS HORTICET exam is usually announced by PJTSAU in the month of May or June. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the schedule may change. Candidates are advised to check the official website of PJTSAU for updates.
Hope this article will be useful for the candidates to get the details of TS HORTICET Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025. If you have any queries, please mention it in the comment box. Share this article with your friends. Click on allow notifications options on our website to get the latest updates of Exam Updates.