Python Programming Notes – Books PDF

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Python Programming Notes Pdf Download

Increasingly, processes and systems are researched or developed through computer simulations: new aircraft prototypes such as for the recent A are first designed and tested virtually through computer simulations. With the ever-increasing computational power available through supercomputers, clusters of computers and even desktop and laptop machines, this trend is likely to continue.

Python Programming Books Pdf Download

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List of Reference Books for Phyton Programming- 2nd Year

  • Python Programming: A Modern Approach, Vamsi Kurama, Pearson
  • Learning Python, Mark Lutz, Orielly
  • Think Python, Allen Downey, Green Tea Press
  • Core Python Programming, W.Chun, Pearson.
  • Introduction to Python, Kenneth A. Lambert, Cengage

Python Programming Syllabus- 1st Sem


Introduction: History of Python, Need of Python Programming, Applications Basics of Python Programming Using the REPL(Shell), Running Python Scripts, Variables, Assignment, Keywords, Input-Output, Indentation.


Types, Operators, and Expressions: Types – Integers, Strings, Booleans; Operators- Arithmetic Operators, Comparison (Relational) Operators, Assignment Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators, Expressions and order of evaluations Control Flow- if, if-elif-else, for, while break, continue, pass


Data Structures Lists – Operations, Slicing, Methods; Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Sequences. Comprehensions.


Functions – Defining Functions, Calling Functions, Passing Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments, Variable-length arguments, Anonymous Functions, Fruitful Functions (Function Returning Values), Scope of the Variables in a Function- Global and Local Variables. Modules: Creating modules, import statements, from. The import statement, namespacing, Python packages, Introduction to PIP, Installing Packages via PIP, Using Python Packages


Object-Oriented Programming OOP in Python: Classes, ‘ self-variable’, Methods, Constructor Method, Inheritance, Overriding Methods, Data hiding, Error, and Exceptions: Difference between an error and Exception, Handling Exception, try except for block, Raising Exceptions, User Defined Exceptions


Brief Tour of the Standard Library – Operating System Interface – String Pattern Matching, Mathematics, Internet Access, Dates and Times, Data Compression, Multithreading, GUI Programming, Turtle Graphics Testing: Why testing is required ?, Basic concepts of testing, Unit testing in Python, Writing Test cases, Running Tests.

• Making Software easily right out of the box.
• Experience with an interpreted Language.
• To build software for real needs.
• Prior Introduction to testing software

Python Programming Review Questions

  • What are IDLE usability features?
  • Explain about keywords used in Python.
  •  What are 4 built-in numeric data types in Python? Explain.
  • Describe Python’s jump statements with examples.
  • Explain in detail about dictionaries in Python.
  • Discuss tuples in Python.
  • Describe anonymous functions examples.
  • Why use modules? How to structure a program?
  • Explain creating classes in Python with examples.
  • Define error and exception. Distinguish between these two features.
  • Why testing is required? Explain in detail.
  • Explain the following: i) Calendar module ii) Synchronizing threads
  • Discuss bout variables and assignments.
  • Explain about IDLE startup details.
  • What are Python assignment operators? Explain.
  • Explain about iteration statements with examples.
  • Discuss immutable constraints and frozen sets.
  • What are built-in dictionary functions? Explain. (7M)
  • Distinguish between local and global variables with examples.
  • Briefly, discuss Python packages.
  • Explain about handling an exception.
  • Describe data hiding and constructors.
  • Explain about writing test cases and running tests.
  •  Explain the following: i) TopLevel widgets ii) Scale widget

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  1. please provide the all kind of notes regarding the python programming and c programming language…….its my exam of 2nd sem btech

  2. I want pdf format pearson edition authorised by vamsi kurama text book in all units

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