IBPS Clerk Online Test 2020 – Free Mock Test Series for Exam Preparation

IBPS Clerk Online Test 2020: Here you can Practice the Online Test for IBPS Clerk Competitive Examination. Before getting into the information of Free IBPS Clerk Mock Test Series (IBPS क्लर्क ऑनलाइन टेस्ट), we need to know about the IBPS Clerk exam pattern. The preliminary exam has 3 sections – English Language, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability. The duration of the examination is 1 hour. The mains examination also has general awareness & computer knowledge along with the 3 sections that are available in the prelims exam. According to the previous year, the IBPS Clerk Notification & Examination Online Test conducted in the month of December 2020 and Mains Examination conducted in the January 2020.

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IBPS Clerk Online Test 2020

IBPS Clerk is one of the Competitive exams, On this page, the applicants will find the complete syllabus of IBPS Clerk Notification Syllabus with an explanation for all the questions. IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam having the English Language, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability. And Mains exam having the English Language, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability, general awareness & computer knowledge.  So, all the competitors need to know the simple tricks to know the Questions. Thus, the applicants can check and know all the details of the Quantitative Quiz.

Online Test NameIBPS Clerk
Exam TypeMultiple Choice Questions
CategoryIBPS Clerk Online Test
No.of Questions20/30 Questions (Based on Examination)
Time20/30 Minutes (Based on Examination)
Exam ModeOnline
Medium of ExamEnglish, Hindi and other local languages

IBPS Clerk Online Test 2019 - Free Mock Test Series for Exam Preparation

IBPS Clerk 2020 Notification Details

IBPS will be releasing the Official Notification for IBPS Clerk 2020 Examination soon. The Examination dates have been declared by IBPS in its recent Exam Schedule for the year 2020. With the release of the official Announcement, IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2020 will start soon. The Online Registration for IBPS Clerk 2020 will start post release of Notification.

According to IBPS Official Calendar 2018-19, IBPS Clerk 2020 Prelims examination is scheduled for 07-12-2019, 08-12-2019, 14-12-2019 & 15th December 2020 and the mains examination is scheduled on 25-01-2020. IBPS Clerk 2020 is going to be a chance for those who have not been able to get through SBI and other Bank Recruitment Examinations.

Free IBPS Clerk Mock Test Online 2020

IBPS Clerk Online Test: We provide free IBPS Clerk mock tests for the preparation of IBPS Clerk examination in the year 2020. The online tests are available for access at any time from the comfort of your home systems. First Register and to get unlimited practice tests here.

  • The online tests are designed keeping in mind the latest IBPS Clerk examination pattern.
  • The mock tests are prepared by exam toppers and top faculty from across the country.
  • Detailed solutions are given after every mock test.
  • The mock tests will help you analyze your performance and focus on your weak areas.

IBPS examinations provide everything you need to prepare for the 2020 IBPS Clerk Online exam. Thousands of banking applicants have benefited from our wide importance for study material, online video coaching, practice tests, mock tests, and sectional and topic tests and online test series created by experts from across the country.

Syllabus for IBPS Clerk – Prelims & Mains

Preliminary Exam Syllabus:

  • English Language
  • Numerical Ability
  • Reasoning Ability

Main Exam Syllabus:

  • Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude
  • English Language
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • General/ Financial Awareness

Prelims Exam Pattern & Marks

IBPS Clerk Online Test – Name of TestsNo. of QuestionsMax MarksDuration of exam
English Language30 Que30 Marks20 minutes
Numerical Ability35 Que35 Marks20 minutes
Reasoning Ability35 Que35 Marks20 minutes
Total100 Questions100 Marks 1 Hour

Mains Exam Pattern & Marks

Name of Tests(ObjectiveNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration of exam
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude50 Que6045 minutes
English Language40 Que4035 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude50 Que5045 minutes
General/ Financial Awareness50 Que5035 minutes
Total190 Questions200160 minutes

How to Start the IBPS Clerk Mock Test

IBPS Clerk Practice Test: Before starting the IBPS Clerk examination start the 1st section, you must read the instructions. Instructions are available on the screen. So, see the instructions carefully next start the exam. Next read the question and see below choices like a,b,c,d. Choose a suitable answer for the above question & click on the particular answer and move forward to the next question. In this wise, you can answer the remaining questions. If you don’t know the answers simply move to the next there -ve marking there. Finally complete the section submit the online test and get a score. This is the pattern for the Logical reasoning attempting the Online Mock Test.

IBPS Clerk Mock Test Series for Exam Preparation

Examupdates provides online test series for various banks and SSC examinations like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, BANK PO, SBI PO, RBI, NABARD, SSC, CGL, SSC, CHSL and other. These test series are well researched and perfectly emulated for the exact pattern for the exam. Practice Papers are prepared to keep in mind the last years’ pattern and expected changes in the previous pattern and level of questions.

Start Quiz for IBPS Clerk 

IBPS Clerk Online Test: Practice sample diagrammatic IQ tests. Many test publishers also provide practice sections that you can access, such as Graduate Monkey and this is certainly worth doing. It can be useful to develop a mental ability of points to solve logical reasoning questions, such as some of the different rules that govern size, shape, number and other. This can help you to work more on the test. Look at one rule at a time. There may be extraneous data within the question, which is designed to confuse you. Focusing on a single aspect can help you work out what is important and what’s not. Manage your time.

Some Other times you will come up against a question where you just can’t observe the answer. Tempting as it can be, don’t spend too much time on it. If you’re struggling to find an exam pattern, some times there are answer clues in the question. Look for any exam patterns or themes in the possible solutions; that might help you spot what is important within the question. For ex, if you have a sequence of shapes & all of the answers are squares or triangles, you know that the next shape in the sequence must be either a square or a triangle, which could help guide you as to why.

  • IBPS Clerk Prelims Online Quiz
  • IBPS Clerk Mains Online Quiz

In this page, we have given the overall information regarding the IBPS Clerk 2020 Online Test. Syllabus, and Exam Pattern for both prelims & Mains examination are available in this page. So, visit once in this article and if you have any quesry ask the below comment section or simply move to the official link provided in the above. Don’t forget to share this website with our friends and neighbors and get the latest information about the competitive exams.

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