GATE Physics Reference Books 2024 – PH Top Books

GATE Physics Reference books: Check out details of GATE Physics Reference Books. Best Suggested books are very important for GATE 2021 exam and Physics Preparation. Here below we have provided Best Recommended books for GATE Physics. you can also Check GATE Notification 2021 and the last date to apply for 2021 (GATE भौतिकी संदर्भ पुस्तकें). Check GATE PH: Physics syllabus for 2021. Below you can check Important Books for GATE Exam with Author/publication names.

About GATE 2021

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering(GATE) is a national level exam to test the performance and understanding capability of students in their graduate fields. This test is useful for the admissions in M.E/M-Tech and other NITs Throughout India. The GATE exam is jointly conducted by the seven IITs(Indian Institute of Technology) and IISc(Indian Institute of Science) on behalf of the  National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HR Development (MHRD), Govt of India. The GATE exam score is important for recruitment in many of the govt and private organizations. For many private organizations, the GATE score is compulsory.

GATE Physics Reference Books

GATE 2021 Exam Dates6.02.2021,


1 3.02.2021,


Organizing Institution of GATEIIT Guwahati
GATE Official Website
GATE Syllabus 2024Check Here
GATE 2021 Online ApplicationClick Here
GATE Previous Question PapersDownload Here
GATE Candidates LoginLink
GATE 2021 Cut OffCheck here

About Physics in GATE 2021:


Physics is the application of basic scientific principles to the design of equipment, which includes electronic and electro-mechanical sys, for use in measurements, communications & data acquisition. By focusing on the scientific method, it seeks ways to apply, design and develop new solutions in engineering. Students are prepared to solve complex technological probs in fields such as nuclear science, aerospace & computing. For the preparation in GATE, candidates should study the reference books. Below are some of the reference text books for GATE preparation. So we are providing the list of reference books for the GATE examination 2021.

Visit below websites for more information:

Best Reference Books for GATE PH: Physics

Verbal and numerical ability:

  • General Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning – G.K Publications
  • Objective English for Competitive Examination 5th Ed – Hari Mohan Prasad
  • Solved papers on verbal and numerical ability – Made Easy Team

Engineering Mathematics books for GATE

  1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – RK Jain, SRK Iyengar
  2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – HK Dass
  3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Erwin Kreyszig
  4. Engineering Mathematics solved papers – Made easy publications
  5. Engineering and Mathematics general aptitude – G.K Publications
  6. GATE Engineering and Mathematics – Nodia and company
  7. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Bandaru Ramana
  8. Higher Engineering Mathematics – B.S. Grewal

GATE Physics Reference books:

SubjectBook nameAuthor
Mathematical PhysicsMathematical Methods for Physics and EngineeringRiley
Student Solution Manual for Mathematical Methods for Physics and EngineeringK. F. Riley and M. P. Hobson
Mathematical PhysicsH. K. Dass
Mathematical PhysicsB.D. Gupta
Introduction to Mathematical PhysicsMichael T. Vaughan
Introduction to Mathematical PhysicsS Chandra and M K Sharma
Classical PhysicsIntroduction to Classical MechanicsTakwale, R and Puranik
An Introduction to Mechanics (SIE)David Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow
Classical MechanicsAruldhas
Classical MechanicsHerbert Goldstein
Classical MechanicsNarayan Rana and Pramod Joag
Electromagnetic TheoryEngineering Electromagnetics (SIE)William Hayt and John Buck
Principles of ElectromagneticsMathew N.O. Sadiku
Electromagnetics (Schaum’s Outline Series)Joseph Edminister and Vishnu Priye
Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating SystemsJordan and Balmain
Electromagnetic Field TheoryS Ghosh and Lipika Datta
Quantum MechanicsIntroduction to Quantum MechanicsDavid J. Griffiths
Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications


Quantum MechanicsAruldhas G
Principles of Quantum MechanicsR. Shankar
Modern Quantum Mechanics: PnieJ.J. Sakurai
Thermodynamics and Statistical PhysicsStatistical and Thermal Physics: An IntroductionLokanathan
Statistical and Thermal Physics: An IntroductionMichael J.R. Hoch
Fundamentals Of Statistical And Thermal PhysicsREIF
Statistical MechanicsKerson Huang
Statistical Mechanics: International Series of MonographsR K Pathria
Atomic and Molecular PhysicsPhysics of Atoms and MoleculesB.H. Bransden
Atomic Physics (Modern Physics)S.N. Ghoshal
Introduction to Atomic SpectraHarvey Elliott White
Fundamentals for Molecular SpectroscopyColin Banwell and Elaine Mccash
Atomic and Molecular PhysicsRaj Kumar
Problems in Atomic and Molecular PhysicsD K Dhawan
Solid State PhysicsIntroduction to Solid State PhysicsCharles Kittel
Solid State PhysicsN. David
Elementary Solid State PhysicsM. Ali Omar
Solid State PhysicsR.K. Puri
Solid State Phy: Structure & Properties of MaterialsM. A. Wahab
Nuclear and Particle PhysicsIntroductory Nuclear PhysicsKenneth S. Krane
Introduction to Nuclear and Particle PhysicsVerma V.K
Nuclear And Particle PhysicsSuresh Chandra & Mohit K. Sharma
Nuclear and Particle PhysicsS.L. Kakani
Nuclear PhysicsS.N. Ghoshal
ElectronicsFundamentals of Electric CircuitsCharles K. Alexander
Network Analysis and SynthesisS.K. Bhatta charya
Semi-conductor Physics and DevicesDonald Neamen, Dhrubes Biswas
Electronic Devices & Circuit TheoryL. Robert Boylestad
Microelectronic CircuitsSedra, Smith, Chandorkar
Integrated Electronics: Analog And Digital CircuitsJacob Millman, Christos Halkias, Chetan Parikh
Op – Amps and Linear Integrated CircuitsGayakwad
Digital Logic and Computer DesignM. Morris Mano
Fundamentals of Digital CircuitsA. Anand Kumar


GATE: Physics Guide books

Book NameAuthor
Gate Guide PhysicsG K Publications
GATE Physics Solved PapersUpkar Publications
3000 Solved Problems in PhysicsAlvin Halpern


GATE: Physics Solved Papers Books

Book NameAuthor
Gate solved Paper Physics: SOLVED Papers 2000 – 2015G K Publications
Chapterwise GATE Physics Solved Papers (2014-2000)Arihant Publications


This page shows the details about the GATE exam and gives the GATE Physics reference books, Engineering mathematics books, and books of verbal and numerical ability. This article is very useful for the Physics Engg students and candidates of all branches who are attending for GATE Exam, Engineering maths books, and books of verbal & numerical ability are useful.

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