CBSE Engineering Graphics Class 11 Syllabus 2025 – Chapters, Topics, Weightage
CBSE Engineering Graphics Class 11 Syllabus 2025: Check out the Information about CBSE Class 11 Engineering Graphics Syllabus 2025, Chapter, Topics – Download PDF in this article. Students who are searching for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Engineering Graphics Syllabus for Class 11, 2020-21 are on the right track. Class XI Students may not have to worry about their Exam Syllabus. As we have provided the Details about Class 11 CBSE Engineering Graphics Syllabus 2025 (सीबीएसई इंजीनियरिंग ग्राफिक्स कक्षा 11 का सिलेबस) in this article.
Students should check out this article to get complete details about CBSE 11th Class Engineering Graphics Syllabus for 2020-21. Download the pdf for CBSE Engineering Graphics Syllabus Class 11 2018 from the given link provided in this article.
CBSE Engineering Graphics Class 11 Syllabus 2025
The table which was mentioned below shows the units and the marks, and also periods of the Engineering Graphics subject.
S.No. | Unit | Marks | Periods |
PLANE GEOMETRY 1. Lines, angles, and rectilinear figures 2. Circles, inscribing, and circumscribing of circles | 10 | 15 | |
SOLID GEOMETRY 3. Orthographic projection of points and lines 4. Orthographic projection of regular plane figures 5. Orthographic projection of right regular solids 6. Section of solids | 30 | 70 | |
MACHINE DRAWING 7. Orthographic projections of simple machine blocks 8. Isometric projection of laminae (plane figures) | 30 | 50 | |
Practicals | 30 | 30 | |
Total Marks | 100 | 165 |
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CBSE Engineering Graphics Class 11 Syllabus 2025-20
S.No. | Units – CBSE Engineering Graphics Class 11 Syllabus | Marks |
Unit – I | Plane Geometry | 16 Marks |
1 | Lines, angles and rectilinear figures | |
2 | Circles and tangents | |
3 | Special curves: ellipse, parabola, involute, cycloid. helix and sine-curve | |
Unit – II | Solid Geometry | 27 Marks |
4 | Orthographic-projections of points and line | |
5 | Orthographic projection of regular plane figures | |
6 | Orthographic projections of right regular solids | |
7 | Section of solid-figures | |
Unit – III | Machine Drawing | 27 Marks |
8 | Orthographic projections of simple machine-blocks | |
9 | Isometric-projection of laminae (plane) figures | |
10 | Development of surfaces | |
IV. | Practical | 30 Marks |
Total Marks | 100 Marks |
Engineering Graphics Syllabus for Class XI
Printing English alphabets (capital and small) numerals in standard proportions. Unidirectional/aligned system of dimensioning as per
Unit – 1: Construction of lines, angles and their divisions. Simple questions based on triangles, square, rhombus, trapeziums, regular polygons-pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. Unit – 2: Construction of circles, external and internal tangents of circles, inscribing, circumscribing circles in an equilateral triangle, square, rhombus, regular polygons-pentagon, hexagon, and octagon.
Unit – 3: Construction of Engineering curves:
- Ellipse by concentric circles, intersecting arcs, and intersecting lines.
- Parabola by intersecting lines and intersecting arcs.
- Involute of a circle, cycloid, helix and sine curve.
Unit – 4: Methods of orthographic projections and dimensioning strictly as per SP: 46- 2003 revised conventions. Projection of points, lines.
Unit – 5 : Orthographic projections of Regular Plane figures – triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, circle and semi-circle.
Unit – 6: Orthographic projections of right regular solids such as cubes, prisms, and pyramid, (square, triangular, pentagonal and hexagonal), cones, cylinders, spheres, hemispheres and frustum of pyramids and cone when they are kept with their axis
(a) Perpendicular, to HP/VP
(b) Parallel to one plane and inclined to the other
(c) Parallel to HP and VP both.
Unit – 7: Section of solids under the same conditions mentioned above made by the horizontal, vertical and inclined planes.
Unit – 6: Orthographic projections of simple machine blocks.
Unit – 7: Construction of isometric scale showing main divisions of 10 mm and smaller divisions of 1 mm each. Isometric projection (drawn to isometric scale) of figures such as triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, circles and semi-circles with their surface parallel to HP or VP and its one side or diagonal or diameter should be either parallel or perpendicular to HP/VP.
Unit – 8: Development of the surfaces of the following solids :
- Cube, cuboid, prisms-triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal.
- Pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal).
- Right circular cylinder and cone.
CBSE Engineering Graphics Practical Syllabus 2025-20
(A) | Practicals (2) | 15 Marks |
(B) | Drawing/ Sketch | 05 Marks |
(C) | Viva-voce | 05 Marks |
(D) | Sessional Work | 05 Marks |
Total Marks | 30 Marks |
- Developing “Prisms” and “Pyramids” with the help of cardboard (thick paper).
- Making different types of graphic designs/ murals for interior/ exterior decorations in color using the knowledge of geometrical figures with the use of any Computer Software such as Collab-CAD and /or any equivalent pertinent software.
- Developing different types of packaging boxes (cartons).
- Preparing top-view (plan) of a classroom, Home: Drawing room / Bedroom / Study room / Kitchen, Engineering Graphics room drawing different objects therein.
- Drawing ellipse by Trammel and Thread method on the ground/drawing sheet /plywood/cardboard, etc
- Drawing through activities: Involutes, cycloid, helix and sine curves listing their uses in daily life.
- Preparing the following sections of solids (prisms, pyramids, spheres, etc.) with clay, soap, thermocol, plasticine, wax or any other material easily and economically available. When the cutting plane is: parallel to the base, perpendicular to the base and inclined to the base. Also creating different objects with a combination of above solids.
Note :
- 20 activities (minimum two each from a fore mentioned seven points) are to be assessed.
- In all the practicals, drawing/sketching of the views should be incorporated and evaluated accordingly.
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We have provided the CBSE Engineering Graphics Class 11 Syllabus Students in this article. Students who are going to write exams may not worry about anything as we have provided everything Related to the subject in this article. So, after reading this article students must be started preparing for the Exams. Also, keep following us for such Updates and Do not forget to share this article with your friends. So, they may also know about CBSE Class 11 Engineering Graphics Syllabus 2025 and they may also start preparing for the Exams.