B.Sc 5th Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2025 – B.Sc 3rd Year Course Structure

The article B.Sc 5th Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2025 – B.Sc 3rd Year gives the complete details about the New applicable B.Sc 5th Semester Syllabus 2025. For any study, the syllabus is the most important part that the student has to follow. Candidates can download the Updated B.Sc fifth semester syllabus 2025 (द्रविड़ियन ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी सिलेबस) on this page which is in pdf format. All the chapters in the B.Sc 5th sem syllabus are also clearly mentioned on this site. Dravidian University provides the syllabus 2025 pdf of the official website.

About Dravidian Open University

The Dravidian University, Kuppam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh with the initial support of governments of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala for integrated development of Dravidian languages and culture. At present, it has 20 academic departments and 6 research centers. The University’s official website is www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in  The Dravidian family of languages, which includes more than 27 tongues, the most ancient, living language family of the world.

Dravidian University B.Sc Course Structure

B.Sc Course structure at Dravidian University
B.Sc is 3 years under graduation course1st yearSemester 14 months Duration
Semester 24 months
2nd yearSemester 34 months
Semester 44 months
3rd yearSemester 54 months
Semester 64 months

B.Sc Courses

Most universities offering some of the courses in Bachelor of Science that is given below.

  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Botany
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Electronics
  • Environmental Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Zoology

Subjects in B.Sc V Semester – Dravidian University

The following are the Dravidian University B.Sc third year – first semester subjects

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Zoology
  • Chemistry
  • Botany
  • Electronics
  • Computer science/Information Technology

Download Dravidian University B.Sc 5th Semester syllabus 2021

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B.Sc 5th Semester Mathematics syllabus – Download


  • UNIT – 1 RINGS-I: – Definition of Ring and basic properties, Boolean Rings, divisors of zero and cancellation laws, Rings, Integral Domains, Division Ring and Fields, The characteristic of a ring – The characteristic of an Integral Domain, The characteristic of a Field. Sub Rings, Ideals
  • UNIT – 2 RINGS-II: – Definition of Homomorphism – Homorphic Image – Elementary Properties of Homomorphism – Kernel of a Homomorphism – Fundamental theorem of Homomorhphism –Maximal Ideals – Prime Ideals.
  • UNIT –3 VECTOR DIFFERENTIATION: – Vector Differentiation, Ordinary derivatives of vectors, Differentiability, Gradient, Divergence, Curl operators, Formulae Involving these operators.
  • UNIT – 4 VECTOR INTEGRATION: – Line Integral, Surface Integral, Volume integral with examples.
  • UNIT – 5 VECTOR INTEGRATION APPLICATIONS: – Theorems of Gauss and Stokes, Green’s theorem in-plane and applications of these theorems.

B.Sc 5th Semester Physics Syllabus – Download

Electricity, Magnetism& Electronics


  • Electric field intensity and potential: Gauss’s law statement and it’s proof- Electric field intensity due to (1) Uniformly charged sphere and (2) an infinite conducting sheet of charge. Electrical potential – equipotential surfaces- potential due to i) a point charge, ii)charged spherical shell and uniformly charged sphere.
  • Dielectrics: Electric dipole moment and molecular polarizability– Electric displacement D, electric polarization P – relation between D, E and P- Dielectric constant and susceptibility. Boundary conditions at the dielectric surface.


  • Electric and magnetic fields Biot-Savart’s law: explanation and calculation of B due to long straight wire, a circular current loop and solenoid – Lorentz force – Hall effect – determination of Hall coefficient and applications.
  • Electromagnetic induction Faraday’s law-Lenz’s law- Self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, calculation of self-inductance of a long solenoid, energy stored in a magnetic field. Transformer – energy losses – efficiency.


  • Alternating currents and electromagnetic waves
    Alternating current – Relation between current and voltage in LR and CR circuits, vector
    diagrams, LCR series and parallel resonant circuit, Q –factor, power in ac circuits.
  • Maxwell’s equations Idea of displacement current – Maxwell’s equations (integral and differential forms) (no derivation), Maxwell’s wave equation (with derivation), Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. Poynting theorem (statement and proof), production of electromagnetic waves (Hertz experiment).


  • Basic electronics: PN juction diode, Zener diode, Tunnel diode, I-V characteristics, PNP and NPN transistors, CB, CE and CC configurations – Relation betweenα, β and γ – transistor (CE) characteristics -Determination of hybrid parameters, Transistor as an amplifier.


  • Digital electronics Number systems – Conversion of binary to decimal system and vice versa. Binary addition and subtraction (1’s and 2’s complement methods).Laws of Boolean algebra – De Morgan’s laws-statement and proof, Basic logic gates, NAND and NOR as universal gates, exclusive OR gate, Half adder and Full adder, Parallel adder circuits.

B.Sc 5th Semester Chemistry Syllabus – Download


Coordination Chemistry: IUPAC nomenclature – bonding theories – Review of Werner’s theory and Sidgwick’s concept of coordination – Valence bond theory – geometries of coordination numbers 4-tetrahedral and square planar and 6-octahedral and its limitations, crystal filed theory – splitting of d-orbitals in octahedral, tetrahedral and square-planar complexes – low spin and high spin complexes – factors affecting crystal-field splitting energy, merits, and demerits of crystal-field theory. Isomerism in coordination compounds – structural isomerism and stereo isomerism, stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 coordination numbers.

1. Spectral and magnetic properties of metal complexes: Types of magnetic behavior, spin-only formula, calculation of magnetic moments, experimental determination of magnetic susceptibility-Gouymethod.

2. Stability of metal complexes: Thermodynamic stability and kinetic stability, factors affecting the stability of metal complexes, chelate effect, determination of the composition of the complex by Job’s method and mole ratio method.

Nitro hydrocarbons: Nomenclature and classification-nitro hydrocarbons, structure -Tautomerism of nitroalkanes leading to aci and keto form, Preparation of Nitroalkanes, reactivity – halogenation, reaction with HONO (Nitrous acid), Nef reaction and Mannich reaction leading to Micheal addition and reduction.

Nitrogen compounds: Amines (Aliphatic and Aromatic): Nomenclature, Classification into 1°, 2°, 3° Amines and Quarternary ammonium compounds. Preparative methods –
1. Ammonolysis of alkyl halides 2. Gabriel synthesis 3. Hoffman’s bromamide reaction
Reduction of Amides and Schmidt reaction. Physical properties and basic character – Comparative basic strength of Ammonia, methyl amine, dimethyl amine, trimethyl amine and aniline – comparative basic strength of aniline, N-methylaniline and N, N-dimethyl aniline (in aqueous and non-aqueous medium), steric effects, and substituent effects.
Chemical properties: a) Alkylation b) Acylation c) Carbylamine reaction d) Hinsberg
separation e) Reaction with Nitrous acid of 1°, 2°, 3° (Aliphatic and aromatic amines).
Electrophilic substitution of Aromatic amines – Bromination and Nitration. Oxidation of
aryl and Tertiary amines, Diazotization.

Thermodynamics: The first law of thermodynamics-statement, definition of internal energy and enthalpy. Heat capacities and their relationship. Joule-Thomson effect- coefficient. Calculation of w, for the expansion of perfect gas under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible processes. State function. Temperature dependence of enthalpy of formation Kirchoff’s equation. The second law of thermodynamics. Different Statements of the law. Carnot cycle and its efficiency. Carnot theorem. Concept of entropy, entropy as a state function, entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes. Entropy changes in spontaneous and equilibrium processes.

B.Sc 5th Semester Computer science/Information Technology Syllabus – Download

Database Management System

  • UNIT I
    Overview of Database Management System: Introduction, file-based system, Drawbacks of file-Based System , Data and information, Database, Database management System, Objectives of DBMS, Evaluation of Database management System, Classification of Database Management System, DBMS Approach, advantages of DBMS, Anis/spark Data Model, data models, Components and Interfaces of Database Management System. Database Architecture, Situations where DBMS is not Necessary, DBMS Vendors and Their Products.
    Entity-Relationship Model: Introduction, the building blocks of an entity-relationship diagram, classification of entity sets, attribute classification, relationship degree, relationship classification, reducing ER diagram to tables, enhanced entity-relationship model (EER model), generalization and specialization, IS A relationship and attribute inheritance, multiple inheritance, constraints on specialization and generalization, aggregation and composition, entity clusters, connection types, advantages of ER modeling.
    Relational Model: Introduction, CODD Rules, relational data model, concept of key, relational integrity, relational algebra, relational algebra operations, advantages of relational algebra, limitations of relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple relational calculus, domain relational Calculus (DRC). QBE
    Structured Query Language: Introduction, History of SQL Standard, Commands in SQL, Data Types in SQL, Data Definition Language, Selection Operation, Projection Operation, Aggregate functions, Data Manipulation Language, Table Modification Commands, Table Truncation, Imposition of Constraints, Join Operation, Set Operation, View, Sub Query, Embedded SQL,
  • UNIT V
    PL/SQL: Introduction, Shortcoming in SQL, Structure of PL/SQL, PL/SQL Language Elements, Data Types, Operators Precedence, Control Structure, Steps to Create a PL/SQL, Program, Iterative Control, Cursors, Steps to create a Cursors, Procedure, Function, Packages, Exceptions Handling, Database Triggers, Types of Triggers.

B.Sc 5th Semester Zoology Syllabus – Download


  • Unit 1: Tools of Recombinant DNA technology – Enzymes and Vectors
    Restriction modification systems: Types I, II and III. Mode of action, nomenclature, applications
    of Type II restriction enzymes in genetic engineering
    DNA modifying enzymes and their applications: DNA polymerases. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl
    transferase, kinases and phosphatases, and DNA ligases
    Cloning Vectors: Plasmid vectors: pBR and pUC series, Bacteriophage lambda and M13 based
    vectors, Cosmids, BACs, YACs,
  • Unit 2 Techniques of Recombinant DNA technology
    Cloning: Use of linkers and adaptors
    Gene delivery: Microinjection, electroporation, biolistic method (gene gun), liposome and viral mediated delivery
    PCR: Basics of PCR.
    DNA Sequencing: Sanger’s method of DNA sequencing- traditional and automated sequencing
    Hybridization techniques: Southern, Northern and Western blotting,
    Genomic and cDNA libraries: Preparation and uses
  • UNIT 3 Animal Cell Technology
    Cell culture media: Natural and Synthetic
    Cell cultures: primary culture, secondary culture, continuous cell lines; Protocols for Primary Cell
    Culture; Established Cell lines (common examples such as MRC, HeLa, CHO, BHK, Vero); Organ
    culture; Cryopreservation of cultures.
    Hybridoma Technology: Cell fusion, Production of Monoclonal antibodies (mAb), Applications
    of mAb
    Stem cells: Types of stem cells, applications
  • Unit 4 Reproductive Technologies & Transgenic Animals
    Manipulation of reproduction in animals: Artificial Insemination, In vitro fertilization, super
    ovulation, Embryo transfer, Embryo cloning
    Transgenic Animals: Strategies of Gene transfer; Transgenic – sheep, – fish; applications
  • Unit 5 Applied Biotechnology
    Industry: Fermentation: Different types of Fermentation: Short notes on – Submerged & Solid
    state; batch, Fed-batch & Continuous; Stirred tank, Air Lift, Fixed Bed and Fluidized; Downstream
    processing – Filtration, centrifugation, extraction, chromatography, spray drying and lyophilization
    Agriculture: fisheries – monoculture in fishes, polyploidy in fishes; DNA fingerprinting

All Physics, Zoology, Chemistry Syllabus was mentioned above. And the download links were also provided along with the syllabus. And, the students who are checking for the previous syllabus. So, here was the previous year’s syllabus and the download links were also provided.

Also, read

FAQS About Dravidian Open University B.Sc 5th Sem Sylalbus 2025 Subjects

What is B.Sc.?

B.Sc. stands for Bachelor of Science. It is an undergraduate degree program that typically takes three years to complete. Students who pursue a B.Sc. degree study subjects related to science and technology, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and environmental science.

What is the 5th semester of B.Sc.?

The 5th semester of B.Sc. is typically part of the third year of the degree program. In this semester, students generally study advanced topics in their chosen field of specialization.

What are some common subjects in B.Sc. 5th semester syllabus?

The subjects included in the B.Sc. 5th semester syllabus may vary depending on the university and the chosen specialization. However, some common subjects that may be included such as Advanced Mathematics Organic Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Genetics, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Environmental Science.

What is the format of the B.Sc. 5th semester exams?

The format of the B.Sc. 5th semester exams may also vary depending on the university. However, typically, the exams are conducted in a written format, and students are evaluated based on their understanding of the subject matter, as well as their ability to solve problems and apply their knowledge in practical situations.

What are the subjects in a B.Sc. program?

The subjects in a B.Sc. program depend on the specialization chosen by the student. However, some common subjects in a B.Sc. program include mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, electronics, and environmental science.

What is the duration of a B.Sc. program?

The duration of a B.Sc. program is usually three years, divided into six semesters. However, the exact duration may vary depending on the university or college offering the program.

What are the eligibility criteria for a B.Sc. program?

The eligibility criteria for a B.Sc. program may vary depending on the university or college offering the program. However, in general, students who have completed their 10+2 or equivalent examination with science subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics are eligible to apply for the program.

What are the career options after completing a B.Sc. program?

After completing a B.Sc. program, students can pursue a variety of career options depending on their specialization. Some common career options include research, teaching, scientific writing, environmental management, data analysis, software development, and pharmaceuticals.

Here in this article, B.Sc 5th Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2025 – B.Sc 3rd Year is clearly given. Follow this article to know the complete syllabus for B.Sc fifth Semester. On this page, you may also download Syllabus of Dravidian University B.Sc 5th Semester 2025 in pdf format. Share this article with your friends who want B.Sc V Sem Syllabus. For any queries or doubts regarding B.Sc 5th Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus – B.Sc 3rd Year.


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