B.Sc 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2024 – B.Sc 1st Year Courses
B.Sc 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus: Dravidian Open University provides many UG, PG courses, and many research programs. Bachelor of science is the UG course provided by the university with some specializations. On this page, the details of B.Sc 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2024 – B.Sc 1st Year is given. In the syllabus, all the units of B.Sc first semester with all the specializations are given below and also the list of subjects in the B.Sc I semester syllabus is mentioned. Download B.Sc 1st-semester syllabus pdf on this article.
About Dravidian Open University
The Dravidian University, Kuppam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh with the initial support of governments of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala for integrated development of Dravidian languages and culture. At present, it has 20 academic departments and 6 research centers. The Dravidian family of languages, which includes more than 27 tongues, the most ancient, living language family of the world.
Dravidian University B.Sc Course Structure
B.Sc Course structure at Dravidian University | |||
B.Sc. is 3 years under graduation course | 1st year | Semester 1 | 4 months Duration |
Semester 2 | 4 months | ||
2nd year | Semester 3 | 4 months | |
Semester 4 | 4 months | ||
3rd year | Semester 5 | 4 months | |
Semester 6 | 4 months |
B.Sc Courses
Most universities offering some of the courses in Bachelor of Science that is given below. The University official website is www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in
- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Electronics
- Environmental Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Zoology
Subjects in B.Sc I Semester – Dravidian University
The following are the Dravidian University B.Sc first year – first semester subjects
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Zoology
- Chemistry
- Botany
- Electronics
- Computer science/Information Technology
Download Dravidian University B.Sc 1st Semester syllabus 2021
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B.Sc 1st Semester Mathematics syllabus – Download
Differential equations
- UNIT – I (12 Hours), Differential Equations of the first order and first degree :
Linear Differential Equations; Differential Equations Reducible to Linear Form; Exact Differential
Equations; Integrating Factors; Change of Variables. - UNIT – II (12 Hours), Orthogonal Trajectories
Differential Equations of the first order but not of the first degree :
Equations solvable for p; Equations solvable for y; Equations solvable for x; Equations that do not
contain. x (or y); Equations of the first degree in x and y – Clairaut’s Equation. - UNIT – III (12 Hours), Higher order linear differential equations-I :
The solution of homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with constant coefficients; Solution of
the non-homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators.
General Solution of f(D)y=0
General Solution of f(D)y=Q when Q is a function of x.
P.I. of f(D)y = Q when Q= ax be
P.I. of f(D)y = Q when Q is b sin ax or b cos ax. - UNIT – IV (12 Hours), Higher order linear differential equations-II :
The solution of the non-homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
UNIT –V (12 Hours), Higher order linear differential equations-III :
Method of variation of parameters; Linear differential Equations with non-constant coefficients; The Cauchy-Euler Equation.
B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Syllabus – Download
- UNIT-I (10 hrs)
1. Vector Analysis
Scalar and vector fields, gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance. Divergence and curl of a vector field with derivations and physical interpretation. Vector integration (line, surface and volume), Statement and proof of Gauss and Stokes theorems. - UNIT-II (10 hrs)
2. Mechanics of particles
Laws of motion, motion of variable mass system, Equation of motion of a rocket. Conservation of energy and momentum, Collisions in two and three dimensions, Concept of impact parameter, scattering cross-section, Rutherford scattering-derivation. - UNIT-III (16 hrs)
3. Mechanics of Rigid bodies
Definition of rigid body, rotational kinematic relations, equation of motion for a rotating body, angular momentum, Euler equations and its applications, precession of a top, Gyroscope, precession of the equinoxes.
4. Mechanics of continuous media
Elastic constants of isotropic solids and their relations, Poisson’s ratio, and expression for Poisson’s ratio in terms of y, n, k. Classification of beams, types of bending, point load, distributed load, shearing force and bending moment, sign conventions. - UNIT-IV (12Hrs)
5. Central forces
Central forces, definition and examples, characteristics of central forces, conservative nature of central forces, conservative force as a negative gradient of potential energy, equal global ion of motion under a central force. Derivation of Kepler’s laws.Motion of satellites, idea of Global Positioning System (GPS). - UNIT-V (12 hrs)
6. Special theory of relativity
Galilean relativity, absolute frames. Michelson-Morley experiment, negative result. Postulates of special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformation, time dilation, length contraction, addition of velocities, mass-energy relation. Concept of four-vector formalism.
B.Sc 1st Semester Chemistry Syllabus – Download
p-block elements –I
Group-13: Synthesis and structure of diborane and higher boranes (B4H10 and B5H9), boron-nitrogen compounds (B3N3H6 and BN)
Group – 14: Preparation and applications of silanes and silicones.
Group – 15: Preparation and reactions of hydrazine, hydroxylamine. - UNIT-II
1. p-block elements -II 8h
Group – 16: Classifications of oxides based on (i) Chemical behaviour and (ii) Oxygen content.
Group-17: Inter halogen compounds and pseudo halogens.
2. Organometallic Chemistry 7h
Definition – classification of Organometallic compounds – nomenclature, preparation,
properties and applications of alkyls of Li and Mg.
Structural theory in Organic Chemistry
Types of bond fission and organic reagents (Electrophilic, Nucleophilic, and free radical reagents including neutral molecules like H2O,NH3& AlCl3).
Bond polarization : Factors influencing the polarization of covalent bonds, electronegativity – inductive effect. Application of inductive effect (a) Basicity of amines (b) Acidity of carboxylic acids (c) Stability of carbonium ions. Resonance or Mesomeric effect, application to (a) acidity of phenol, and (b) acidity of carboxylic acids. Hyperconjugation and its application to stability of carbonium ions, Free radicals and alkenes, carbanions, carbenes and nitrenes.
Types of Organic reactions : Addition – electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical. Substitution – electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical. Elimination- Examples. - UNIT-IV
l. Acyclic Hydrocarbons 6 h Alkenes – Preparation of alkenes. Properties: Addition of hydrogen – heat of hydrogenation and stability of alkenes. Addition of halogen and its mechanism. Addition of HX, Markonikov’s rule, the addition of H2O, HOX, H2SO4 with mechanism and addition of HBr in the presence of peroxide (anti – Markonikov’s addition). Dienes – Types of dienes, reactions of conjugated dienes – 1,2 and 1,4 addition of HBr to 1,3 – butadiene and Diel’s – Alder reaction. Alkynes – Preparation by dehydrohalogenation of dihalides, dehalogenation of tetrahalides, Properties; Acidity of acetylenic hydrogen (formation of Metal acetylides). Preparation of higher acetylenes, Metal ammonia reductions, Physical properties. Chemical reactivity – electrophilic addition of X2, HX, H2O (Tautomerism), Oxidation with KMnO4, OsO4, reduction and Polymerisation reaction of acetylene. 2. Alicyclic hydrocarbons (Cycloalkanes) Nomenclature, Preparation by Freund’s method, Wislicenus method. Properties – reactivity of cyclopropane and cyclobutane by comparing with alkanes, Stability of cycloalkanes – Baeyer’s strain theory, Sachse and Mohr predictions and Pitzer’s strain theory. Conformational structures of cyclobutane, cyclopentane, cyclohexane. - UNIT-V
Benzene and its reactivity Concept of resonance, resonance energy. Heat of hydrogenation, heat of combustion of Benzene, mention of C-C bond lengths and orbital picture of Benzene. Concept of aromaticity – aromaticity (definition), Huckel’s rule – application to Benzenoid (Benzene, Naphthalene) and Non Benzenoid compounds (cyclopropenyl cation, cyclopentadienyl anion and tropylium cation) Reactions – General mechanism of electrophilic substitution, mechanism of nitration, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and acylation. Orientation of aromatic substitution – Definition of ortho, para and meta directing groups. Ring activating and deactivating groups with examples (Electronic interpretation of various groups like NO2 and Phenolic). Orientation of (i) Amino, methoxy and methyl groups (ii) Carboxy, nitro, nitrile,
carbonyl and sulphonic acid groups (iii) Halogens
(Explanation by taking minimum of one example from each type)
B.Sc 1st Semester Computer science/Information Technology Syllabus – Download
Computer Fundamentals & Photoshop
Introduction to computers, characteristics, and limitations of the computer, Block diagram of a computer, types of computers, uses of computers, computer generations. Number systems: binary, Hexa, and octal numbering system
Input and output devices: Keyboard and mouse, inputting data in other ways, Types of
Software: system software, Application software, commercial, open-source, domain, and freeware software, Memories: primary, secondary, and cache memory. Windows basics: desktop, start menu, icons.
Unit –III
Introduction to Adobe photoshop, Getting started with photoshop, creating and saving a document in photoshop, page layout, and background, photoshop program window-title bar, menu bar, options bar, image window, image title bar, status bar, ruler, palettes, toolbox, screen modes, saving files, reverting files, closing files.
Unit –IV
Images: working with images, image size and resolution, image editing, color modes, and adjustments, Zooming & Panning an Image, Rulers, Guides & Grids- Cropping & Straightening an Image, image backgrounds, making selections.
Working with a toolbox: working with the pen tool, save and load selection-working with erasers-working with text and brushes-Colour manipulations: color modes- Levels – Curves – Seeing Colour accurately – Patch tool – Cropping-Reading your palettes – Dust and scratches- Advanced Retouching- smoothing skin
Layers: Working with layers- layer styles- opacity-adjustment layers Filters: The filter menu, Working with filters- Editing your photoshoot, presentation –how to create adds, artistic filter, blur filter, brush store filter, distort filters, noice filters, pixelate filters, light effects, difference clouds, sharpen filters, printing.
B.Sc 1st Semester Zoology Syllabus – Download
1.1 Brief history, Significance of Diversity of Non-Chordates
1.2 Protozoa
1.2.1 General characters
1.2.2 Classification of Protozoa up to classes with examples
1.2.3 Elphidium (type study)
1.3 Porifera
1.3.1 General characters
1.3.2 Classification of Porifera up to classes with examples
1.3.3 Sycon – External Characters, Types of cells,
1.3.4 Skelton in Sponges
1.3.5 Canal system in sponges
Unit – II
2.1 Coelenterata
2.1.1 General characters
2.1.2 Classification of Coelenterata up to classes with examples
2.1.3 Obelia – External Characters, Structure of Polyp and Medusa
2.1.4 Polymorphism in coelenterates
2.1.5 Corals and coral reef formation
2.2 Platyhelminthes
2.1.1 General characters
2.1.2 Classification of Platyhelminthes up to classes with examples
2.1.3 Fasciola hepatica – External Characters, Excretory System, Reproductive System,
Life History and pathogenicity
Unit – III
3.1 Nemathelminthes
3.1.1 General characters
3.1.2 Classification of Nemathelminthes up to classes with examples
3.2 Annelida
3.2.1 General characters
3.2.2 Classification of Annelida up to classes with examples
3.2.3 Hirudinaria granulosa – External Characters, Digestive System, Excretory System
and Reproductive System
3.2.4 Coelomoducts
3.2.5 Vermiculture – Scope, significance, earthworm species, processing, Vermicompost,
economic importance of vermicompost
Unit – IV
4.1 Arthropoda
4.1.1 General characters
4.1.2 Classification of Arthropoda up to classes with examples
4.1.3 Prawn – External Characters, Appendages, Respiratory system and Circulatory
4.1.4 Peripatus – Structure and affinities
4.2 Mollusca
4.2.1 General characters
4.2.2 Classification of Mollusca up to classes with examples
4.2.3 Pearl formation in Pelecypoda
4.2.4 Torsion in gastropods
Unit – V
5.1 Echinodermata
5.1.1 General characters
5.1.2 Classification of Echinodermata up to classes with examples
5.1.3 Water vascular system in star fish
5.2 Hemichordata
5.2.1 General characters
5.2.2 Classification of Hemichordata up to classes with examples
5.2.3 Balanoglossus – Structure and affinities
5.3 Non-Chordata larval forms
5.3.1 Amphiblastula
5.3.2 Ephyra
5.3.3 Trochophore
5.3.4 Nauplius
5.3.5 Glochidium
5.3.6 Bipinnaria
5.3.7 Tornaria
B.Sc 1st Semester Electronics Syllabus – Download
UNIT- 1:
Definition of current and voltage. The sine wave, general format of sine wave for voltage or current, phase relations, average value, effective (R.M.S) values. Differences between A.C and D.C. Basic elements and phasors: Basic Response of R, L & C elements, the frequency response of basic elements. (problems)
Kirchhoff’s current and Voltage Law’s, Resistor, Capacitor, and Inductor, series and parallel networks.R-L and R-L-C Circuits with DC inputs. Branch current method, Mesh Analysis, Nodal Analysis, star to delta & delta to star conversions.
Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power, Milliman and Reciprocity theorems (problems).
Transient response of RL and RL circuits with step input, Time constants, Frequency response of RC and RL circuits, their action as low pass, high pass, and bandpass filters. Passive differentiating and integrating circuits. (problems)
Series resonance and parallel resonance circuits, Q – Factor, Selectivity and bandwidth, Comparison of series and parallel resonance, Tank circuit-LC oscillations.
B.Sc 1st Semester Botany Syllabus – Download
UNIT- I: MICROBIAL WORLD (Origin and Evolution of Life, Microbial diversity (12hrs)
1. Discovery of microorganisms, the origin of life, spontaneous, biogenesis, Pasteur experiments, the germ theory of disease.
2. Classification of microorganisms – R.H. Whittaker’s five-kingdom concept, Carl Woese’s- Domain system.
3. A brief account of special groups of bacteria- Archaebacteria, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Actinomycetes, Rickettsias, and Cyanobacteria.
1. Viruses- Discovery, general account, structure& replication of –T4 Phage (Lytic, Lysogenic) and TMV, Viroids, Prions.
2. Plant diseases caused by viruses– Symptoms, transmission, and control measures
(Brief account only).
3. Study of Tobacco Mosaic, Bhendi Vein clearing, and Papaya leaf curl diseases.
1. Bacteria: Discovery, General characteristics, cell structure, and nutrition.
2. Reproduction- Asexual and bacterial recombination (Conjugation, Transformation,
3. The economic importance of Bacteria.
UNIT –IV Algae (12hrs)
1. General account – thallus organization and reproduction in Algae.
2. Fritsch classification of Algae (up to classes only) and economic importance.
3. Structure, reproduction, and life history of Oedogonium, Ectocarpus and
UNIT V: FUNGI (12hrs)
1. General characteristics and outline classification (Ainsworth).
2. Structure, reproduction, and life history of Rhizopus (Zygomycota), Penicillium
(Ascomycota), and Puccinia (Basidiomycota).
3. Lichens-Structure and reproduction; ecological and economic importance.
So, Previous Year B.Com 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus was also mentioned below for the scholars to refer to.
- B.Com 1st Semester Dravidian open University Syllabus 2024 – Download
- B.Com 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2024 – Download
FAQS About B.Sc 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2024 Subjects
What is a B.Sc 1st Semester program?
B.Sc 1st Semester program is the first semester of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree program. It usually spans a duration of 6 months to 1 year and includes foundational courses in science subjects.
What are the typical subjects covered in a B.Sc 1st Semester program?
The subjects covered in a B.Sc 1st Semester program depend on the specific university and program. However, common subjects include mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, and environmental science.
What is the syllabus for B.Sc 1st Semester program?
The syllabus for B.Sc 1st Semester program again depends on the specific university and program. It typically includes both theoretical and practical courses, and students are evaluated through exams, assignments, and projects.
What career opportunities are available after completing a B.Sc 1st Semester program?
Completing a B.Sc 1st Semester program is just the beginning of the B.Sc degree program. After completing the degree, graduates can pursue a wide range of careers in fields such as scientific research, healthcare, education, engineering, and technology.
How can I prepare for the B.Sc 1st Semester program?
To prepare for the B.Sc 1st Semester program, you should focus on strengthening your foundational knowledge of science subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Additionally, you can practice solving problems and taking tests to improve your academic skills.
What are the requirements to pursue a B.Sc degree?
To pursue a B.Sc degree, you must have completed 10+2 or equivalent with science stream (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology) from a recognized board. Some universities also require a minimum percentage in the qualifying examination.
What is Dravidian Open University?
Dravidian Open University (DOU) is a distance education university that was established in 1997 in Tamil Nadu, India. It offers various undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma, and certificate courses in several fields, including Science, Humanities, Social Science, and Management.
How can I get more information about the B.Sc 1st Semester program at Dravidian Open University?
You can visit the official website of Dravidian Open University or contact the university’s admission department for more information about the B.Sc 1st Semester program’s syllabus and subjects.
Here in this article, B.Sc 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus 2024 – B.Sc 1st Year is clearly given. Follow this article to know the complete syllabus for B.Sc first Semester. On this page, you may also download the Syllabus of Dravidian University B.Sc 1st Semester 2024 in pdf format. Share this article with your friends who want B.Sc I Sem Syllabus. For any queries about B.Sc 1st Semester Dravidian Open University Syllabus – B.Sc 1st Year, you may comment on the below comment box. So, we clarify those queries as soon as possible.