Advertising and Sales Promotion pdf for MBA – Download MBA 4th Sem Study Materials & Books
Download Advertising and Sales Promotion pdf for MBA. Here You can Check the Download Links to MBA 4th Sem Study Materials & Books. All the students who are doing MBA, the following notes will help fast understanding of the fundamentals of Advertising and Sales Promotion. From the following MBA Advertising and Sales Promotion Notes, you get the complete Study Material (SLM) in Single Download Link (विज्ञापन और बिक्री संवर्धन). The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and statistics, etc.
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Advertising and Sales Promotion pdf for MBA
Advertising is a powerful communication force, highly visible, and one of the most important tools of marketing communications that help to sell products, services, ideas, and images, etc. Many believe that advertising reflects the needs of the times. One may like it or not but advertisements are everywhere. Advertisements are seen in newspapers, magazines, on television and the internet and are heard on the radio. The marketing mix is the combination of elements necessary to the planning and execution of the total marketing operation. The ‘Four Ps’ concept of the marketing mix, developed by Philip Kotler, and widely adopted by marketing teachers, create four division of the mix, namely, product, price, promotion, and place.
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Suggested Books for Advertising and Sales promotion
- Kazmi & Batra, ADVERTISING & SALES PROMOTION, Excel Books, 2008
- Aaker, Batra & Myers, ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT; Prentice Hall, India. 2008
- Kruti Shah & Alan D’souza, ADVERTISING & PROMOTION, Tata McGraw-Hill New Delhi, 2009
- Kelley & Jugenheimer, ADVERTISING MEDIA PLANNING A BRAND MANAGEMENT APPROACH, Prentice Hall, India. 2008
- J. T Russel & Ronald Lane, KLEPPER ADVERTISING PROCEDURE; Prentice Hall.
- June Valladares, THE CRAFT OF COPYWRITING, Sage Publications.
- Subroto Sengupta, BRAND POSITIONING; Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi.
- Wells, Burnett &Moriarty, ADVERTISING PRINCIPLES, AND PRACTICES, Prentice Hall
- Wright, Winter & Zeigler, ADVERTISING, Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi
- Frank. Jefkins (Revised by Daniel Yadin), ADVERTISING, Fourth Edition, Peaerson Education Limited, India,2007
- Georg E Belch, Michael A Belch & Keyoor Purani, ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION- An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, Seventh Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2010
- J. V. Vilanilam & A. K. Varghese – ADVERTISING BASICS – A RESOURCE GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS: Response Books, Sage Publications
- Jaishri Jethwani & Shruti Jain, ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT, Oxford University Press, India, New Delhi, 2006
- Kelley & Jugenheimer, ADVERTISING MEDIA PLANNING A BRAND MANAGEMENT APPROACH, Prentice Hall, India. 2008
- Kirti Dutta, BRAND MANAGEMENT- Principles & Practice, Oxford University Press, India, New Delhi, 2012.
MBA Advertising and Sales Promotion Syllabus- 4th Semester
Unit – I
Advertising – an introduction- Origin and Development – Definition and Classification – Planning Framework – Organising Framework – the Advertiser and the Advertising Agency interface Strategic Advertising Decisions – Setting Advertising Objectives – The Budget Decision – Preparing the Product and Media Brief
Unit – II
Copy Decisions – Visualization of Ad Layout – Elements of Ad Copy and Creation Principles of verbal versus visual thinkers – Styles and Stages in advertising copy creationCopy (Pre-) Testing methods and measurements.
Unit – III
Media Decisions – Media Planning and Selection – Concepts of Reach, Frequency, Continuity, and Selectivity – Measures of Media Cost Efficiency – Media (Readership /Viewership) Research – The Internet as an Advertising Medium – Tracking Website visits, page views, hits, and click-stream analysis – permission marketing and privacy – ethical concerns.
Unit – IV
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness – Control of Advertising by practitioners, media and the market – Advertising in the International Market-place – Advertising and Principles of Integrated Marketing Communication and Image Building.
Unit – V
Sales Promotion – Rationale, Types – Consumer and Trade Promotions – Sales Promotion Strategies and Practices, Cross Promotions, Surrogate Selling, Bait and Switch advertising issues. Brand Equity – Concepts and Criteria, Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity, Linking Advertising and sales promotion to achieve ‘brand-standing’ – Leveraging Brand Values for business and non-business contexts.
MBA Advertising and sales promotion Review Questions
- Develop a sales promotion plan to encourage the continued consumption of Healthy World in North India.
- How would you make your sales promotion competition proof?
- How would you evaluate the result of this promotion?
- What is brand equity?
- Write down the concept and criteria of brand equity.
- What are the methods of measuring brand equity?
- Write a short note on:
(a) Brand Loyalty
(b) Brand association
(c) Perceived quality
(d) Brand awareness - Briefly explain the concept of sales promotion.
224 - What are the different methods of sales promotion?
- What are the objectives of sales promotion?
- Explain in detail the stages involved in implementing a sales promotion strategy.
- Write short notes on:
i) Push strategy
ii) Pull strategy
iii) Sales promotion and product life cycle. - Does a sales promotion scheme induce buying? Substantiate your answer.
- List out the various sales promotion tools available and briefly explain their features.
- Write a note on:
(i). Surrogate selling
(ii). Bait and switch advertising - Define Brand equity. Explain the method of building, measuring and managing brand equity.
- How advertising and sales promotion is linked to achieving brand standing?
- Explain the role of brand value for business and non-business organizations.
Buy MBA Advertising and sales promotion books Online at
Advertising, Sales Promotion and Brand Switching
- Gull, Shamaila (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 116 Pages - 08/24/2012 (Publication Date) - LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (Publisher)
Advertising & Sales Promotion (With Cd)
- Debraj Datta (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 714 Pages - 03/19/2025 (Publication Date) - Vrinda Publications (Publisher)
Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Nagar Komal (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 312 Pages - 10/29/2012 (Publication Date) - LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (Publisher)
- Belch, George (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 808 Pages - 08/16/2011 (Publication Date) - McGraw-Hill Education (Publisher)
Advertising & Sales Promotion (marketing Management - III)
- Sarangi, S. K. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 280 Pages - 01/01/2011 (Publication Date) - Asian Books Private Ltd (Publisher)
Sales Promotion and Advertising Management (PCM014) PB....Mishra M N
- Mishra M N (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 365 Pages - 03/19/2025 (Publication Date) - HIMALAYA PUB.HOUSE-NEW DELHI (Publisher)
Advertising and Sales Promotion
- Kazmi, S. H. H. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 658 Pages - 04/30/2008 (Publication Date) - Excel Books (Publisher)
Advertising and Sales Promotion Management
- Language Published: English
- Chunawalla, S.A. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 458 Pages
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