UGC NET Commerce Syllabus 2025 – Subject Wise Topics & Chapter Details
Check out the UGC NET Commerce Syllabus 2025 PDF. Here we have given details about CBSE NET commerce topics. By this Article, you can get the Knowledge about UGC NET. Here we are going to provide chapters and topics for the UGC NET Commerce exam 2025. UGC NET qualified students to get Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship.
CBSE will conduct NET in 84 subjects at 91 selected NET Examination Cities spread across the country. The candidates who qualify for the award of Junior Research Fellowship are eligible to pursue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject and are also eligible for Assistant Professor. The award of JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor or both only will depend on the performance of the candidate in all three papers of NET.
UGC NET – University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET)
The National Eligibility Test (NET), also known as UGC NET or CBSE NET, is a test to determine eligibility for college and university level lecturership and for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals. It aims to ensure minimum standards for the entrants in teaching professions and research. On behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC), the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) holds the test for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Indian universities and colleges.
The candidates who get qualified in this exam only eligible as an assistant professor. The role of CBSE is only up to the conduct of NET Examination and declaration of result
- UGC NET – CBSE NET Application, Fee, Exam Date, Eligibility
- Download UGC NET Admit Card/Hall Ticket
- CBSE UGC NET Result Released, Score Card, Merit List, Cut off
- UGC NET Question Papers PDF & Previous Papers with Answers
- CBSE UGC NET Answer Key of All Subjects – Download in PDF
Name of exam | UGC NET |
Full form | University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET) |
Eligibility | Master’s Degree |
Duration of exam | 3 – Hours |
Exam date | June 2022 |
Official website | |
UGC NET Commerce Paper Pattern & Syllabus
Here we have given the paper pattern for commerce. UGC NET Exam is conducted in two papers – Paper 1 & 2. Paper 1 is common for all subjects and consists of questions from Research, Teaching & General Aptitude and Paper 2 consists of questions from an only core subject (here – Commerce ). Two papers will be of objective type and there is no negative marking so the candidate can attempt all the questions. Here we have also given syllabus PDF.
Paper | Marks | No. of Questions | Time Duration |
Paper-I (Common for all) | 100 | 50 | 1 Hour |
Paper-II & Paper III | 200 | 100 | 2 Hours |
UGC NET Commerce syllabus – Click here
UGC NET Topics and Chapters
Business Environment
- Meaning and Elements of Business Environment.
- Economic environment, Economic Policies, Economic Planning.
- Legal environment of Business in India, Competition policy, Consumer protection, Environment protection.
Policy Environment
- Liberalization Privatisation and globalisation, Second generation reforms, Industrial policy and implementation. Industrial growth and structural changes.
Unit – II :
Financial & Management Accounting :
Basic Accounting concepts, Capital and Revenue, Financial statements.
Partnership Accounts – Admission, Retirement, Death, Dissolution and Cash Distribution.
Advanced Company Accounts – Issue, forfeiture, Purchase of Business, Liquidation, Valuation of shares, Amalgamation, Absorption, and Reconstruction, Holding Company Accounts.
Cost and Management Accounting –Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Marginal costing, and Break-even analysis, Standard costing, -Budgetary control, Costing for decision-making Responsibility accounting.
Unit – III :
Business Economics :
- Nature and uses of Business Economics, Concept of Profit and Wealth Maximization. Demand Analysis and Elasticity of Demand, Indifference Curve Analysis, Law.
- Utility Analysis and Laws of Returns and Law of variable proportions.
Cost, Revenue, Price determination in different market situations – Perfect competition, Monopolistic competition, Monopoly, Price discrimination and Oligopoly, Pricing strategies.
Unit-IV :
Business Statistics & Data Processing :
- Data types, Data collection, and analysis, sampling, need, errors and methods of sampling, Normal distribution, Hypothesis testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Data.
Correlation and Regression, small sample tests – t-test, F-test and chi-square test.
Data processing – Elements, Data entry, Data processing and Computer applications.
Computer Application to Functional Areas – Accounting, Inventory control, Marketing.
Unit – V :
Business Management :
- Principles of Management.
- Planning: Objectives, Strategies, Planning process, Decision-making.
- Organising, Organisational structure, Formal and Informal organizations, Organisational culture.
- Staffing
- Leading: Motivation, Leadership, Committees, Communication.
- Controlling
- Corporate Governance and Business Ethics.
Unit – VI :
Marketing Management :
- The evolution of marketing, Concepts of marketing, Marketing mix, Marketing environment.
- Consumer behavior, Market Segmentation.
- Product decisions
- Pricing decisions
- Distribution decisions
- Promotion decisions
- Marketing planning, Organising, and Control.
Unit – VII :
Financial Management :
- Capital Structure, Financial and Operating leverage.
- Cost of capital, Capital budgeting.
- Working capital management
- Dividend Policy
Unit – VIII :
Human Resources Management :
- Concepts, Role, and Functions of Human Resource management.
- Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Selection.
- Training and Development, Succession Planning.
- Compensation: Wage and Salary Administration, Incentive and Fringe benefits, Morale and Productivity.
- Performance Appraisal
- Industrial Relations in India, Health, Safety, Welfare, and Social security, Workers’ Participation in Management.
Unit – IX :
Banking and Financial Institution :
- Importance of Banking to Business, Types of Banks and Their Functions, Reserve Bank of India, NABARD and Rural Banking.
- Banking Sector Reform in India, NPA, Capital adequacy norms.
- E-banking
- Development Banking: IDBI, IFCI, SFCs, UTI, SIDBI.
Unit – X :
International Business :
- Theoretical foundations of international business, Balance of Payments.
- International liquidity, International Economic Institutions: IMF, World Bank IFC, IDA, ADB.
- World Trade Organisation-its functions and policies.
- Structure of India’s foreign trade: Composition and direction, EXIM Bank, EXIM Policy of India, Regulation, and promotion of Foreign Trade.
Paper – III (B) ( Elective / Optional ) :
Elective – I – Accounting and Finance
- Accounting standards in India, Inflation Accounting, Human Resource Accounting, Responsibility Accounting, Social Accounting.
- Money and Capital market, Working of stock exchanges in India, NSE, OTCEI, NASDAQ, Derivatives, and Options.
- Regulatory Authorities: SEBI, Rating Agencies; New Instruments; GDRs, ADRs.
- Venture Capital Funds, Mergers and Acquisitions, Mutual Funds, Lease Financing, Factoring, Measurement of risk and returns securities and portfolios.
- Computer Application in Accounting and Finance.
Elective – II: Marketing
- Marketing Tasks, Concepts and Tools, Marketing Environment.
- Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation.
- Product decisions
- Pricing decisions
- Distribution decisions
- Promotion decisions
- Marketing Research
- Online marketing
- Direct Marketing; Social, ethical and legal aspects of marketing in India.
Elective – III : Human Resource Management
- Concept; Role and Functions of Human Resource Management.
- Human Resource Planning, Job analysis, Job description and specifications, Use of Job analysis information, Recruitment and Selection.
- Training and Development, Succession Planning.
- Compensation: Wage and Salary administration, Incentives and Fringe benefits, Morale, and Productivity.
- Appraisal Performance
- Industrial Relations in India, Health, Safety, Welfare, and Social Security, Workers participation in Management.
Elective – IV: International Business
- Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations-MNCs Culture, MNCs and LDCs, Joint Ventures.
- Regional Economic Integration : SAARC, ASEAN, EC, NAFTA.
- India and WTO, Intellectual Property Rights.
- Foreign Exchange: Exchange rate, Mechanism, Risk management, Transfer of international payments, Convertibility of Rupee, Current and Capital Accounts; Issues and Perceptions, Derivatives and Futures.
- Foreign investment Institutions; Instruments: GDRs, ADRs, FIIs-their role in Indian Capital Market.
Elective – V: Income-tax Law and Tax Planning
- Basic concepts, Residential status, and tax incidence, exempted incomes, computation of taxable income under various heads.
- Computation of taxable income of individuals and firms.
- Deduction of tax, the filing of returns, different types of assessment; Defaults and penalties.
- Tax Planning: Concept, significance, and problems of tax planning, Tax evasion, and tax avoidance, methods of tax planning.
- Tax considerations in specific business decisions, viz., make or buy; own or lease, retain or replace; export or domestic sales; shut-down or closure; expand or contract; invest or disinvest.
- Computer Application in Income tax and Tax planning.
Tips to Crack UGC NET Commerce
To crack the UGC NET commerce exam candidate should start preparation from the beginning day he applied. To score good marks candidates should be aware of the full syllabus and should plan in a proper way. By keeping his/her full effort or by doing hard work candidate can crack UGC NET Commerce exam.
FAQS About the UGC NET Commerce Syllabus 2025 – Subjects, Topics, & Chapter Details
What is UGC NET Commerce Exam?
UGC NET Commerce is a national level exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for candidates who want to qualify for the post of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in universities and colleges in India. The exam is held twice a year and consists of two papers – Paper 1 and Paper 2.
What are the subjects included in UGC NET Commerce Syllabus?
The subjects included in UGC NET Commerce Syllabus are Accounting and Auditing, Financial Management, Business Economics, Business Environment, Business Statistics and Data Processing, Business Management and Human Resource Management, Marketing Management
Financial and Banking Institutions, and International Business
What are the chapter details for UGC NET Commerce Syllabus?
The chapter details for UGC NET Commerce Syllabus vary based on the subject. Some of the common chapter details are:
1. Accounting and Auditing: Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing Concepts and Standards
2. Financial Management: Capital Budgeting, Working Capital Management, Dividend Decisions, Financial Markets and Instruments
3.Business Economics: Demand Analysis, Production and Cost Theory, Market Structure and Pricing
4. Business Environment: Economic Environment, Social and Cultural Environment, Legal Environment
5.Business Statistics and Data Processing: Probability Theory, Sampling Theory, Statistical Inference, Data Analysis and Interpretation
6. Business Management and Human Resource Management: Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Development
7. Marketing Management: Marketing Research, Product Planning and Development, Sales Promotion, Advertising and Public Relations
8. Financial and Banking Institutions: Indian Financial System, RBI and Monetary Policy, Capital Market, Money Market
9. International Business: International Trade Theory, Balance of Payment, Foreign Exchange Market, Multinational Corporations
How can I prepare for UGC NET Commerce Exam?
You can prepare for UGC NET Commerce Exam by following these steps:
1. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly.
2. Create a study plan and stick to it
3. Solve previous year question papers.
What is the syllabus for UGC NET Commerce?
The syllabus for UGC NET Commerce includes topics such as accounting and auditing, business finance and financial management, business statistics and research methods, business economics and environment, and marketing management.
What are the important topics covered in Accounting and Auditing?
Some important topics covered in Accounting and Auditing include Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Accounting Standards, Auditing Concepts and Methods, Internal and External Audit, and Taxation.
What are the important topics covered in Strategic Management?
Some important topics covered in Strategic Management include Strategic Planning and Analysis, Business Environment Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Model, Competitive Advantage, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Here we have provided the Complete information on the UGC NET commerce syllabus 2025. This article gives complete information on the syllabus and topics of the UGC NET 2025 Commerce exam. Share this article with the candidates who are interested in UGC NET. Tell us errors in this article via the comment section below and you can ask us your queries and doubts regarding UGC NET.
Elective subject ko kaise choose karna hai
Elective subject kaise choose kre aur kitne krne h ek
Is that we have to prepare for only one elective subject and that there will be 50 questions from elective subject carrying 2 marks each and total 100. Plse tell me…
In elective paper 3 we just need to prepare only one out of 5 elective papers
how to choose from elective papers…does we have to choose only 2 paper of them…and at what time…and how??