MBA Rural Marketing Notes Pdf – Download MBA 4th Sem Study Materials & Books
Download MBA Rural Marketing Notes Pdf. Here You can Check the Download Links to MBA 4th Sem Study Materials (SLM) & Books. All the students who are doing MBA, the following notes will help fast understanding of the fundamentals of Rural Marketing. From the following MBA Rural Marketing Notes, you get the complete note in Single Download Links (MBA గ్రామీణ మార్కెటింగ్). The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and statistics, etc.
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MBA Rural Marketing Notes Pdf
Marketing may aptly be described as the process of defining,
anticipating and knowing customer needs, and organizing all the
resources of the company to satisfy them. In fact, the satisfaction of
customer’s needs and wants provides the rationale for the firm’s
existence. The advantages and disadvantages of rural marketing as Knowledge of consumer behavior, therefore, is vital for a firm to achieve its marketing goals.
The consumer’s behavior comprises the acts, processes and social relationships exhibited by individuals, groups, and organizations in searching, obtainment, use of, and consequent experience with products and services. An understanding and knowledge of the motives underlying consumer behavior help a firm in seeking better and more effective ways to satisfy its customers. It helps to select appropriate sales and advertising strategies and to plan marketing programs in a more efficient manner.
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Suggested Books for MBA Rural Marketing
- Balaram Dogra & Karminder Ghuman, RURAL MARKETING: CONCEPT & CASES, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2008
- A.K. Singh & S. Pandey, RURAL MARKETING: INDIAN PERSPECTIVE, New Age International Publishers, 2007
- CSG Krishnamacharya & Laitha Ramakrishna, – RURAL MARKETING, Pearson Education Asia. 2009
- Philip Kotler, MARKETING MANAGEMENT, Prentice – Hall India Ltd. New Delhi
- Agarwal A.N, INDIAN ECONOMY, Vikas Publication, New Delhi.
- Ruddar Dutt Sundaram, INDIAN ECONOMY, Tata McGraw Hill. Publishers, New Delhi
- James A. AndeRSON AND JAMES A. NARUS AND (2004), BUSINESS MARKET MANagement, Pearson Education Asia PVT. LTD, SINGAPORE, 2004
- RAM KISHAN Y. Rural & Agricultural marketing, JaICO PUBLISHING HOUSE, MUMBAI, 2004.
- Risley, George, Modern Industrial Marketing, Mc Grew Hill, New York, 1970,
- Rural Marketing, R.V. Badi & N.V.Badi, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004
- SaLES AND DISTRIBution Management, Text and Cases, Krishna K. Havaldar & VASANT M. CAVALE, THE MC GRAW-HILL COMPANIES, 2009
- S Neelamegham, Marketing in India, Vikas public house ltd., Delhi, 2004.
MBA Rural Marketing Syllabus- 4th Sem
Unit – I
Rural Economy – Rural-Urban disparities-policy interventions required – Rural face to Reforms – The Development exercises in the last few decades.
Unit – II
Rural Marketing – Concept and Scope – Nature of rural markets – the attractiveness of rural markets – Rural Vs Urban Marketing – Characteristics of Rural consumers – Buying decision process – Rural Marketing Information System – Potential and size of the Rural Markets.
Unit – III
Selection of Markets – Product Strategy – Product mix Decisions – Competitive product strategies for rural markets.
Unit – IV
Pricing strategy – pricing policies – innovative pricing methods for rural markets – promotion strategy – appropriate media – Designing right promotion mix – promotional
Unit – V
Distribution – Logistics Management – Problems encountered – a selection of appropriate channels – New approaches to reach out to rural markets – Electronic couple applications.
MBA Rural Marketing Review Questions
- Do you agree with the decision of the company to enter the rural market? Why or Why not?
- Evaluate the marketing plan of the company.
- Can you suggest any further improvement in the marketing plan?
- Trace the reason for the success of Ruf & Tuf in rural India.
- Which other companies do you think can emulate the strategies of Arvind Mills?
- Under what circumstances should farmers advertise their products?
- What are the purposes of such promotional advertisements?
- How should farmers know the benefits of such promotions cover their costs?
- Discuss different types of schemes being introduced by the Indian government for reforms.
- How the rural initiatives introduced by the government of India benefit the corporate?
- Rural distribution is not without problems. Highlight some of the problems in rural distribution.
- What are the recent approaches to rural distribution?
Buy MBA Rural Marketing books Online at
Marketing to Rural Consumers: Understanding and Tapping the Rural Market Potential
- English (Publication Language)
- 366 Pages - 04/27/2009 (Publication Date) - Excel Books (Publisher)
Introduction to Rural Marketing
- Krishnamoorthy, R. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 434 Pages - 08/03/2015 (Publication Date) - Himalaya Publishing House (Publisher)
Rural Marketing 3 ED
- Kashyap (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 344 Pages - 03/05/2016 (Publication Date) - Pearson Education India (Publisher)
Rural Marketing
- Velayudhan, Kumar Sanal (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 278 Pages - 09/30/2010 (Publication Date) - Excel Books (Publisher)
Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, 2e
- Krishnamacharyulu (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 608 Pages - 01/01/2010 (Publication Date) - Pearson India (Publisher)
Rural Marketing
- Velayudhan, Kumar Sanal (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 278 Pages - 09/30/2010 (Publication Date) - Excel Books (Publisher)
Rural Marketing
- Hardcover Book
- Bahuguna, Pallavi (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 06/01/2011 (Publication Date) - Centrum Press (Publisher)
Rural Marketing
- V. Badi, Ravindranath (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 08/04/2014 (Publication Date) - Himalaya Publishing House (Publisher)
Rural Marketing: Targeting the Non-urban Consumer
- Sanal Kumar Velayudhan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 249 Pages - 10/25/2007 (Publication Date) - SAGE Response (Publisher)
Rural Marketing: Environment, Problems and Strategies, 3rd Edition
- T.P. Gopalaswamy (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 03/19/2025 (Publication Date) - S Chand (Publisher)
Rural Marketing 3 ED
- Kashyap (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 344 Pages - 03/05/2016 (Publication Date) - Pearson Education India (Publisher)
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