Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Governance Notes for MBA Pdf- MBA 3rd Semester PDF Study Material & Books

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Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Governance Notes for MBA Pdf

The famous missionary physician and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer defined ethics as “our concern for good behavior. We feel an obligation to consider not only our own personal well-being but also that of other human beings” this meaning is similar to the precept of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Ethics are principles or standards of human conduct, sometimes called morals, and, by extension, the study of such principles is sometimes called moral philosophy.

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Suggested Books for Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Governance

  • S.A. Sherlekar, Ethics in Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2009.
  • William B. Werther and David B. Chandler, Strategic corporate social responsibility, Sage Publications Inc., 2011
  •  Robert A.G. Monks and Nell Minow, Corporate governance, John Wiley and Sons, 2011.
  •  W.H. Shaw, Business Ethics, Cengage Learning, 2007.
  • Beesley, Michel and Evens, Corporate Social Responsibility, Taylor and Francis, 1978.
  • Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee, Corporate social responsibility: doing the best for the company and your cause, Wiley, 2005.
  • Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee, Corporate social responsibility: the good, the bad and the ugly, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007.
  • Satheesh Kumar, Corporate Governance, Oxford University, Press, 2010.
  • Business environment Francis Cherumlam Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Shaikh Sallcm (Business environment) peason 2nd ed.
  • National Commission on corporate Governance – SEBI & Mermtry of Corporate Affairs.
  • Baumol, W. J. (1959), “Business Behaviour, Value & Growth”, New York, Macmillan.
  •  Baumol, W. J. (1970), “Enlightened self-interest and corporate philanthropy” in “A New Rationale for Corporate Social Policy”, Committee for Economic Development, NY.
  •  Beesley, M. & Littlechild, S. (1994), “Privatization: Principles and Priorities” in Bishop, M., J. Kay & C. Mayer (eds.), “Privatization and Economic Performance”.
  • Bishop, M., J. Kay & C. Mayer (Eds.) (1994), “Privatization and Economic Performance”, Oxford University Press.
  • Boyd, C. (1990) in Enderle, G, Almond, B., & Argandoña, A. (Eds.), “People in Corporations. Ethical Responsibilities and Corporate Effectiveness”. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht

MBA Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Governance – 3rd Sem


Definition & nature Business ethics, Characteristics, Ethical theories; Causes of unethical behavior; Ethical abuses; Work ethics; Code of conduct; Public good.



Management of Ethics – Ethics analysis [ Hosmer model ]; Ethical dilemma; Ethics in practice- ethics for managers; Role and function of ethical managers- the Comparative ethical behavior of managers; Code of ethics; Competitiveness, organizational size, profitability, and ethics; Cost of ethics in Corporate ethics evaluation. Business and ecological/environmental issues in the Indian context and case studies.



Political-legal environment; Provisions of the Indian constitution pertaining to Business; Political setup – major characteristics and their implications for business; Prominent features of MRTP &
FERA. Social-cultural environment and their impact on business operations, Salient features of Indian culture and values. 30



Economic Environment; Philosophy of economic growth and its implications for business, Main features of Economic Planning with respect to a business; Industrial policy and framework of government contract over Business; Role of the chamber of commerce and Confederation of Indian Industries.



Definition- Evolution- Need for CSR; Theoretical perspectives; Corporate citizenship; Business practices; Strategies for CSR; Challenges and implementation; Evolution of corporate governance; Governance practices and regulation; Structure and development of boards; Role of capital market and government; Governance ratings; Future of governance- innovative practices; Case studies with lessons learnt.

MBA Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Governance Review Questions

  •  Describe the meaning and your understanding of corporate Governance especially in Indian Context.
  • Enumerate the best Corporate Governance practices in major economies.
  •  Explain the evolution of corporate Governances in India.
  • Describe the role, responsibilities and evaluation of the board of directors of a company.
  •  Interpret transparency and accountability in terms of Corporate Governance.
  • Describe the regulatory framework of Corporate Governance in India.
  • Why present corporate Governance systems emphasize on the role of audit committees, and their independence and also the role of independent directors?
  • Would the increased role of independent directors in the future generate a conflict with companies’ managerial control?
  • What do you understand by the concept of Corporate Socia responsibility?
  •  Do you believe it to be an important part of the core business strategy? If yes, elucidate with examples.
  •  What are the inherent and perceived benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility?
  •  Highlight the importance of CSR with the help of examples.
  • Critically analyze the concept of CSR.
  • Discuss the various approach and models for corporate social responsibility.
  •  Explain the issues of concern in regard to corporate social responsibility as a strategic move.
  • What do you understand by the following?
    a. Corporate citizenship
    b. Corporate social performance
    c. Corporate social responsiveness

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