MBA Business Communication Lecture Notes pdf – Download MBA 1st sem Study Materials & Books

Download MBA Business Communication Lecture notes pdf. The Students can Download MBA 1st sem Study Materials & Books which are available below in Download Links. Here We Provide the MBA Business Communication Lecture Notes, Study Materials & Books. The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and statistics, and many. You can easily adapt the Lecture Notes (MBA బిజినెస్ కమ్యూనికేషన్ లెక్చర్), Study Materials (SLM), and Books to take full advantage of the complete material we offer in Below Links.

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MBA Business Communication Lecture Notes pdf

Communication is something so simple and difficult that we can never put it in simple words,” says T.S. Mathews. But we do need a definition to understand the term. In his book Communication in Business, Peter Little defines communication as follows: “Communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and/or organizations so that an understanding response results.

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MBA Business Communication textbooks

  •  Pal, Rajendra, and Korlahalli, J. S., Essentials of Business
  • Fred Luthans, Organizational Behaviour, Boston, McGraw-Hill, 8th edition, 1998.
  • Kaul, Asha, Effective Business Communication.
  • Lesikar, Raymond V., and Pettit John D, Business Communication: Theory and application, 6th edition, Richard D Irwin publication.
  • Sharma, R. C., Business Communication and Report Writing.
  • Varinder Kumar, Raj Bodh, Business Communication, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2001.
  • Lesikar, R. V. and Pettite J. D., Business Communication.
  •  Sharma, R. C., Business Communication and Report Writing.
  • Sinha, P., Business Communication.
  • Business Communication by K. K. Sinha. Galgotia Publishing Company., New Delhi.
  • Business Communication by C. C. Pattensheti. R. Chand and Company Publishers., New Delhi.
  •  Essentials of Business Communication by Rajindra Pal and J. S. Korlahalli. Sultan Chand and Sons., New Delhi.16
  •  Effective Business Communication by Herta A. Murphy and Charles E. Peck. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited., New Delhi.
  • Essentials of Business Communication by Pettett and Lesikar. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited., New Delhi.
  •  Business Communication by Pettett and Lesikar. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited., New Delhi.

MBA Bussines Communication Syllabus for MBA 1st semester

Lesson: 1

Objective: The main objective of this lesson is to make the students learn on the subject matter of business communication vis-à-vis its nature and importance.
Structure: Introduction, The Concept of Communication, Significance of Communication, Nature of Business Communications: A Case Study

Lesson: 2

Effective Communication Skills
Objective: The major objective of this lesson is to create an understanding of the minds of students regarding various communication skills and also let them know the relevance of such skills.
Structure: Introduction, Objective of Business Communication. Effective Communications Skills, Summary, Key Words.

Lesson: 3

Objective: The foremost objective of this lesson is to generate thoughtful ideas in the psyche of students as regards the process of communication and the sequencing of different steps that the process of communication contains.
Structure: Introduction, How to Understand Communication Process, A Common Misconception, The Communication Environment, A Well Designed Communication Process, Summary, Key Words.

Lesson: 4

Objective: The primary objective of this lesson is to breed the attentive thoughts in the consciousness of students relating to barriers and gateways in business communication and to enable them to avoid the occurrence of such events in communication that create a communication gap.
Structure: Introduction, Barriers in Communication., Gateways to Communication Barriers, Making Communication Effective, Summary, Key Words, Self Assessment Questions, Suggested Readings.

Lesson: 5

Objective: This lesson educates the students on how to communicate clearly and effectively through commercial letters. It explains the basic skills necessary to write various types of commercial or business letters.
Structure: Introduction, Do’s and Don’t of Commercial Letter

Lesson: 6

Objective: The primary objective of this lesson is to make the students learn the basics of business reports and make them understand how effective reports are written.
Structure: Introduction, Types of Business Reports, Characteristics of A Good Report, Structures of Business Reports

Lesson: 7

Objective: The main objective of this lesson is to make the students learn the basics of Oral and Non-verbal Communication.
Structure: Introduction, Oral and Non-verbal Communication

Lesson: 8

Objective: The primary objective of this lesson is to make the students learn about the basics of public speaking aspects in business communication and to enable them to avoid the occurrence of such events in public speaking that do not add to the value of the speaker.
Structure: Introduction, Encoding and Translating, Understanding Your Audience, Targeting Your Audience, Designing a Presentation, Preparing the Venue and Seating Arrangement, Final Point and Getting Start

Lesson: 9

Objective: The most important objective of this lesson is to make the students learn the basics of business negotiation skills in
communication along with its legal aspects.
Structure: Introduction, Phases of a Negotiation, Characteristics of a Negotiation, Opening Negotiations, Legal Aspects of Communication

Lesson: 10

Objective: The objective of this lesson is to give the learners an understanding of agency correspondence, thereby enabling them to draft various agency related letters.
Structure: Introduction, Essentials of Agency Correspondence, Hints for Drafting Agency-related Letters, Some Sample Letters

MBA Business Communication Review Questions

  • Communication is sharing of understanding”, Discuss this and bring out the process of communication.
  •  “Management is a two-way traffic; it is based upon the effective machinery of communication.” Discuss this statement.
  • What are the main barriers to organizational communication?
  •  Discuss the psychological barriers to effective communication.
  • How do the personal opinions and prejudices of various individuals act as barriers to effective communication? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
  • What is meant by status-consciousness? How does it impede the smooth flow of communication?
  •  Explain how the wrong choice of the channel of communication acts as a barrier to communication.
  • How does language act as a barrier to effective communication?

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