DU MCA 4th Semester Syllabus 2025 – MCA 2nd Year (Delhi University) Subjects & Courses

Check out the details about DU MCA 4th Semester Syllabus 2025 – MCA 2nd Year (Delhi University – दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय). Candidates preparing for the DU MCA 2nd Year-2nd Sem 2025 Exams have to know the entire Syllabus. Preparation is easy whenever we will know the complete syllabus. Delhi University MCA 2025 all specializations revised syllabus is given in this article. Students also check the new syllabus in pdf format on the official website.

About Delhi University

The University of Delhi is the premier university located in New Delhi, India. It has grown into one of the largest universities in India. Five Departments namely Chemistry, Geology, Zoology, Sociology, and History have been awarded the status of the Centres of Advanced Studies. Du offers UG, PG and other certificate courses with the maximum number of specializations in courses. Various departments are located in the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Inter-disciplinary and Applied Sciences. The official website is  www.du.ac.in

Delhi University MCA Course Structure

MCA Course structure in Delhi University
MCA is 3 years under graduation course1st yearSemester 14 months Duration
Semester 24 months
2nd yearSemester 34 months
Semester 44 months
3rd yearSemester 54 months
Semester 64 months

Master of Computer Applications Specializations

Master of Computer Applications is a three-year course divided into a number of semesters which are generally six in number with different specializations that are given below.

  • Application Software
  • Hardware Technology
  • Management Information Systems
  • Internet
  • Software Development
  • Systems Management
  • Systems Development
  • Systems Engineering
  • Troubleshooting

Subjects in MCA 4th Semester – Delhi University

The following are the subjects in MCA 4th Semester

  • Compiler Design
  • Information Security
  • Network Programming
  • Elective within the Department
  • Elective within the Department

Download MCA 4th Semester DU Syllabus 2025

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DU MCA 4th Semester Syllabus

Course NoTitleL-T-PCreditsTotal marks
MCA 401Compiler Design3 – 0 – 24100
MCA 402Information Security3 – 0- 24100
MCA 403Network Programming3 – 0 -24100
EL3Elective within the Department    –4100
EL4Elective within the Department    –4100
  • L – T – P: Lectures – Tutorials – Practical


  • Lexical and Syntactic Analysis: Review of regular languages, design of a lexical analyzer
    generator, context-free grammars, syntactic analysis – design of top-down and bottom-up
  • Syntax directed translation: Top-down and bottom-up approaches, data types, mixed-mode
    expression; subscripted variables, sequencing statement, subroutines, and functions: parameters
    called by address, by name and by value, subroutines with side effects.
    Code generation, machine-dependent, and machine-independent optimization techniques.


  1. Overview of Security: Protection versus security; aspects of security–data integrity, data
    availability, privacy; security problems, user authentication, Orange Book.
  2. Security Threats: Program threats, worms, viruses, Trojan horse, trap door, stack, and buffer
    overflow; system threats- intruders; communication threats- tapping and piracy.
  3. Cryptography: Substitution, transposition ciphers, symmetric-key algorithms-Data Encryption
    Standard, advanced encryption standards, public-key encryption – RSA; Diffie-Hellman key
    exchange, ECC cryptography, Message Authentication- MAC, hash functions.
  4. Digital signatures: Symmetric key signatures, public key signatures, message digests, public
    key infrastructures.
  5. Security Mechanisms: Intrusion detection, auditing, and logging, tripwire, system-call monitoring;


  • Overview of TCP/IP. Protocol: Distinction between Transmission Control Protocol and User
    Datagram Protocol, well-known and empirical Port, connection-oriented and connectionless
  • Socket interface: Distinction between socket and connection, socket address structure, socket
    system calls.
  • Client-Server Interaction: Connection-oriented client-server interaction, connection-less
    client-server interaction, interactive and concurrent server, multiprocessor server, and multithreaded server design concepts.
  • Application Development: Design of file transfer protocol, remote log-in protocol, etc., using
    socket interface and logging, tripwire, system-call monitoring;


  1. Application Design and Development: User interfaces and tools, web interfaces to Databases
  2. Web Fundamentals: HTML, static vs.dynamic web pages, client (Javascript/VB) and server
    side scripting (JSP/ASP/PHP/VB), web servers and sessions, two-level & three-level
  3. Real-Life Application Development using Popular DBMS: SQL, procedures & functions,
    exception handling, triggers, large objects, user-defined data types, collection types, bulk
    loading of data
  4. Query Optimization: Query Processing, query tree, query plans, measures of query cost,
    estimates of basic operations, equivalent relational algebra expressions, evaluation of
  5. Authorizations in SQL: System and user privileges, granting & revoking privileges, roles,
    authorization on views, functions and procedures, limitations of SQL authorizations, audit
  6. Application Security: Encryption techniques, digital signatures & digital certificates


Study of contemporary popular operating systems. Detailed design of the following modules of
an Operating system will be covered:

  • Process and Processor Management: Scheduling schemes, Interposes communication,
  • File Management: Interface between file systems and IOCS, directory structures, allocation of
    disk space, file protection, file system reliability
  • I/O Management: I/O system, I/O strategies, buffering.
  • Memory Management: Swapping, demand paging, segmentation


  1. Building Blocks of Electronic Commerce: Introduction, internet and networking
    technologies, Internet and network protocols, web server scalability, software technologies for
    building E-commerce applications, distributed objects, object request brokers, component
    technology, web services, web application architectures, BizTalk framework Compliant Server
  2. Security of E-commerce transactions: Review of cryptographic tools, authentication,
    signatures, observers, anonymity, privacy, traceability, key certification, management and
  3. Payment protocols and standards: Smart card, e-cash, e-wallet technologies, electronic
    money and electronic payment systems, business models for electronic commerce, electronic
    marketplaces, auctions and other market mechanisms, design of auctions, optimization
    algorithms for marketplaces, multi-agent systems.
  4. Global e-Commerce and Law: Cyberlaw in India. Comparative evaluation of Cyber laws of
    certain countries.


A solution to Transcendental and Polynomial Equations: Iterative methods, bisection method,
secant method, Newton-Raphson method, fixed-point iteration, methods for finding complex

  • Matrices and Linear System of Equations: LU decomposition method for solving systems of
    equations, Symmetric positive definite matrices, and least square approximation, iterative
    algorithms for linear equations.
  • Interpolation: Polynomial interpolation, Newton-Gregory, Stirling’s, Bessel’s and Lagrange’s
    interpolation formula, Newton’s divided differences interpolation formulae.
  • Curve fitting: B-spline and Approximation: Fitting linear and non-linear curves, weighted
    least square approximation, method of least square for continuous functions.
  • Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation and errors in
    numerical differentiation, Newton-Cotes formulae, trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule, Gaussian
  • Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: Picard’s and Taylor’s series, Euler’s and Runge-Kutta (RK) methods, Predictor-corrector’s, Milne-Simpson’s, Adams-Bashford, Adams-Moulton methods.
  • Finite Element Method: Boundary value problems, Rayleigh and Galerkin methods of
    approximation, applications.


  1. Man-Machine Interface: Concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI), information system and
    information processing, concept of formal language, Natural Language (NL) and real language,
    natural language as man-machine interface.
  2. Natural Language Processing: Basic characteristic of NL, knowledge representation, level of
    representation in NL, function of natural language.
  3. Computational Linguistics: Relationship between linguistics and NLP, computational models
    for phonology, unphology, lexicography, syntax, semantics, and discourse.
  4. Processes and Methods: Pursuing applications – machine translation, information retrieval,
    information extraction, natural language in multimodal and multimedia systems, computer
    assisted language learning, multilingual online natural language processing.

In previous years MCA IV the Sem Syllabus links were also mentioned for the candidates.

Also, read

FAQS About Delhi University MCA 4th Sem Syllabus 2025 Subjects

What is MCA?

MCA stands for Master of Computer Applications. It is a postgraduate degree in the field of computer science and information technology.

What is the duration of the MCA program at Delhi University?

The MCA program at Delhi University is a three-year course, divided into six semesters.

What are the subjects in the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem Syllabus?

The Delhi University MCA 4th Sem Syllabus includes the following subjects are Database Management Systems, Computer Networks and Data Communication, Web Technologies, Elective I, & Elective II.

What is the duration of the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem exam?

The duration of the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem exam is 3 hours for each subject.

What is the marking scheme for the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem exam?

The marking scheme for the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem exam is as follows: Each subject carries 100 marks, and 75 marks are for theory and 25 marks are for internal assessment.

What is the syllabus for the Database Management Systems subject in Delhi University MCA 4th Sem?

The syllabus for the Database Management Systems subject in Delhi University MCA 4th Sem includes the following topics are Introduction to Database Systems, Data Modeling and the Entity-Relationship Model Relational Data Model and SQL, Transaction Management and Concurrency Control, Database Design and Normalization, Distributed Databases and Client-Server Architecture

What are the elective subjects offered in the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem?

The elective subjects offered in the Delhi University MCA 4th Sem included such as Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Distributed Systems, Mobile Computing, Information Retrieval
E-commerce, Data Warehousing and Data Mining.

Here in this article, DU MCA 4th Semester Syllabus 2025 – MCA 2nd Year (Delhi University) is clearly given. Follow this article to know the complete syllabus of DU MCA fourth Sem. On this page, you may also download Delhi University MCA 4th Semester Syllabus in pdf format. Share this article with your friends who want Delhi University MCA 4th Semester Syllabus. For any queries or doubts regarding DU MCA 4th Semester Syllabus – MCA 2nd Year (Delhi University) Courses, you may comment on the below comment box. We will answer them as soon as possible.

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