Deshbandhu College Syllabus PDF 2023 – Courses, Exam Pattern, Papers, Duration, Marking Scheme

Deshbandhu College Syllabus and Courses 2025: Check out the College provides the Syllabus for Semester Exams. Candidates can download the Syllabus PDF of various courses on the official website of the College. The Syllabus (पाठ्यक्रम) PDF of UG, PG, Courses are also available here. Through this article, you will get the details of Deshbandhu College (देशबंधु कॉलेज) Syllabus, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree Syllabus PDF.

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Deshbandhu College Syllabus & Courses

Deshbandhu College Syllabus 2025

Name of the CollegeDeshbandhu College(University of Delhi)
LocationNew Delhi
Courses OfferedBA, BA(Hons), B.Sc, B.Sc(Hons), B.Com, MA, M.Com, M.Sc
Admissions based onMerit-Based
Deshbandhu College Syllabus & CoursesAvailable Now

About Deshbandhu College

Deshbandhu College was established in 1952, shares a building, and some facilities with Ramanujan College as of 2016. It is a separate constituent college of the University of Delhi in India, in Kalkaji, near Nehru Place, New Delhi.

The college offers eight post-graduate and 20 undergraduate courses in disciplines spanning languages, political science. economics, commerce, history, and all the major branches of science and mathematics. The college has over 2000 students.

It has a collection of over 85,000 books in the college library, a host of journals and magazines, a spacious reading room, The college contains a separate floor for teachers and research scholars and a book bank section which lends textbooks to needy students.

Organization of seminars, lectures, workshops, N.S.S., N.C.C., and other co-curricular activities will be promoted by the College.

Scholarships and other forms of financial aid are provided by the college to meritorious and needy students.

Deshbandhu College Syllabus and Courses

Download the Syllabus PDF of the following Courses:

UG Courses

  • B.Sc. Applied Physical Sciences (Comp. Sc)
  • B.Sc. Applied Physical Science (Industrial Chemistry)
  • B.Sc. Life Sciences
  • B.Sc. Physical Sciences
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Botany
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Chemistry
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Physics
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Biochemistry
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Zoology
  • B.A. (Hons) Economics
  • B.A. (Hons) English
  • B.A. (Hons) Hindi
  • B.A. (Hons) History
  • B.A. (Hons) Political Science
  • B.A. (Hons) Sanskrit
  • B.A. Programme
  • B.Com.
  • B.Com. (Hons)

BA Programme Combinations

Discipline IDiscipline II
HistoryPolitical Science
EconomicsPolitical Science
EnglishPolitical Science
HindiPolitical Science
MathematicsPolitical Science
Political ScienceSanskrit

PG Courses


M.A. Hindi

M.A. English

M.A. Economics

M.A. Mathematics

M.A. Political Science

M.A. Sanskrit

Deshbandhu College 2025 Exam Papers & Subjects

Deshbandhu College is a constituent college of the University of Delhi, India. The college offers undergraduate courses in various disciplines in the fields of arts, commerce, and sciences. The following are the subjects offered by the college:

  1. Arts/Humanities:
  • English
  • Hindi
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Sanskrit
  1. Commerce:
  • B.Com (Hons.)
  1. Sciences:
  • Botany
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Zoology

The college follows the semester system and conducts examinations twice a year. The question papers for the exams are usually set by the respective departments of the college and are available to students on the official website of the college.

Deshbandhu College Syllabus 2025 Exam Pattern

Deshbandhu College is affiliated with the University of Delhi, and therefore, the exam pattern for Deshbandhu College is similar to that of other colleges under Delhi University. The following information is based on the exam pattern followed by Delhi University:

  • Types of Examinations: The college conducts two types of examinations – Internal Assessment and End-Semester Examination.
  • Internal Assessment: The Internal Assessment carries 25% weightage and includes tests, assignments, class participation, and attendance.
  • End-Semester Examination: The End-Semester Examination carries 75% weightage and is conducted by Delhi University. It is usually held in the months of November-December for Odd Semesters (1st, 3rd, 5th) and in May-June for Even Semesters (2nd, 4th, 6th).
  • Exam Duration: The duration of the End-Semester Examination is three hours.
  • Types of Questions: The End-Semester Examination includes both objective and subjective questions. The objective questions consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Answer Questions (SAQs). The subjective questions include Long Answer Questions (LAQs), Essay type Questions, and Case Studies.
  • Marking Scheme: The marking scheme varies for different courses and is provided in the syllabus. In general, each question carries a certain number of marks, and the total marks for the paper are fixed.

Deshbandhu College 2025 Exam Duration, marks

I don’t have access to the specific exam duration and marks allocation of Deshbandhu College in Delhi. However, I can tell you that the exam duration and marks allocation may vary depending on the course and the level of the exam (undergraduate or postgraduate).

You can find information about the exam duration and marks allocation for your specific course by checking the college’s official website or contacting the college’s examination department. They should be able to provide you with detailed information about the exam format and evaluation criteria.

Deshbandhu College Syllabus 2025 Negative Marking Scheme

As far as I know, the college does not follow any negative marking scheme for its academic assessments.

However, it is important to note that the specific evaluation criteria and marking schemes may vary depending on the course, subject, and the faculty member responsible for conducting the assessment. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the relevant course instructor or academic department for more specific information regarding the marking scheme and evaluation criteria.

Download Deshbandhu College 2025 Syllabus

Deshbandhu College Syllabus 2025 PDFClick Here
Official Website linkClick Here

Deshbandhu College 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern FAQs

What courses are offered by Deshbandhu College?

Deshbandhu College offers undergraduate courses in various fields including Arts, Commerce, and Science. Some of the popular courses include B.A. (Hons) in English, Political Science, History, Hindi, Economics, and B.Com. (Hons), B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, and Botany.

What is the exam pattern for Deshbandhu College?

The exam pattern for Deshbandhu College follows the standard pattern of the University of Delhi. The exams are conducted in a semester system, with two semesters in an academic year. The exams for odd semesters are usually conducted in December, while the exams for even semesters are conducted in May-June.

What is the syllabus for Deshbandhu College?

The syllabus for Deshbandhu College is designed by the University of Delhi and is updated from time to time. The syllabus is available on the official website of the college as well as the University of Delhi website. Students can download the syllabus for their respective courses and semesters from these websites.

What is the marking scheme for Deshbandhu College exams?

The marking scheme for Deshbandhu College exams follows the University of Delhi guidelines. The exams are usually of 3 hours duration, and the maximum mark for each paper is 100. The minimum passing marks for each paper is 40% and the overall passing percentage is 50%.

How can I prepare for Deshbandhu College exams?

To prepare for Deshbandhu College exams, students should follow the syllabus and exam pattern provided by the University of Delhi. They should also refer to the recommended textbooks and study materials provided by their teachers. Additionally, students can also refer to previous years’ question papers and sample papers to get an idea of the type of questions asked in the exams. Regular practice and revision are key to scoring well in the exams.

What is the duration of the courses offered by Deshbandhu College?

The duration of the courses offered by Deshbandhu College is three years for undergraduate courses. The courses are divided into six semesters, with each semester lasting for six months.

What is the admission process for Deshbandhu College?

The admission process for Deshbandhu College is conducted online through the University of Delhi admission portal. Students have to register themselves on the portal and fill the application form for the desired course. The admission is based on the merit of the qualifying examination, and the cutoffs are released by the University of Delhi. Students who meet the cutoff criteria can then proceed with the admission process by paying the fees and submitting the required documents.

Does Deshbandhu College offer any scholarships or financial assistance to students?

Yes, Deshbandhu College offers various scholarships and financial assistance schemes to students. Some of the popular scholarships include the Merit-cum-Means Scholarship, Post-Matric Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC students, and the National Scholarship Scheme. Additionally, the college also provides fee concessions and financial assistance to economically weaker students. Students can visit the college website or contact the college administration for more information on these schemes.

How to download Deshbandhu College Syllabus?

Follow the below steps to download the Syllabus PDF:

  • Initially, go to the official website of Deshbandhu College,
  • Click on the Admission Tab.
  • And from the drop-down list, click on the Syllabus.
  • Here you find the Syllabus PDF of all Courses.
  • Click on the required link, to download the Syllabus PDF of your course.

On this page, we have given the total information regarding Deshbandhu College Syllabus & Courses, Syllabus PDF, Courses List 2025.  So, if you have any confusion give a comment via the comment section or go for the official website. Don’t forget to share or subscribe to this page with your friends and family members to get the latest updates.

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