Convert Old CA Course to Revised CA Scheme – CPT / IPCC / Final Switch Over Process

The answer for How to Convert from Old CA Course to Revised CA Scheme, Conversion of CA Course Old Syllabus to New Syllabus is provided here. The Switch Over Process of CPT to CA Foundation / IPCC to CA Intermediate / CA Final Old to New CA Final, Fee to convert from Old CA Course to Revised CA Course, Due Date for Conversion and other details are provided below. ICAI – The Institution of Chartered Accountants of India has made few announcements regarding Exemption(s) from appearing in a paper(s) or Group of CA Exams, under the New Scheme of Education and Training w.e.f. May 2018 examinations, Clarifications on the requirement for completion of Advanced ICITSS course and the Advanced IT Test thereunder, with reference to eligibility to appear in CA Final examination, under Final( Old) and Final (New) Syllabus.

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Cut-off Date for Converting to Revised CA Scheme to Attempt in May 2018

Sub.: Cut-off date for students converting from earlier scheme to Revised Scheme of Education and Training implemented w.e.f 1st July 2017 into Foundation / Intermediate / Final Course for being eligible to appear in respective examinations in May 2018 

Students are advised to note that they need to convert themselves latest by 1st Feb., 2018 from earlier scheme to Revised Scheme of Education and Training implemented from 1st July 2017 to appear in Foundation / Intermediate / Final in May 2018 Examination.

The students who will be converting after 1st February, 2018 will not be eligible to fill the Exam form and appear for respective Examinations in May 2018 under Revised Scheme of Education and Training.

Announcement to Students registered in only one of the Groups of CA IPCC

Students who have registered in only one of the Groups of Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) / Intermediate (Professional Competence) Course under earlier scheme till 30th June 2017 and subsequently registered for remaining Group in New Scheme of Education and Training implemented wef 1st July 2017 have to compulsorily convert from the earlier registered Group in old scheme in New Scheme of Education and Training.

In other words, the students who are registering themselves for balance Group in Revised Scheme before filling the Examination Form, have to compulsorily convert themselves for the Group registered in earlier scheme, as a student cannot appear for Group I and Group II (both the Groups) in Old and New Scheme simultaneously.

Clarification on Compulsory Conversion to New Syllabus

As you might be aware, February 1st 2018, is the last date to convert to new CA Inter Scheme in order to be eligible for May 2018 attempt.

The words used in the ICAI Notification is very confusing, And as a result, it is seen that few students are in wrong notion that this conversion is mandatory.

Note that, converting from Old to New Syllabus is not mandatory. CA Final Old Syllabus students can continue appearing for exams under old scheme for Six more attempts i.e. Nov 2020

CA IPCC Old Syllabus students can continue appearing for exams under old scheme for three more attemptes i.e. May 2019

However, conversion for May 2018 is not recommended if you have not completed Advanced ITT till now.  Under new course, ACITSS has to be completed before exams, and therefore this might take up crucial preparation time.

Conversion Fee to Convert from Old CA Course to New CA Scheme

CourseFee For IndiansFee For Abroad
CA CPT to FoundationRs. 500US $ 40
CA IPCC to IntermediateRs. 1000US $ 50
CA Final old to CA Final NewRs. 1000US $ 50

New CA Course Conversion Form & Link

1. New student (never enrolled for any course with ICAI) >>click here<< to register with this portal

2. Existing student (already enrolled for any course with ICAI) >>click here<< to register with this portal

Note : Users registered with this portal, use your email id to login

From above given links candidates can convert from Old CA Course to Revised CA Scheme as follows :

  • CA CPT to CA Foundation
  • CA IPCC (through CA CPT) to CA Intermediate
  • CA IPCC (through Direct Entry) to CA Intermediate
  • CA Final Old to CA Final New

Conversion Procedure from CA CPT to CA Foundation

I. For Common Proficiency Course Students:

Case 1 : All students registered in Common Proficiency Course and are pursuing Class 11th / Class 12th.

Way forward : Such Students may appear for all available attempts, i.e, June 2019 under old scheme Or After appearing in Class 12th exam, students may convert to Foundation Course under revised scheme at any point of time w.e.f 1st July, 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts, i.e, June 2019 under old scheme, by paying conversion charges of Rs.500/- (US$ 40) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Case 2 : All students registered in Common Proficiency Course and appeared in Class 12th Exam / qualified Class 12th Examination / appeared for CPT but not qualified

Way forward : Such Students may appear for all available attempts, i.e, June 2019 under old scheme Or They may convert to Foundation Course under revised scheme at any point of time w.e.f 1st July, 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts , i.e, June 2019 under old scheme, by paying conversion charges of Rs.500/- (US$ 40) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Such students would be eligible to appear in immediate Foundation Examination to be held after switching provided that the student has passed class 12th Examinations.

Conversion from CA IPCC to CA Intermediate

Through CPT Route:-

Case 1 : Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course and are eligible to appear for Intermediate (IPC) Examination but have not appeared / appeared but could not pass any Group

Way forward : Such Students may appear for all available attempts , i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme Or May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts i.e till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Case 2 : Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course and passed Group-I

Way forward :

1. Will undergo ICITSS (ITT)/ICITSS (OC)/ICITSS (ITT & OC), to the extent not undergone ITT/OC/ITT & OC under old scheme. Thereafter, may commence Practical Training.

2. Such Students may appear for Group-II under old scheme for all available attempts , i.e, till May 2019. Or May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts , i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Case 3 : Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course and passed Group-I and commenced Practical Training

Way forward :

1. Continue with Practical Training

2. May appear for Group-II under old scheme for all available attempts , i.e, till May 2019. Or May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Case 4 : Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course and passed Group-II

Way forward :

1. Will undergo ICITSS (ITT)/ICITSS (OC)/ICITSS (ITT & OC), to the extent not undergone ITT/OC/ITT & OC under old scheme. Thereafter, may commence Practical Training.

2. Such Students may appear for Group-I under old scheme for all available attempts , i.e, till May 2019. Or May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts i.e till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students..

II. Through Direct Entry Route:-

Case 1 : Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course provisionally and are eligible to appear for Intermediate (IPC) Examination have not appeared / appeared but not passed any Group- Such students will be treated as the students under existing scheme even if they submit their mark sheets of Graduation / PG after 1st July 2017

Way forward :  Such Students may appear for all available attempts , i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme Or May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts , i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Case 2 : Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course and passed Group-I/Group II

Way forward : Such Students may appear for the remaining group for all available attempts , i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme Or May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts , i.e, till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Already registered for Intermediate (IPC) course – provisionally or otherwise through CPT route or Direct Entry Route, but ineligible to appear in Intermediate (IPC) examination may appear for Intermediate (IPC) Examination for all available attempts i.e till May 2019 under old scheme after being eligible


May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 and appear for Intermediate Examination after being eligible or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts i.e till May 2019 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /-(US$ 50)and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

Conversion from CA Final Old to CA Final New

Case : Already registered for Final Course are eligible to appear for Final Examination have not appeared / appeared but not passed any Group/ appeared and passed either Group I or Group II

Way forward : Such Students may appear for all available attempts , i.e, till Nov., 2020 under old scheme Undergo AICITSS (Adv. ITT)/ AICITSS (GMCS) / AICITSS (Adv. ITT & GMCS), to the extent not undergone Adv. ITT / GMCS / Adv. ITT & GMCS under old scheme. Have to undergo before applying for Membership of ICAI.


May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts , i.e, till Nov., 2020 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/- /- (US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students. Such students will undergo ICITSS (ITT)/ICITSS (OC)/ICITSS (ITT & OC), to the extent not undergone ITT/OC/ITT & OC under old scheme before appearing for Final Examination under Revised Scheme.

Already registered for final (under existing scheme) course but ineligible to appear in Final examination may appear for Final Examination for all available attempts i.e till Nov., 2020 und er old scheme after being eligible


May convert under revised scheme at any point of time wef 1st July 2017 and appear for Final Examination after being eligible or compulsorily have to convert after completion of the available attempts i.e till Nov., 2020 under old scheme by paying conversion charges of Rs.1000/-/-(US$ 50) and the study material for revised scheme will be provided free of cost but shipping charges will be borne by the students.

All the students while converting to Intermediate or Final course will get the study material free of cost on converting but the shipping charges are to be borne by the students.

The announcement relating to the criteria of the grant of exemptions under revised scheme for existing students in respect of the group/paper qualified by them under the old scheme will be hosted separately.

Last Attempt For Current CA CPT, IPCC & CA Final Students under Old CA Course

CA CPT Last Attempt & CA Foundation First Attempt

S.No.ParticularsDate / Attempt
1.Last date for CPT Registration30th June, 2017
2.Date of commencement of registration for Foundation Course1st July, 2017
3.First Foundation Exam to be held inMay, 2018
4.Last CPT Exam to be held inJune 2019
5.Three Parallel attemptsFoundationCPT
May, 18June, 18
Nov., 18Dec., 18
May, 19June, 19

CA IPCC Last Attempt & CA Inter First Attempt

S.No.ParticularsDate / Attempt
1.Last date for Registration in Intermediate (IPC) Course30th June, 2017
2.Date of commencement of registration for Intermediate Course – (Both Routes)1st July, 2017
3.First Exam for Intermediate (Both Routes)inMay, 2018
4.Last Exam for Intermediate (IPC)inMay, 19
5.Three Parallel attemptsIntermediateIIPCC
May, 18May, 18
Nov., 18Nov., 18
May, 19May, 19

CA Final New Course & CA Final Old Course

S.No.ParticularsDate / Attempt
1.Last date for Registration in existing Final Course30th June, 2017
2.Date of commencement of registration in Final (new) Course1st July, 2017
3.First Exam for Final (new) Course inMay, 2018
4.Last Exam for existing Final Course inNov., 2020
5.Six Parallel attemptsFinal (new)Final (Existing)
May, 18May, 18
Nov., 18Nov., 18
May, 19May, 19
Nov., 19Nov., 19
Nov., 20Nov., 20

Re-validation of Registration for CA course under Revised Scheme

The following re-validation scheme will be applicable with effect from 1st July, 2017:-

A.  Re-validation under Revised Scheme of education and training

1.Validity for Registration3 Years4 Years5 Years
2.Revalidation Fees after 1st July, 2017 (for each revalidation)Rs 300/-Rs 400/-Rs 500/-

B.  Revalidation during the Transition Period

With the implementation of Revised Scheme, which comes into effect from 1st July, 2017 there would be cases of students who are registered under the existing scheme in the respective levels and whose registration would be expiring after discontinuation of existing scheme i.e. after 1st July, 2017 and such set of students might like to continue in the existing scheme so as to avail the available attempts in the respective level. Though the registration under the existing scheme would be closed on 30th June, 2017, the students would be allowed to revalidate their registration to avail the available attempts by paying the following re-validation fees:-

CPTIPCCFinal (Existing)
1.Revalidation Fees after 1st July, 2017 (for each revalidation)Rs 300/-Rs 400/-Rs 500/-

The revalidation after 1st July, 2017 will remain valid till the specified period of 3 years, 4 years and 5 years for CPT, IPCC and Final respectively or the last examination under these schemes, whichever is earlier. Compulsory conversion has to be made in the revised scheme after expiry of available attempts under existing scheme by payment of requisite fees.


  1. Sir I passed group 2 under old syllbus in nov 19 and now i want to convert ipcc group 1 in to new syllabus what is the proceedure of conversion and in the conversion form there is no detail to fill the group i have cleared. Please help me sir

  2. I am trying to convert from CA Final Old course to CA Final New course, but unable for last 4/5 days.

    Give me the correct link for the same.


    Amrendra Wani

  3. I want to change from Final old syllabus to Final new syllabus and want to appear for Nov 2018. Can i do the same? If yes please let me know the procedure in summarised manner.

  4. I have registered for IPCC/ATC on 06/02/2017 and appeared for IPCC group 1 in Nov 2017 but I couldn’t clear the exams . I want to reappear in May 2018 examination . kindly tell me whether I have to change my registration from existing scheme to revised scheme for appearing in May 2018.

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