CBSE Class 10 French Syllabus 2025, Chapter, Topics – Download PDF

CBSE Class 10 French Syllabus: Are you Looking for CBSE Class 10 French Syllabus 2025, Chapter, Topics ??? Then, you are on the right track. Those who are interested to know about the Information for Class X CBSE French Syllabus 2025 may go through this article. As we have provided the details for CBSE Class 10 Syllabus. We all are aware that how important are the Class X Exams (सीबीएसई कक्षा 10 फ्रेंच सिलेबस) in a student’ Life. But students may not have to be worried about the CBSE Syllabus. Each and every detail is provided in this article related to the Central Board of Secondary Education. You just have to check out and read every detail to know about it.

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CBSE Class 10 French Syllabus 2025

The Latest Syllabus of Class 10 French Syllabus 2025 was mentioned below for the scholars to refer to. And, both Part – A, B were mentioned below in a table format.

Reading Section: marks

One unseen prose passage (factual/descriptive) (150-200 words)

B) Writing Section: marks

  • One long composition (Informal letter) based on the main themes given in lessons 1,2,3,4,7,8 (80 words)
  • Two short compositions: message, re-arranging a dialogue in a logical sequence, completing a text with the help of clues provided. (30-35 words)

C) Grammar Section: marks

Verbs (All tenses done in class 9, futur antérieur& plus-que-parfait.), pronom

relatif composé, personal pronouns, trouvez la question, discours direct et

indirect, négatifs, possessifs (adjectifs et pronoms)

(Note: Personal pronouns will continue to be tested as the topic is done in Class 9

D) Culture and Civilization

Question-based on the textbook :

  1. a) Short answer questions
  2. b) MCQ (True or False / Match the following/ Fill in the Blanks) L.1 – Retrouvons nosamis
  3. L.2 – Après lebac
  4. L.3 – Chercher dutravail
  5. L.4 – Le plaisir delire
  6. L.7 – En pleineforme
  7. L.8 –L’environnement

E) Internal Assessment

As per CBSE guidelines for all subjects:

  1. Subject enrichment activity (ASL)
  2. Portfolio

vii. Periodic Tests

viii. Multiple Assessments 5 marks

ix. Prescribed textbook:

Entre Jeunes, Class X (CBSE) Textbook Lessons 1-4, 7,8


SectionDetails of



Type of questions/Sub-topicsMarks
Section 1


L 1-4, 7, 8Fill in the blanks

One-word answer questions



Section 2




(any two)

Rearranging of dialogue

Completing a story

Completing a message



Section 3



(3/4 ques on

each topic)

1.Les verbes- infinitif présent, pc,

imparfait, Impératif, futur simple/

proche, conditionnel présent

2. Les pronoms relatifs composés

3.Les pronoms possessifs

4. Les pronoms (COD, COI, toniques,

y, en)

5. La négation



Section 4


Unseen proseOne-word answers

Vocabulary search

Nouns, verbs…




SectionDetails of



Type of questions/Sub-topicsMarks
Section 1


L 1-4, 7, 8Short answer questions10


Section 2




Informal letter7


Section 3



(3/4 ques on

each topic)

1.Les verbes- impératif, imparfait,

passé composé, plus que parfait, futur

simple, futur antérieur

2. Le discours direct et indirect

3. Trouver la question

4. Les pronoms (COD, COI, toniques,

y, en)

5. La négation



Section 4


Unseen proseParagraph with short answers




CBSE Class 10 French Syllabus 2025-20

ClassClass 10
Board of EducationCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
SubjectFrench Language

French Syllabus 2025-20 CBSE Class X

  1. Reading Section: 10 Marks
    One unseen prose passage (factual/descriptive) (150-200 words)
  2. Writing Section: 20 marks
    One long composition (Informal letter) based on the main themes given in lessons
    1,2,3,4,7,8,10,12 (80 words)
    Two short compositions: message, re-arranging a dialogue in a logical sequence,
    completing a text with the help of the clues provided. (30-35 words)
  3. Grammar Section: 30 marks
    Verbs (All tenses done in class 9, plus-que-parfait, subjonctif), pronom relatif composé, démonstratifs (adjectifs et pronoms), pronoms personnels, trouvez la question, discours direct et indirect, négatifs, possessifs (adjectifs et pronoms), prépositions
  4. Culture and Civilization: 20 marks Question based on the textbook :
    1. Short answer questions (5 x 2 10 marks)
    2. MCQ (True or false/odd one out/match the following (10 marks)
      fill in the blanks) (Any 2)

      • L.1 – Retrouvons nos amis
      • L.2 – Après le bac
      • L.3 – Chercher du travail
      • L.4 – Le plaisir de lire
      • L.5 – Les médias
      • L.6 – Chacun ses goûts
      • L.7 – En pleine forme
      • L.8 – L’environnement
      • L.9 – Métro, Boulot, Dodo
      • L.10 – Vive la République
      • L.11– C’ est bon le progrès
      • L.12 – Vers un monde interculturel

Question Paper 2019-2019 CBSE French Syllabus

Sections Total Weightage 90 Marks
Section – AReading Comprehension10 Marks
Section – BWriting25 Marks
Section – CGrammar35 Marks
Section – DCulture and Civilization20 Marks


Prescribed textbook :
Entre Jeunes, Class IX (CBSE)
Textbook Lessons 1-12.

Download PDF  Link for CBSE Class 10 French Syllabus 2025    Click Here


Students need not have to worry about the Exam syllabus. As we have provided about CBSE Class X French Exam Syllabus 2025 in this article. Once, check it and immediately start the preparation. Also, keep following us for such Updates and Don’t forget to share this article with your friends. So, they may also know about CBSE Class 10 French Language Syllabus 2025 and they may also start preparing for the Exams. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2020-21.

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