PAU CET Syllabus PDF 2023 – Exam Pattern, Papers, Duration, Marking Scheme

PAU CET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025: Check out the details of the Topic PAU CET 2025 Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Date, Eligibility. Here we have provided the complete information on the Basic Points of MCAER 2025 like Exam Pattern, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Application Form, and Fee. PAU Entrance Test for admission of Undergraduate, master’s Diploma and Ph.D programmes (NUUGET सिलेबस). This exam will be conducted by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Through this article, you will get complete information about PAU Examination. Eligible candidates can apply for the admission which is available in the month of June 2025 before the last date.

Also, read the following links for better information on the following Topics.

About PAU

The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) in Ludhiana, Punjab is a state agricultural university in India. It was established in 1962 and is the nation’s third-oldest Punjab agricultural university, after Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar & Punjab University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhuvaneshwar. The PAU has played a key role in increasing food grain production in the Punjab State several folds share its reputation and ushering in an era of Green Revolution in AP India. It has made notable visitors in increasing livestock & poultry production. The PAU Agricultural University now has four constituent colleges, viz. College of Agriculture, College of Agricultural Engineering, College of Home Science and College of Basic Sciences & Humanities.

  • Established in 1962 to serve the state of erstwhile Punjab
  • Inaugurated by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India on July 8, 1963
  • In February 1970, Haryana Agricultural University carved out by an Act of parliament in July 1970, HP
  • Krishi Vishvavidalya established at Palampur campus
  • In 2006, the College of Veterinary Sciences upgraded as Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science University at Ludhiana
  • Modeled on the pattern of land grant colleges in the US
  • Has played a key role in increasing food production in Punjab state and ushering in an era of Green Revolution in India
  • Has made notable contributions in increasing livestock and poultry production in the state
  • In 1995, was adjudged as Best Agricultural University in India

PAU CET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025

Section-I: Agriculture Aptitude

Knowledge of candidates in vernacular language about the measurements of land, cultivation of several Rabi & Kharif crops, vegetables & fruits, fertilizers, farm tools, implements, weeds, and general agriculture and allied sources.

Section-II: General Science

The syllabi will be the same as the syllabus for 9th and 10th standard of Punjab School Education Board/ Central Board of Secondary Education / Indian Certificate Secondary Education.


General English the syllabus will be the same as the syllabus for 9th and 10th class of Punjab School Education Board/ Central Board of Secondary Education.

Section-IV: Mathematics The syllabus will be the same as the syllabus for 9 and 10th standard of Punjab School Education Board.

PAU CET Syllabus 2025 Exam Papers & Subjects

The PAU CET (Punjab Agricultural University Common Entrance Test) is conducted by the Punjab Agricultural University for admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and is conducted in offline mode.

The subjects covered in the PAU CET exam depend on the course that the candidate is applying for. Here is a list of some of the commonly offered courses along with their respective subjects:

  • B.Sc. Agriculture: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology
  • B.Sc. Home Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology
  • B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering): Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology
  • B.Tech. (Food Technology): Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) Nutrition and Dietetics: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology
  • M.Sc. Agriculture: Agriculture, Agronomy, Soil Science, Entomology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Horticulture, Agricultural Meteorology, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Economics, Seed Science and Technology, Plant Physiology, Agricultural Extension Education, Microbiology, and Biotechnology.

The PAU CET exam paper for each course may consist of different weightage of questions from each subject. Candidates are advised to check the official notification or brochure for detailed information regarding the exam pattern and syllabus.

PAU CET Exam Pattern 2025

  • Section-I: Agriculture Aptitude: It will consist of 50 questions.
  • Section-II: General Science: It will consist of 30 questions.
  • Section-III: General English: It will consist of 10 questions.
  • Section-IV: Mathematics: It will consist of 10 questions.

Total marks awarded for this PAU CET Entrance Examination is 100 Marks

PAU CET 2025 Exam Duration, marks

The duration and marks of the CET exam conducted by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) may vary depending on the course for which the exam is being conducted.

However, generally, the CET exam conducted by PAU has a duration of 2 hours and carries a total of 200 marks. The question paper usually consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and covers topics related to the chosen course such as Agriculture, Horticulture, Home Science, etc.

It is important to note that candidates should check the official notification or website of PAU for specific details regarding the CET exam for their desired course.

PAU CET Syllabus 2025 Negative Marking Scheme

Yes, there is negative marking in the PAU CET exam.

For each incorrect answer, 1/4th (0.25) of the marks allotted to the question will be deducted. For example, if a question carries 4 marks and a candidate answers it incorrectly, then 1 mark will be deducted from the total score.

It is important for candidates to keep this negative marking scheme in mind while attempting the exam and to avoid guessing answers if they are unsure, as it could lead to a reduction in their final score.

Download PAU CET Entrance Exam Syllabus 2025

Following is the link for the PAU CET Entrance Exam Syllabus in the academic year of 2022 PDF is given as:

Download PAU CET Syllabus 2025Click Here

PAU CET 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern FAQs

What is PAU CET?

PAU CET stands for Punjab Agricultural University Common Entrance Test. It is a state-level entrance examination conducted by Punjab Agricultural University for admission into various undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma programs in agriculture and allied sciences.

What are the eligibility criteria for PAU CET?

The eligibility criteria for PAU CET vary for different courses. However, in general, candidates must have passed 10+2 with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for reserved categories) from a recognized board.

What is the application process for PAU CET?

Candidates can apply for PAU CET through the official website of Punjab Agricultural University. The application process usually starts in April and the last date to apply is in May. Candidates need to register themselves, fill in the application form, upload the required documents, and pay the application fee.

What is the exam pattern for PAU CET?

The exam pattern for PAU CET varies for different courses. However, in general, the exam consists of 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with a duration of 2 hours. The questions are usually based on the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology.

What is the syllabus for PAU CET?

The syllabus for PAU CET varies for different courses. However, in general, the syllabus covers the topics of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology up to the 10+2 level.

Is there negative marking in PAU CET?

No, there is no negative marking in PAU CET.

What is the mode of the PAU CET exam?

The PAU CET exam is conducted in offline mode (pen and paper-based test).

When is the PAU CET exam conducted?

The PAU CET exam is usually conducted in the month of June.

When will the PAU CET admit card be released?

The PAU CET admit card will be released a few weeks before the exam date. Candidates can download the admit card from the official website of Punjab Agricultural University.

What is the counselling process for PAU CET?

The counselling process for PAU CET involves document verification, seat allotment, and fee payment. Candidates who qualify in the entrance exam are called for counselling based on their rank. During the counselling process, candidates need to choose their preferred course and college based on their rank and availability of seats.

Hope this article is us useful or those who are eagerly waiting for the PAU CET Syllabus 2025 details are clearly mentioned in this page पीएयू सीईटी परीक्षा पैटर्न. So, visit once in this article and if you have any doubt give a comment on below comment section or go for the official website notification. Please share this article to our friends and family.

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