Engineering Environmental Studies Notes Pdf- Download 1st Year Books & Notes, Lecture Notes, Study Materials 

Check Out Engineering Environmental Studies Notes Pdf. We have provided Environmental Studies 1st Year Study Materials and Lecture Notes for CSE, ECE, EEE, IT, Mech, Civil, ANE, AE, PCE and all other branches.  From the following 1st-year Environmental Studies Notes, you can get the complete Study Material in Single Download Link (ఇంజనీరింగ్ ఎన్విరాన్‌మెంటల్ స్టడీస్). We provide 1st-year Environmental Studies study materials to B.Tech students free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

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Engineering Environmental Studies Notes Pdf

The importance of environmental science and environmental studies cannot be undisputed. The need for sustainable development is key to the future of mankind.  The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janerio in 1992 and World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg in 2002 has drawn the attention of people around the globe to the deteriorating condition of our environment.

It is clear that no citizen of the earth can afford to be ignorant of environmental issues. Environmental management has captured the attention of healthcare managers. Managing environmental hazards has become very important.

Engineering EVS Notes pdf Download

Environmental studies question paper pdf


Environmental studies notes for engineering


Environmental studies pdf notes


Suggested Books for Engineering Environmental studies  -1st year

  • Environmental Studies -Benny Joseph-Tata McgrawHiU-200S
  • Environment, H-al Studies- Or. D.l. Manjunath, Pearson Education-2006.
  • Environmental studies- R, Rajagopal-illan -Oxford Pubtioti,on • 200S.
  • Textbook of Environmental Science & Technology- M. Anji Reddy-US Publication.
  • Principles of Environmental SC It-nee and Engineer’l’lg -P. Venugoplan Rao, Pteritlce Hall of India.
  • Environmental Science and Engineering Mecoakshi, Prentice Hall India

Engineering Environmental Studies Syllabus


Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Science and Natural Resources Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental studies
Definition, Scope, and Importance of Environmental Science and Need for public awareness. Natural resources Renewable and nonrenewable resources Natural resources and associated problems.
a. Forest Resources: Use and over Exploitation, Deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, Mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people.
b. Water Resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and groundwater, Floods, Drought, Conflicts over water, dams-benefits, and problems.
c. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of using and extracting mineral resources, case studies.
d. Food Resources:
World food problems, Changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, Water logging, Salinity, case studies.
e. Energy Resources: Growing energy needs, renewable, and nonrenewable energy sources, use of alternative energy sources, case studies.
f. Land Resources: Land as a resource, Land degradation, Man-induced landslides, Soil erosion, and desertification. – Role of individual in conservation of resources – Equitable use of resources for a sustainable lifestyle


Ecosystem, Concept of an Ecosystem, Structure of Ecosystem, Function of Ecosystem, Producer Consumer, and decomposers
Energy flow in the Ecosystem, Ecological Succession Food chains, Food web, Ecological Pyramids Introduction, types, characteristics features structure and function of the following ecosystem:

  • Forest Ecosystem
  •  Grassland Ecosystem
  • Desert Ecosystem,
  • Aquatic Ecosystem:(Ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

Biodiversity and its conservation, Introduction Definition of Biodiversity: Genetic, Species and Ecosystem diversity, BioGeographical classification of India, Value of Bio-diversity: Consumptive, productive , Social, ethical, aesthetic and optional values, Biodiversity at Global, National & Local levels, India as a Mega Diversity Nation, Hotspots of Biodiversity, Threats to Biodiversity, Habitat Loss, Poaching of Wildlife, Man-Wildlife Conflicts,Endangered species of India IUCN Red data book, Endemic species of India, Conservation of Biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.


Environmental Pollution, Definition, Causes, effects and control measures of -Air Pollution -Water Pollution -Soil Pollution: -Marine Pollution: -Noise Pollution: -Thermal Pollution -Nuclear Hazards Solid Waste Management: -Causes, Effects and Control measures of Urban and Industrial Wastes. -Role of an
The individual in the prevention of pollution. -Pollution case studies Disaster Management: Floods, Earthquake, Cyclones, and Landslides.


Social Issues and the Environment From unsustainable development to sustainable development, Urban problems related to Energy, Water conservation, Rainwater Harvesting, Watershed
management, Resettlement, and Rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns, case studies, Environmental ethics: issues and possible solutions Wasteland reclamation, Consumerism and waste product. Environment Protection Act, Air (prevention and control of Pollution) Act, Water( prevention and control of Pollution) Act, wildlife protection Act, Forest conservation act, Issues involved in Enforcement of Environmental Legislation, Public Awareness.

Human Population and the Environment
Population growth variation among nations, Population Explosion, Family welfare program, Environment and Human Health, Human Rights, Value education, HIV/AIDS, Women and Child welfare, Role of Information Technology in Environment
and Human Health.

Engineering Environmental Studies  Important Questions Unit Wise

  • Environmental Studies deals with different aspects using a holistic approach. Therefore explain its multidisciplinary nature.
  •  Explain the problems related to the usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in modern Agriculture.
  •  We are far behind the target of achieving 33% forest area. Discuss various causes, consequences of deforestation in India. Explain JFM activity and give its functions.
  • Over usage of groundwater for various purposes resulted in rapid depletion at various regions.
  • Explain the effects of the overutilization of groundwater resources.
  • Biodiversity can be grouped into three levels based on their nature and taxonomical status.
  • Briefly, explain the levels and values of Biodiversity with suitable examples.
  • India is a “Mega diversity Nation”. Support the statement highlighting the biodiversity greatness of INDIA.
  • Biodiversity is to be conserved. Explain conservation methods of Biodiversity.
  • Give an account of the Environmental Protection Act – 1986
  • Methods to propagating Environmental awareness are many. Explain them.
  • Write the objectives, principles, key elements and importance of environmental impact assessment.
  • NGO’s play a vital role in creating environmental awareness among the people regarding environmental issues. Explain their objectives and features.

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