Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus 2025 – B.Sc 1st Year Subjects & Course Structure
Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus 2025: Get the details of Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus 2025 – B.Sc 1st Year. Students who are in the B.Sc 2nd semester under Dravidian University have to know the syllabus. All the topics in B.Sc second semester syllabus (द्रविड़ियन ओपन यूनिवर्सिटी) are covered in this article. So below given the New B.Sc 2nd-semester syllabus 2025 link to download just by one click on the link.
About Dravidian Open University
The Dravidian University, Kuppam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh with the initial support of governments of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala for integrated development of Dravidian languages and culture. At present, it has 20 academic departments and 6 research centers. The Dravidian family of languages, which includes more than 27 tongues, the most ancient, living language family of the world. The University’s official website is www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in
Dravidian University B.Sc Course Structure
B.Sc Course structure at Dravidian University | |||
B.Sc is 3 years under graduation course | 1st year | Semester 1 | 4 months Duration |
Semester 2 | 4 months | ||
2nd year | Semester 3 | 4 months | |
Semester 4 | 4 months | ||
3rd year | Semester 5 | 4 months | |
Semester 6 | 4 months |
B.Sc Courses
Most universities offering some of the courses in Bachelor of Science that is given below.
- Biology
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Electronics
- Environmental Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Zoology
Subjects in B.Sc II Semester – Dravidian University
The following are the Dravidian University B.Sc first year – second-semester subjects
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Zoology
- Chemistry
- Botany
- Electronics
- Computer science/Information Technology
Download Dravidian University B.Sc 2nd Semester syllabus 2021
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B.Sc 2nd Semester Mathematics syllabus – Download
- UNIT – I (12 hrs): The Plane :
Equation of plane in terms of its intercepts on the axis, Equations of the plane through the given
points, Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given plane, Bisectors of angles between two planes, a Combined equation of two planes, Orthogonal projection on a plane. - UNIT – II (12 hrs): The Line :
Equation of a line; Angle between a line and a plane; The condition that a given line may lie in a given plane; The condition that two given lines are coplanar; Number of arbitrary constants in the equations of the straight line; Sets of conditions which determine a line; The shortest distance between two lines; The length and equations of the line of the shortest distance between two straight lines; Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given line; - UNIT – III (12 hrs): Sphere :
Definition and equation of the sphere; Equation of the sphere through four given points; Plane sections of a sphere; Intersection of two spheres; Equation of a circle; Sphere through a given circle; Intersection of a sphere and a line; Power of a point; Tangent plane; Plane of contact; Polar plane; Pole of a Plane; Conjugate points; Conjugate planes; - UNIT-IV (12 hrs): Sphere &Cones :
Angle of intersection of two spheres; Conditions for two spheres to be orthogonal; Radical plane; Coaxial system of spheres; Simplified from of the equation of two spheres.
Definitions of a cone; vertex; guiding curve; generators; Equation of the cone with a given vertex and guiding curve; Enveloping cone of a sphere; Equations of cones with vertex at origin are homogenous; Condition that the general equation of the second degree should represent a cone; Condition that a cone may have three mutually perpendicular generators; - UNIT – V (12 hrs) Cones & Cylinders :
Intersection of a line and a quadric cone; Tangent lines and tangent plane at a point; Condition that a plane may touch a cone; Reciprocal cones; Intersection of two cones with a common vertex; Right circular cone; Equation of the right circular cone with a given vertex; axis and semi-vertical angle. Definition of a cylinder; Equation to the cylinder whose generators intersect a given conic and are parallel to a given line; Enveloping cylinder of a sphere; The right circular cylinder; Equation of the right circular cylinder with a given axis and radius.
B.Sc 2nd Semester Physics Syllabus – Download
- UNIT-I (12 hrs)
1. Simple Harmonic oscillations
Simple harmonic oscillator and solution of the differential equation-Physical characteristics
of SHM, torsion pendulum-measurements of rigidity modulus, compound pendulum measurement of ‘g’, Principle of superposition, beats, combination of two mutually
perpendicular simple harmonic vibrations of same frequency and different frequencies. Lissajous figures. - UNIT-II (12 hrs)
2. Damped and forced oscillations
Damped harmonic oscillator, solution of the differential equation of damped oscillator. Energy considerations, comparison with un-damped harmonic oscillator, logarithmic decrement, relaxation time, quality factor, differential equation of forced oscillator and its solution, amplitude resonance and velocity resonance. - UNIT-III (10 hrs)
3. Complex vibrations
Fourier theorem and evaluation of the Fourier coefficients, analysis of periodic wave
functions-square wave, triangular wave, saw tooth wave, simple problems on evolution of
Fourier coefficients. - UNIT-IV (17hrs)
4. Vibrating strings: 8 hrs
Transverse wave propagation along a stretched string, general solution of wave equation and
its significance, modes of vibration of stretched string clamped at ends, overtones, and
harmonics. Energy transport and transverse impedance.
5. Vibrations of bars: 9 hrs
Longitudinal vibrations in bars-wave equation and its general solution. Special cases (i) bar
fixed at both ends (ii) bar fixed at the midpoint (iii) bar fixed at one end. Tuning fork. - UNIT-V (9 hrs)
6. Ultrasonics: 9hrs
Ultrasonics, properties of ultrasonic waves, production of ultrasonics by piezoelectric and
magnetostriction methods, detection of ultrasonics, determination of the wavelength of
ultrasonic waves.Applications of ultrasonic waves.
B.Sc 2nd Semester Chemistry Syllabus – Download
Symmetry in crystals. Law of constancy of interfacial angles. The law of rationality of indices. The law of symmetry. Definition of lattice point, space lattice, unit cell. Bravis lattices and crystal systems. X-ray diffraction and crystal structure. Bragg’s law. Defects in crystals. Stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric defects. - UNIT-II1.Gaseous state
Compression factors, deviation of real gases from ideal behavior. Vander Waal’s equation of state. P-V Isotherms of real gases, Andrew’s isotherms of carbon dioxide, continuity of state. Critical phenomena. The vander Waal’s equation and the critical state. Law of corresponding states. Relationship between critical constants and vander Waal’s constants. Joule Thomson effect.
2.Liquid state
Structural differences between solids, liquids and gases. Liquid crystals, the mesomorphic state. Classification of liquid crystals into Smectic and Nematic. Differences between liquid crystal and solid/liquid. Application of liquid crystals as LCD devices. - UNIT-III
Liquid-liquid – ideal solutions, Raoult’s law. Ideally dilute solutions, Henry’s law. Nonideal
solutions. Vapour pressure – composition and vapor pressure- temperature curves. Azeotropes-HCl-H2O, ethanol-water systems and fractional distillation. Partially miscible liquids-phenol-water, trimethylamine-water, nicotine-water systems. Effect of impurity on consulate temperature. Immiscible liquids and steam distillation. Nernst distribution law. Calculation of the partition coefficient. Applications of distribution law.
l. Surface chemistry
Definition of colloids. Solids in liquids(sols), preparation, purification, properties – kinetic, optical, electrical. Stability of colloids, Hardy-Schulze law, protective colloid. Liquids in liquids (emulsions) preparation, properties, uses. Liquids in solids (gels) preparation, uses.
Adsorption: Physical adsorption, chemisorption. Freundlisch, Langmuir adsorption isotherms. Applications of adsorption
2.Chemical Bonding
Valence bond theory, hybridization, VB theory as applied toClF3, Ni(CO)4, Molecular orbital theory – LCAO method, construction of M.O. diagrams for homonuclear
and hetero-nuclear diatomic molecules (N2, O2, CO and NO). - UNIT-V
Stereochemistry of carbon compounds
Molecular representations- Wedge, Fischer, Newman and Saw-Horse formulae.
Optical isomerism: Optical activity- wave nature of light, plane polarised light, optical
rotation and specific rotation.
Chiral molecules- definition and criteria(Symmetry elements)- Definition of enantiomers
and diastereomers – Explanation of optical isomerism with examples Glyceraldehyde,
Lactic acid, Alanine, Tartaric acid, 2,3-dibromopentane.
D,L and R,S configuration methods and E,Z- configuration with examples.
B.Sc 2nd Semester Computer science/Information Technology Syllabus – Download
Introduction to Algorithms and Programming Languages: Algorithm – Key features of
Algorithms – Some more Algorithms – Flow Charts – Pseudo code – Programming
Languages – Generation of Programming Languages – Structured Programming Language Design
and Implementation of Correct, Efficient and Maintainable Programs.
Introduction to C: Introduction – Structure of C Program – Writing the first C Program –
File used in C Program – Compiling and Executing C Programs – Using Comments –
Keywords – Identifiers – Basic Data Types in C – Variables – Constants – I/O Statements in
C- Operators in C- Programming Examples – Type Conversion and Type Casting - UNIT II
Decision Control and Looping Statements: Introduction to Decision Control Statements –
Conditional Branching Statements – Iterative Statements – Nested Loops – Break and
Continue Statement – Goto Statement
Functions: Introduction – using functions – Function declaration/ prototype – Function
definition – function call – return statement – Passing parameters – Scope of variables –
Storage Classes – Recursive functions – Type of recursion – Towers of Hanoi – Recursion vs
Iteration - UNIT III
Arrays: Introduction – Declaration of Arrays – Accessing elements of the Array – Storing
Values in Array – Calculating the length of the Array – Operations on Array – one
dimensional array for inter-function communication – Two-dimensional Arrays –Operations
on Two Dimensional Arrays – Two Dimensional Arrays for inter-function communication –
Multidimensional Arrays – Sparse Matrices
Strings: Introduction –Suppressive Input – String Taxonomy – String Operations – Miscellaneous String and Character functions - UNIT IV
Pointers: Understanding Computer Memory – Introduction to Pointers – declaring Pointer
Variables – Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic – Null Pointers – Generic Pointers –
Passing Arguments to Functions using Pointer – Pointer and Arrays – Passing Array to
Function – Difference between Array Name and Pointer – Pointers and Strings – Array of
pointers – Pointer and 2D Arrays – Pointer and 3D Arrays – Function Pointers – Array 0f
Function Pointer – Pointers to Pointers – Memory Allocation in C Programs – Memory
Usage – Dynamic Memory Allocation – Drawbacks of Pointers
Structure, Union, and Enumerated Data Types: Introduction – Nested Structures – Arrays
of Structures – Structures and Functions – Self-referential Structures – Union – Arrays of
Unions Variables – Unions inside Structures – Enumerated Data Types - UNIT V
Files: Introduction to Files – Using Files in C – Reading Data from Files – Writing Data from
Files – Detecting the End-of-file – Error Handling during File Operations – Accepting
Command Line Arguments – Functions for Selecting a Record Randomly – Remove() –
Renaming a File – Creating a Temporary File.
B.Sc 2nd Semester Botany Syllabus – Download
1. Bryophytes: General characters, Classification (up to classes)
2. Structure, reproduction and Life history of Marchantia, and Funaria.
3. Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes. - UNIT – II: PTERIDOPHYTES
1. Pteridophytes: General characters, classification (up to Classes)
2. Structure, reproduction and life history of Lycopodium, and Marsilea.
3. Heterospory and seed habit.
4. Evolution of stele in Pteridophytes. - UNIT – III: GYMNOSPERMS
1. Gymnosperms: General characters, classification ( up to classes)
2. Morphology, anatomy, reproduction and life history of Pinus and Gnetum
3. Economic importance with reference to wood, essential oils and drugs - UNIT –IV: Tissues and Tissue systems
1. Meristems – Root and Shoot apical meristems and their histological organization.
2. Tissues – Meristematic and permanent tissues (simple, complex, secretory)
3. Tissue systems–Epidermal, ground and vascular. - UNIT – V: Secondary growth
1. Anomalous secondary growth in Achyranthes, Boerhaavia, and Dracaena.
2. Study of local timbers of economic importance-Teak, Rosewood, Red sanders and
Arjun (Tella maddi).
B.Sc 2nd Semester Electronics Syllabus 2025 – Download
- UNIT 1:
P-N junction Diode, Depletion region, Barrier Potential, Working in forwarding and
Reverse bias condition – Junction capacitance, Diode current equation– Effect of
temperature on reverse saturation current – construction, working, V-I characteristics
and simple applications of varactor diode, Zener diode, and Tunnel diode. - UNIT –II:
Introduction, Transistor Construction, Operation, and characteristics of CB, CE, and
CC – Configurations. Complete hybrid equivalent model, Transistor as a switch
BJT Biasing: Fixed-Bias Circuit, Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit, Voltage-Divider
Bias, Bias Stabilization. - UNIT-III:
Introduction, Construction, Operation and Characteristics of FET/JFET, Drain and
Transfer characteristics, Depletion-type, and Enhancement-Type MOSFETs.
FET Biasing: Fixed-Bias Configuration, Self-Bias Configuration, Voltage-Divider
Biasing, UJT construction-working, V-I characteristics, UJT as a Relaxation oscillator.
Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR):
Structure and working of SCR. Two transistor representation, Characteristics of SCR.
Experimental set up to study the SCR characteristics, Application of SCR for power
control. - UNIT IV:
Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), IR Emitters, Photo diode, Photo transistors, Structure
and operation of LDR, and Opto-Isolators. - UNIT-V:
Rectifiers::Half wave,full-wave and bridge rectifiers-Efficiency-ripple factor Regulation,
Types of filter-choke input(inductor) filter,shunt,L-section&π-section
filters.Three terminal fixed voltage I.C.regulators(78XX and &79XX)-Principle and
working of SMPS(switch mode power supplies)
B.Sc 2nd Semester Zoology Syllabus – Download
- General characters of Chordata
1.2 Prochordata
1.2.1 Salient features of Cephalochordata
1.2.2 Structure of Branchiostoma
1.2.3 Affinities of Cephalochordata
1.2.4 Salient features of Urochordata
1.2.5 Structure and life history of Herdmania
1.2.6 Significance of Retrogressive metamorphosis - Unit – II
2.1 Cyclostomata
2.1.1 General characters of Cyclostomata
2.1.2 Comparision of the Petromyzon and Myxine
2.2 Pisces
2.2.1 General characters of Fishes
2.2.2 Classification of fishes up to sub – class level with examples
2.2.3 Scoliodon – External features, Digestive system, Respiratory system,
Heart, Brain
2.2.4 Migration in Fishes
2.2.5 Types of Scales
2.2.6 Dipnoi - Unit – III
3.1 Amphibia
3.1.1 General characters of Amphibian
3.1.2 Classification of Amphibia upto orders with examples.
3.1.3 Rana hexadactyla – External features, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Heart,
3.2 Reptilia
3.2.1 General characters of Reptilia
3.2.2 Classification of Reptilia upto orders with examples
3.2.3 Calotes – External features, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Heart, Brain
3.2.4 Identification of Poisonous snakes and Skull in reptiles - Unit – IV
4.1 Aves
4.1.1 General characters of Aves
4.1.2 Classification of Aves up to subclasses with examples.
4.1.3 Columba livia – External features, Digestive system, Respiratory system,
Heart, Brain
4.1.4 Migration in Birds
4.1.5 Flight adaptation in birds - Unit – V
5.1 Mammalia
5.1.1 General characters of Mammalia
5.1.2 Classification of Mammalia up to subclasses with examples
5.2 Comparision of Prototherians, Metatherians, and Eutherians
5.3 Dentition in mammals
Overall information about B.Sc 2nd Sem Syllabus was covered. And, we mentioned the computer science, information technology, Electronics overall syllabus was mentioned. And below the previous year (Bachelor of Science) B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus links were also mentioned for download purposes.
- Download Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus 2025
- Download Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem Syllabus 2020
- Download Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem Syllabus 2018
FAQS About the Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem Syllabus 2025 Courses & Subjects
What is Dravidian Open University?
Dravidian Open University is a distance education university located in Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India. The university offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields such as Science, Arts, Commerce, Management, and Education.
What is B.Sc?
B.Sc stands for Bachelor of Science, which is an undergraduate academic degree program in the field of science. The course duration is usually three years, and the program focuses on subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, etc.
What is the syllabus of Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem?
The syllabus of Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem may vary depending on the stream or subject you have chosen. However, the course curriculum usually covers topics such as advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science.
What are the subjects offered in Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem?
The subjects offered in Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Sem may vary depending on the stream or subject you have chosen. However, some of the common subjects offered in B.Sc 2nd Sem are Organic Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Computer Fundamentals, Genetics, Cell Biology, and Calculus.
What are the career prospects after completing B.Sc from Dravidian Open University?
After completing B.Sc from Dravidian Open University, you can pursue higher education such as M.Sc or Ph.D. You can also apply for various job opportunities in different sectors such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, research, teaching, and government organizations.
What is the duration of a B.Sc course?
The duration of a B.Sc course is typically three years.
Here in this article, Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus 2025 – B.Sc 1st Year is clearly given. Follow this article to know the complete syllabus for B.Sc second Semester. On this page, you may also download Syllabus of Dravidian University B.Sc 2nd Semester 2025 in pdf format. Share this article with your friends who want B.Sc II Sem Syllabus. For any queries or doubts regarding Dravidian Open University B.Sc 2nd Semester Syllabus – B.Sc 1st Year, you may comment on the below comment box. We will answer them as soon as possible.