CS Foundation Syllabus June 2021 & Dec 2021 – New Changes in Subjects

Check out CS Foundation Syllabus 2025 which is applicable from June 2021 Exams. Recently, ICSI has changed CS Foundation syllabus. Company Secretaries Foundation New Syllabus 2025 details are provided below. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) holds CS Foundation June 2021 and CS Foundation December 2021. After completion of 10+2 class, Candidates can appear in CS Foundation programme examination to clear first level of Company Secretaries course. Upcoming CS Foundation December 2020 exam time table released along with the detailed programme. Interested aspirants may appear in the exam on these dates. Candidates who have passed class XII or equivalent examination of a recognized board / university, can join the CS Foundation Programme. ICSI has not prescribed any minimum percentage of marks to be

CS Foundation Syllabus 2025


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CS Foundation Exam Pattern Dec 2021

CS Foundation Executive ProfessionalThe examination pattern of the CS Foundation 2021 examination is as follows.

  • There will be four papers containing 50 questions each.
  • For each correct answer, candidate will be awarded 2 marks.
  • Maximum marks to be scored in each paper is 100.

CS Foundation Subjects in 2016 (Old Syllabus)

  1. Business Environment and Entrepreneurship,
  2. Business Management, Ethics and Communication,
  3. Business Economics,
  4. Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing.

Qualifying Marks / Cut offs for CS Foundation

A candidate shall be declared to have passed in the Foundation Programme examination if he/she obtains at one sitting a minimum of forty per cent marks in each subject and fifty per cent marks in the aggregate of all subjects.

  • 40% marks in each subject
  • 50% marks in the aggregate of all subjects

CS Foundation June 2021 Exam Enrollment Application Form

Details of the Computer Based Examination

  • In CBE, a candidate appears for the examination, which is conducted entirely through computer thus replacing use of paper and pen in the examination.
  • The computer interface is easy to use and requires no previous knowledge of computer. Candidates would be required to sit before a computer terminal and use computer-mouse while attempting the questions. Therefore the candidates, at the most, need to know only how to use computer-mouse in CBE. IT professional(s) will remain present to assist the candidates in case of any eventuality.
  • CS Foundation Examination would be held in all those cities in India and abroad where the Institute’s existing examinations are held and it shall be conducted at specified examination centres/venues. However, the address of examination centre/venue would be provided on the Candidates’ Admit Card.
  • There would be 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of two marks each in every subject of CBE. On day one, candidates would be examined in Paper -1 and Paper – 2, carrying 100 MCQs in all, which would be required to be attempted in 90 minutes session of examination. Similar pattern would be followed on day two for Paper – 3 and Paper – 4, as per the schedule of examination given above.

Practice test will be available on the ICSI website. A candidate can practice as many times as he/she wants. This will allow the candidates to get acquainted with the format of Computer Based Examination in simulation environment.

CS Foundation New Syllabus 2025

The Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India in exercise of the powers vested under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section 15 of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980, as amended by the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Act, 2006 approved the Syllabus (2017) for the Foundation Programmes of the Company Secretaryship Course, as under:

  • The Syllabus (2017) for Foundation Programme shall comprise of four
  • The mode of examination will be Computer based MCQs.
  • The Syllabus (2017) for the Foundation Programmes shall be applicable w.e.f. March 1, 2017 for Foundation Programme. The detailed contents for each of the Four papers of the Foundation Programme under the Syllabus (2017) and the switchover scheme as approved by the Council.




1. Business Environment
Introduction and Features; Concepts of Vision & Mission Statements; Types of Environment-Internal to the Enterprise(Value System, Management Structure and Nature, Human Resource, Company Image and Brand Value, Physical Assets, Facilities, Research & Development, Intangibles, Competitive Advantage),External to the Enterprise (MicroSuppliers, Customers, Market Intermediaries; Macro- Demography, Natural, Legal & Political, Technological, Economy, Competition, Sociocultural and International); Business Environment with reference to Global Integration; Comparative Analysis of Business Environment: India and Other Countries
2. Forms of Business Organization
Concept and Features in relation to following business modelsSole Proprietorship; Partnership; Company; Statutory Bodies and Corporations; HUF and Family Business; Cooperatives, Societies and Trusts; Limited Liability Partnership; OPCs; Other Forms of Organizations.
3. Scales of Business
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; Large Scale Enterprises and Public Enterprises; MNCs
4. Emerging Trends in Business
Concepts, Advantages and Limitations-Franchising, Aggregators, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) & Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO); E-Commerce, Digital Economy
5. Business Functions
Strategic- Planning, Budgetary Control, R&D, Location of a Business, Factors affecting Location, Decision Making and Government Policy; Supply Chain-Objectives, Importance,
Limitations, Steps, Various Production Processes; FinanceNature, Scope, Significance of Financial Management, Financial Planning (Management Decisions – Sources of Funds,
Investment of Funds, Distribution of Profits); MarketingConcept, Difference between Marketing and Selling, Marketing Mix, Functions of Marketing; Human Resources- Nature,
Objectives, Significance; Services- Legal, Secretarial, Accounting, Administration, Information and Communication Technology; Social Functions.


6. Introduction to Law
Meaning of Law and its Significance; Relevance of Law to Modern Civilized Society; Sources of Law; Legal Terminology and Maxims; Understanding Citation of Cases
7. Elements of Company Law
Meaning and Nature of Company; Promotion and Incorporation of a Company; Familiarization with the Concept of Board of Directors, Shareholders and Company Meetings; Company Secretary; E-Governance
8. Elements of Law relating to Partnership and LLP
Nature of Partnership and Similar Organizations- Co-Ownership, HUF; Partnership Deed; Rights and Liabilities of Partners- New Admitted, Retiring and Deceased Partners; Implied Authority of Partners and its Scope; Registration of Firms; Dissolution of Firms and of the Partnership; Limited Liability Partnership Act.
9. Elements of Law relating to Contract
Meaning of Contract; Essentials of a Valid Contract; Nature and Performance of Contract; Termination and Discharge of Contract; Indemnity and Guarantee; Bailment and Pledge; Law of Agency
10. Elements of Law relating to Sale of Goods
Essentials of a Contract of Sale; Sale Distinguished from Agreement to Sell, Bailment, Contract for Work and Labour and Hire-Purchase; Conditions and Warranties; Transfer of Title by Non-Owners; Doctrine of Caveat Emptor; Performance of the Contract of Sale; Rights of Unpaid Seller.
11. Elements of Law relating to Negotiable Instruments
Definition of a Negotiable Instrument; Instruments Negotiable by Law and by Custom; Types of Negotiable Instruments; Parties to a Negotiable Instrument- Duties, Rights, Liabilities and Discharge; Material Alteration; Crossing of Cheques; Payment and Collection of Cheques and Demand Drafts; Presumption of Law as to Negotiable Instruments.
12. Elements of Information Technology Act
Cyberspace; Cyber laws; Scope of Cyber Laws; Classification of Cyber Crime; Information Technology Act 2000; Regulation of Certifying Authorities; Adjudication.
13. Role of CS- Duties and Responsibilities, Areas of Practice
Introduction; Role of Company Secretary under Companies Act, 2013- Role of Company Secretary in Employment, Role of Company Secretary in Practice; Recognition to Company
Secretary in Practice under Various Laws.


1. Nature of Management and its Process
Meaning, Objectives, Importance; Nature of Management- Science, Art, Profession; Evolution of Management; Management FunctionsPlanning, Organising, Personnel Management, Directing and Control; Principles of Management- Fayol and Taylor Principles; Managerial Skills; Task and Responsibilities of Professional Manager
2. Planning
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Planning process; Types of Plans- Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedures, Method, Rule, Budget; Plan vsProgramme- Policies and Procedures; Decision making
3. Organizing
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Organising process; Types of Organisation; Structure of Organisation; Centralisation and DeCentralisation; Delegation; Growth in Organisation
4. Human Resource Management
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Recruitment processSelection; Training and Development- Methods; Functions of Personnel Manager; Performance Management; Appraisal Methods; Human Resource Planning,; Talent Management; Organization
5. Direction and Co-ordination
Direction: Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Elements of Directing- Supervision, Motivation, Leadership, Communication; CoOrdination-Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Co-Ordination Types- Internal and External; Co-Ordination- the Essence of
6. Controlling
Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Control process; Essentials of a Good Control System; Techniques of ControlTraditional and Non-Traditional Control devices; Relationship
between Planning and Controlling
7. Recent Trends in Management
Change Management; Crisis Management; Total Quality Management; Risk Management; Global Practices


8. Business Ethics
Overview of Ethics in Business; Elements; Ethical principles in Business- Indian and Ancient Indian Perspective


9. Business Communication
Concept, features, importance, limitations; means of CommunicationWritten, Oral, Visual, Audio Visual; Principles and Essentials of Business Communication; Process of Communication; Barriers to Communication
10. Essentials of Good English
Grammar and Usage; enriching vocabulary, words- multiple meaning, single word for a group of words, choice of words, words frequently misspelt, punctuations, prefix and suffix, parts of speech, articles; synonyms and antonyms, tenses, idioms and phrases; foreign words and phrases commonly used; abbreviations and numerals; pronunciation, Latin, French and Roman words used in abbreviated form; Legal Terminologies- idioms and phrases
11. Business Correspondence
Introduction; Meaning of Business Correspondence; Importance of Business Correspondence; Essential Qualities of a Good Business Letter; Parts of a Business Letter; Types of Business Letters; Human Resource; Purchase; Sales; Accounts
12. Interdepartmental Communication
Internal memos; messages through Electronic Media; Public Notices and Invitations; Representations to Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Public Authorities
13. E Correspondence
Concept of E-Correspondence: Web, Internet; Concept of e-mailHistory of E-mail, Features; Electronic Mail System- optimizing personal e-mail use, proper E-mail Correspondence, E-Mail Etiquette; Advantages and Disadvantages of E-mail; Intranet- Benefits of Intranet, Purpose of Intranet


14. Entrepreneurship
Four Key elements of Entrepreneurship; Traits of an Entrepreneur; Characteristics of an Entrepreneur; Who is an Entrepreneur; Why Entrepreneurship; Types of Entrepreneur
15. Entrepreneurship-Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and Innovation in an Entrepreneurial organisation; Tools for Environment Scanning- SWOT Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, Porters approach to Industry Analysis; Environmental Scanning Process; Types of Environmental Scanning; Market Assessment; Assessment of Business Opportunities- Developing Effective Business Plans, identification and evaluation of the opportunity, Determination of the required Resources, management of the resulting enterprise
16. Growth and Challenges of Entrepreneurial Ventures
Entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary business environment; Strategic Planning for emerging venture- Financing the entrepreneurial Business, Resource Assessment- Financial and NonFinancial; Fixed and Working Capital Requirement; Funds flow;  Sources and means of Finance; Managing the growing Business Effecting Change, Modernization, Expansion and Diversification
17. Social Entrepreneurship
Introduction; Definition of Social Entrepreneurship; Who is a Social Entrepreneur; how to identify a Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity; Creating a social business model; Funding social ventures; Strategies for success; Challenges for the Indian Social Enterprise Sector
18. Government Initiatives for Business Development
Skill India; Ease of Business; Start Up India; Stand Up India



1. The Fundamentals of Economics
The Economic Problem-Scarcity and Choice; Nature and Scope Positive and Normative Economics, Micro and Macro Economics; Central Problems of an Economy; Production Possibility Curve; Opportunity Cost; Working of Economic Systems; Economic Cycles
2. Basic Elements of Demand and Supply
Demand- Meaning, Demand Schedule, Individual and Market Demand Curve, Determinants of Demand, Law of Demand, Changes in Demand; Supply- Meaning, Supply Schedule, Individual and Market Supply Curve, Determinants of Supply, Law of Supply, Changes in Supply; Equilibrium of Demand and Supply- Determination of Equilibrium Price and Quantity, Effect of a shift in Demand or Supply; Elasticity of Demand and Supply
3. Theory of Consumer Behaviour
Cardinal Utility Approach-Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-Marginal Utility; Indifference Curve Approach- Indifference Curves, Properties of Indifference Curves, Budget Line, Consumer’s Equilibrium
4. Theory of Production and Costs
Theory of Production- Factors of Production, Basic Concepts, Production Function, Law of Variable Proportions, Returns to Scale; Producer’s Equilibrium- Least-Cost Factor Combination and Output Maximisation for a given Level of Outlay; Theory of Costs- Basic
Concepts, Short-run Total Cost Curves- Fixed and Variable, Short-run Average and Marginal Cost Curves, Relationship between Average and Marginal Cost Curve, Average and Marginal Cost Curves in the Longrun
5. Analysis of Markets
Basic Concepts of Revenue, Revenue Curves, Relationship between Average and Marginal Revenue Curve; Concept of Market and Main Forms of Market; Equilibrium of the Firm- Meaning, Objectives of the Firm, Total Revenue-Total Cost Approach, Marginal Revenue-Marginal Cost Approach; Price and Output Determination under Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.
6. Indian Economy- An Overview
Basic Characteristics of the Indian Economy; Major Issues of Development; Development Experience and Recent Trends in Indian Economy; Indian Economy in Comparison to Major Economies of the World
7. Basic Elements of Money and Banking
Concept of Money-Its Functions, Quantity Theory of Money, Credit Creation; Central Bank (Reserve Bank of India)-Role and Functions; Commercial Banks-Role and Functions; Basic Elements of E-Banking; Monetary Policy in India


8. Descriptive Statistics
Statistics- Definition, Functions, Scope, Application in Business, Law of Statistics, Limitations of Statistics; Collection and Presentation of Statistical Data-Primary and Secondary Data, Classification and Tabulation, Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation; Diagrams and
Graphs; Measures of Central Tendency-Mean, Median, Mode; Measures of Dispersion-Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Range, Coefficient of Variation; Bi-variate AnalysisCovariance, Coefficient of Correlation.
9. Mathematics of Finance and Elementary Probability
Mathematics of Finance-Simple Interest, Compound Interest; Time Value of Money-Compounding & Discounting, Present Value & Future Value of an Annuity; Probability- Random Experiments, Sample Spaces, Events and Probability, Approaches to Probability- Classical & Empirical; Expected Value.


1. Theoretical Framework
Meaning and Scope of Accounting; Accounting Concepts; Accounting Principles, Conventions and Standards – Concepts, Objectives, Benefits; Accounting Policies; Accounting as a Measurement Discipline Valuation Principles, Accounting Estimates
2. Accounting Process
Documents & Books of Accounts- Invoice, Vouchers, Debit & Credit Notes, Day books, Journals, Ledgers and Trial Balance; Capital and Revenue- Expenditures and Receipts; Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities; Rectification of Errors
3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
Meaning; Causes of difference between Bank Book Balance and Balance as per Bank Pass Book /Bank Statement; Need of Bank Reconciliation Statement; Procedure for Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement
4. Depreciation Accounting
Brief of various Methods; Computation and Accounting Treatment of Depreciation (Straight line and Diminishing Balance Method); Change in Depreciation Methods
5. Preparation of Final Accounts for Sole Proprietors
Preparation of Profit & Loss Account; Balance Sheet
6. Partnership Accounts
Goodwill- Nature of Goodwill and Factors Affecting Goodwill; Methods of Valuation- Average Profit, Super Profit and Capitalization Methods; Treatment of Goodwill; Final Accounts of Partnership FirmsAdmission of a Partner, Retirement/Death of a Partner, Dissolution of
a Partnership Firm;
7.Joint Venture and Consignment Account
8. Introduction to Company Accounts
Issue of Shares and Debentures; Forfeiture of Shares; Re-Issue of Forfeited Shares; Redemption of Preference Shares
9. Accounting for Non-Profit Organizations
Receipt and Payment Accounts; Income and Expenditure Accounts
10. Computerized accounting environment
Basic Utility of SAP, TALLY, ERP


11. Auditing
Concepts and Objectives; Principles of Auditing; Types of Audit; Evidence in Auditing; Audit Programmes
12. Audits and Auditor’s Reports
Internal Audit; Statutory Auditor- Appointment, Qualification, Rights and Duties;
Secretarial Audit- An Overview; Cost Audit- An Overview; Reporting Types, Meaning, Contents, Qualifications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to answer a question in Computer Based Examination?

The Questions may be answered in any order within the stipulated examination time. Each question shall be followed by four alternative answers marked as A, B, C and D. In order to answer a question a candidate would “click” the option/answer, which he/she thinks, as the most appropriate/correct. The option, so clicked will be highlighted, automatically saved and treated as “answer” given by the candidate.

Candidate should report at least one hour before the scheduled time of start of examination.

Is there any negative marking for the wrong answer?

No. There is no negative marking for the wrong answer.

Can a candidate skip any question and return to the same later on?

A candidate can answer the question in any order he/she likes to attempt. In case a candidate does not wish to answer any question, he/she should not “click” answer for that question and instead “click” next question.

Can a candidate review his/her answer?

A candidate has the option to “bookmark”  any question to review at a later stage before clicking the “Finish” button.

Can a candidate change his/her answer to any question?

Yes. A candidate can make changes in his/her answer(s) already chosen, by simply clicking the other alternate answer of his/her choice at any time before conclusion of examination or before clicking “Finish” button.

If you have any queries regarding ICSI CS Foundation 2021 exam, please ask in the comments below.


  1. Dear Sir
    What is the pass criterion for CS foundation test that was held on 28-29 Dec’2019.

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