CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus 2025 – 21 – Chapters, Topics, Weightage
CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus 2025: CBSE Class 11 Home Science Syllabus 2025, Chapter, Topics has been revealed. Class 11 students of 2020-21, who are looking for the Information of Class XI CBSE Home Science Syllabus 2025 may not have to worry about it. As, we have provided the Information for Home Science Syllabus of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for Class 11 of 2020-21 in this article. Also, we have provided the pdf file for the students to Download PDF of CBSE 11th Class Home Science Syllabus for 2020 (सीबीएसई गृह विज्ञान कक्षा 11 का सिलेबस). After going through this article, Students needs to immediately start their preparation.
CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus 2025 – 21
The overview was mentioned below in a table format for the candidates. The 2020-21 Syllabus was listed in a table format for the candidates.
No. | Units | Marks | No.of Pd. |
1. | Introduction to Home Science | 02 | 40 |
2. | Understanding oneself: Adolescence | 20 | 35 |
3. | Understanding Family, Community and Society | 15 | 35 |
4. | Childhood | 15 | 24 |
5. | Adulthood | 18 | 28 |
Total | 70 | 126 | |
Practical | 30 | 28 | |
Grand Total | 100 | 154 |
Download CBSE Class XI Syllabus 2025
Course Structure for Home Science CBSE Syllabus Class XI 2019
SL. No | Units – CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus | No. Of Pd. | Marks |
Introduction: Evolution of the discipline and its relevance to the quality of life. | 05 | 22 Marks | |
1. | Understanding oneself: Adolescence | 55 | |
2. | Understanding Family, Community, and Society | 30 | 15 Marks |
3. | Childhood | 40 | 15 Marks |
4. | Adulthood | 50 | 18 Marks |
Practical | 40 | 30 Marks | |
Total | 220 | 100 Marks |
Objectives :
The syllabus at the Senior Secondary level develops an understanding in the learners that the knowledge and skills acquired through Home Science facilitate the development of self, family, and community. It endeavors to –
- Acquaint learners with the basics of human development with specific reference to self and child.
- Impart knowledge of nutrition and lifestyles to enable prevention and management of diseases.
- Inculcate healthy food habits.
- Help to develop skills of judicious management of various resources.
- Enable learners to become alert and aware consumers.
- Develop skills of communication to assist in advocacy and dissemination of knowledge to the community.
- Help to develop an understanding of textiles for selection and care of clothes.
CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus 2025-20
Introduction: Evolution of the discipline and its relevance to the quality of life 05
Unit – I: Understanding oneself: Adolescence 55
Ch – 2 Understanding the self
- Who am I?
- Development and Characteristics of the self
- Influences on identity
- Biological and physical changes
- Socio-cultural contexts
- Emotional changes
- Cognitive changes
Ch – 3 Food, nutrition, health and fitness- Introduction, Balanced Diet, Health and Fitness, Using basic food groups for planning balanced diets, Vegetarian food guide, Dietary patterns in adolescence, modifying diet-related behavior, Factors influencing eating behavior, Eating disorders at adolescence.
Ch – 4 Management of resources – time, money, energy and space- Introduction, Human and Non- Human Resources, Individual and shared resources, Natural and community resources, Characteristics of Resources, Managing resources, The management process.
Ch – 5 Fabric around Us- Introduction, Fibre properties, Classification of textile fibers, Yarns, Fabric production, Textile Finishing.
Ch – 6 Media and communication technology- Communication and communication technology, What is media? What is communication technology?
Unit – II: Understanding family, community and society 30
Ch – 7 Relationships and interactions with „significant others‟:
- Family
- School – peers and educators
- Community and Society
Ch – 8 Concerns and needs in diverse contexts: Family, school, community and society Key areas:
- Health, Nutrition and Hygiene- Introduction, Health and its dimensions, Health care, Indicators of Health, Nutrition and Health, Nutrients, Factors affecting nutritional well- being, Nutritional problems and their consequences, Hygiene and Sanitation.
- Work, Worker and workplace- Introduction, Work, Worker, Workplace.
- Resource availability and Management- Time Management, Space Management.
Unit – III: Childhood 40
Ch – 9 Survival, Growth, and Development- Meaning, areas, stages in development.
Ch – 10 Nutrition, Health, and Wellbeing- Introduction, Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing during infancy; Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing of preschool children; Nutrition, Health and Wellbeing of school-age children, Factors that influence diet intake of pre-school age and school-age children, Healthy habits, Health & nutrition issues of school-age children.
Ch – 11 Care and Education- Introduction, Infancy & early childhood years, Meaning of care & education, Who provides Early childhood care & education (ECCE)? Care and education during middle childhood years, difficulties and nature of primary education.
Ch – 12 Our Apparel- Clothing functions and the selection of clothes, Factors affecting the selection of clothing in India, Understanding children‟s basic clothing needs, Clothing requirements at different childhood stages, Clothing for children with special needs.
Unit – IV: Adulthood 50
Ch – 13 Health and Wellness- Health scenario in India, Healthy persons, Fitness, What is wellness? Dimensions of wellness, Stress and coping with stress.
Ch – 14 Financial Management and Planning – Introduction, Family Income, Types of family income, Importance of Money, Income Management, Budget, Control in money management, Savings, Investment, Savings & Investment avenues, Credit.
Ch – 15 Care and Maintenance of Fabrics – Introduction, Mending, Laundry, Stain Removal, Finishing, Storage of textile products, Factors affecting fabric care, Care label.
CBSE Home Science Practicals for Class 11
1. | Understanding oneself: Adolescence – CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus | 4 Marks |
2. | Understanding Family, Community, and Society | 4 Marks |
3. | Childhood | 4 Marks |
4. | Adulthood | 4 Marks |
5. | Project Work (Any Topic) | 6 Marks |
6. | Practical File | 4 Marks |
7. | Viva | 4 Marks |
- Study of physical self with reference to:
- Age, height, weight, hip size, round chest/bust, around the waist
- Age at menarche: girls
- Colour of hair and eyes
- Growth of beard, change in voice: boys
- Understanding oneself with reference to :
- Peers, both male and female
- Health status
- Developmental norms
- Garment sizing
- Evaluate qualitatively for the adequacy
- Record own diet for a day
- Record the fabrics and apparel used in a day
- Categorize them according to functionality
- Record one day‟s activities relating to time use and work
- Prepare a time plan for oneself.
- Record own emotions for a day in different contexts
- Reflect on the “why” of these emotions and ways of handling them
- List and discuss five messages from print and electronic media which have influenced oneself.
- Collection of information from different regions in India and critical discussion on:
- Food practices including food taboos, fasting and festivity preparations
- Childcare practices in early years – gender similarities and differences
- Clothing practices related to rites, rituals, and occupation
- Traditional forms of communication including festive and special occasions
- List and discuss 4-5 areas of agreement and disagreement with:
- Father
- Mother
- Siblings
- Teacher
- Friends
How would you resolve the disagreements to reach a state of harmony and mutual acceptance?
- Documentation of a traditional textile art/craft of the neighboring area.
- Visit any one program/ institution (Govt. /NGO) for children; observation of activities in the program and report writing.observation of any two children of different ages in the neighborhood and reporting on their activities and behavior.
- Construction of Quality Of Life (QOL) and Human Development Index(HDI).
- Relationship of fiber properties to their usage: 3 marks
- Moisture absorbency and comfort
- Thermal property and flammability
- Study one female adult and one male adult in the age range of 35 to 60 years with reference to:
- Physical activity and time management
- Diet behavior
- Coping with challenges
- Health and illness
- Media availability and preferences
- Calculation of nutritive value of foods to identify rich sources of nutrients.
- Preparation of different healthy snacks for an adolescent suitable in her/his context.
- Study of labels on:
- Fabrics and apparel
- Consumer durables
- Food
- Drugs and cosmetics
- Observation and recording of group dynamics in different locations/ situations such as:
- Home
- School
- Recreation areas
- Eateries
- Playfield
- Analysis of own communication styles and skills.
- Plan a budget for self for a given situation/ purpose.
- List five problems faced by self or family as a consumer. Suggest solutions to overcome the same.
CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus – Download
Download PDF Link for CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus 2025 | Click Here |
CBSE Home Science Class 11 Syllabus 2025 has been provided in this article. Students need not get worried about the Syllabus or Exams. Just check out this article and start the preparation quickly. Download the PDF of Class XI CBSE Home Science Syllabus 2025 from this article. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2020-21. The syllabus for CBSE class 11 Home Science is published by Central Board of Secondary Education, Head Office in New Delhi.