CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024 – Chapters, Topics, Weightage

CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024, Chapter, Topics has been revealed. Class 11 students of 2020, who are looking for the Information of  Class XI CBSE Computer Science Syllabus 2024 may not have to worry about it. As we have provided the Information for Computer Science Syllabus of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for Class 11 of 2020 (सीबीएसई कंप्यूटर साइंस कक्षा 11 का सिलेबस) in this article. Also, we have provided the pdf file for the students to Download PDF of CBSE 11th Class Computer Science Syllabus for 2020. After going through this article, students needs to immediately start their preparation.

CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024

The Updated Syllabus was mentioned below in a table format for the scholars to check once. So, totallly there are 3 units in the computer sciences class 11 syllabus 2021.

Unit No.Unit NameTheory MarksPeriods
IComputer Systems and Organisation10105
IIComputational Thinking and Programming – 1455080
IIISociety, Law, and Ethics1520—-

Download CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024

Download CBSE Computer Science 11 Class Syllabus 2024

Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation

  • Basic computer organization: description of a computer system and mobile system, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery.
  • Types of software: Application software, System software, and Utility
  • software.
  • Memory Units: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
  • Boolean logic: NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables and De Morgan’s laws, Logic circuits
  • Number System: numbers in base 2, 8, 16, and binary addition.
  • Encoding Schemes: ASCII, ISCII, and Unicode
  • Concept of Compiler and Interpreter
  • Operating System (OS) – need for an operating system, a brief introduction to functions of OS, user interface

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1

Introduction to Problem-solving: Problem-solving cycle – Analysing a problem, designing algorithms, and representation of algorithm using flowchart and pseudo-code.


  • Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: a simple “hello world” program, the process of writing a program (Interactive & Script mode), running it and print statements; simple data-types: integer, float and string.
  • Features of Python, Python Character Set, Token & Identifiers, Keywords,
  • Literals, Delimiters, Operators.
  • Comments: (Single line & Multiline/ Continuation statements), Clarity & Simplification of expression
  • Introduce the notion of a variable and methods to manipulate it (concept of L-value and R-value even if not taught explicitly).
  • Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console, assignment statement, expressions, operators and their precedence.
  • Operators & types: Binary operators-Arithmetic, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Augmented Assignment Operators.
  • Execution of a program, errors- syntax error, run-time error and logical
  • error.
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.:
  • absolute value, sort 3 numbers and divisibility of a number.
  • Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for(range(),len()), while,
  • using flowcharts, suggested programs: calculation of simple and compound
  • interests, finding the factorial of a positive number etc.
  • Strings: Traversal, operations – concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods–len(), capitalize(), title(), upper(), lower(), count(), find(), index(), isalnum(), islower(), isupper(), isspace(), isalpha(), isdigit(), split(), partition(), strip(), lstrip(), rstrip(), replace(); String slicing.
  • Lists: Definition, Creation of a list, Traversal of a list. Operations on a list -concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods–len(), list(),append(), extend(), insert(), count(), index(), remove(), pop(), reverse(), sort(),min(), max(), sum(); Lists Slicing; Nested lists; finding the maximum, minimum,mean of numeric values stored in a list; linear search on list of numbers andcounting the frequency of elements in a list.Tuples: Definition, Creation of a Tuple, Traversal of a tuple. Operations ona tuple – concatenation, repetition, membership; functions/methods –len(), tuple(), count(), index(), sorted(), min(), max(), sum(); Nested tuple;
  • Tuple slicing; finding the minimum, maximum, mean of values stored in atuple; linear search on a tuple of numbers, counting the frequency of elements in a tuple.
  • Dictionary: Definition, Creation, Accessing elements of a dictionary, add an item, modify an item in a dictionary; Traversal, functions/methods – len(), dict(), keys(), values(), items(), get(), update(), del(), del, clear(), fromkeys(), copy(), pop(), popitem(), setdefault(), max(), min(), count(), sorted() copy(); Suggested programs : count the number of times a character appears in a given string using a dictionary, create a dictionary with names of employees, their salary and access them.
  • Introduction to Python modules: Importing math module (pi, e, sqrt, ceil, floor, pow, fabs, sin, cos, tan); random module (random, randint, randrange), statistics module (mean, median, mode).

Unit III: Society, Law, and Ethics

  • Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks, cyber trolls and bullying.
  • Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common
  • social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific usage rules.
  • Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, trojans
  • Safely communicating data: secure connections, eavesdropping, phishing and identity verification.
  • Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, digital rights management, and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL, and Apache), open-source, open data, privacy.
  • Privacy laws, fraud; cyber-crime- phishing, illegal downloads, child pornography, scams; cyber forensics, IT Act, 2000.
  • Technology and society:
  1. understanding of societal issues and cultural changes induced by
  2. technology.
  3.  E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets.
  4. Identity theft, unique ids, and biometrics.
  5. Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers.

CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024

  1. Prerequisites

CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus: No major prerequisites are required for this course other than basic Mathematical skills. However, it will be helpful if the student has a basic knowledge of Computer Applications.

  1. Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the notion of data types, and higher order data structures such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
  • Appreciate the notion of an algorithm, and understand its structure, including how algorithms handle corner cases.
  • Develop basic computational thinking. Learn how to reason with variables, state transitions, conditionals, and iteration.
  • Learn basic SQL programming.
  • Learn all about cyber safety.
  • Develop a basic understanding of computer systems – architecture, OS, mobile and cloud computing
  1. Distribution of Marks
Unit NameMarks
1.Programming and Computational Thinking – 135 Marks
2.Computer Systems and Organisation10 Marks
3.Data Management – 115 Marks
4.Society, Law, and Ethics – 110 Marks
5.Practical30 Marks
Total Marks100 Marks

Also to Download the pdf for CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024 – 2020

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Computer Science CBSE Syllabus Units

4. Unit – 1: Programming and Computational Thinking (PCT-1) Familiarization with the basics of Python programming: a simple “hello world” program, the process of writing a program, running it, and print statements; simple data-types: integer, float, string

  • Introduce the notion of a variable, and methods to manipulate it (a concept of L-value and R-value even if not taught explicitly)
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.: absolute value, sort 3 numbers, and divisibility.
  • Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console, assignment statement, expressions, operators and their precedence.
  • The idea of debugging: errors and exceptions; debugging: pdb, breakpoints.
  • Lists, tuples, and dictionary: finding the maximum, minimum, mean; linear search on the list/tuple of numbers, and counting the frequency of elements in a list using a dictionary. Introduce the notion of accessing elements in a collection using numbers and names.
  • The notion of iterative computation and control flow: for, while, flowcharts, decision trees, and pseudo-code; write a lot of programs: interest calculation, primarily testing, and factorials.
  • Strings: compare, concat, substring; the notion of states and transitions using state transition diagrams.
  • Sorting algorithm: bubble and insertion sort; count the number of operations while sorting.

Unit – 2: Computer Systems and Organisation (CSO)

  • Types of software: application, OS, utility, libraries.
  • Language of Bits: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
  • Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system and mobile system, CPU, memory, hard disk, I/O, battery, power.
  • Execution of a program: the basic flow of compilation – program à binary à execution
  • Interpreters (process one line at a time), the difference between a compiler and an interpreter
  • Running a program: Notion of an operating system, how an operating system runs a program, idea of loading, operating system as a resource manager.
  • Boolean logic: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables, De Morgan’s laws
  • Information representation: numbers in base 2, 8, 16, unsigned integers, binary addition
  • Strings: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII (Indian script code)
  • Concept of cloud computers, cloud storage (public/private), and a brief introduction to parallel computing.

 Unit – 3: Data Management (DM-1)

  • Relational databases: the idea of a database and the need for it, relations, keys, primary key, foreign key; use SQL commands to create a table, keys, foreign keys; insert/delete an entry, delete a table.
  • Basics of NoSQL databases – Mongo DB.
  • SQL commands: select, project, and join; indexes, and a lot of in-class practice.

Unit – 4: Society, Law, and Ethics (SLE-1)

  • Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks, cyber trolls, and bullying
  • Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, Trojans
  • Safely communicating data: secure connections, eavesdropping, phishing, and identity verification.
  • Appropriate usage of social networks: the spread of rumors, and common social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific usage rules.

CBSE Computer Science Practical Syllabus for Class 11

5. Practicals

S.No.Unit Name – CBSE Computer Science Class 11 SyllabusMarks
1.Lab Test (12 marks)
Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code
8 Marks
SQL program (at least 4 queries)4 Marks
2.Report File + viva (10 marks)
Report file: Minimum 20 Python programs and 8 SQL commands7 Marks
Viva voce (based on the report file)3 Marks
3.Project (that uses most of the concepts that have been learned) (See CS-XII for the rules regarding the projects).8 Marks

Programming in Python: The following Python concepts should be covered in the lab sessions: expressions, conditionals, loops, lists, dictionary, and strings. The following are some representative lab assignments.

  • Find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.
  • Find the third largest number in a list.
  • Test for primarily.
  • Find whether a string is a palindrome or not.
  • Given two integers x and n, compute xn.
  • Compute the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two integers.
  • Test if a number is equal to the sum of the cubes of its digits. Find the smallest and largest such numbers.

Data Management: SQL Commands At least the following SQL commands should be covered during the labs: create, insert, delete, select, and join. The following are some representative assignments.

  • Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as attributes where the student id is the primary key.
  • Insert the details of a new student in the above table.
  • Delete the details of a particular student in the above table.
  • Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
  • Create a new table (order ID, customer name, and order Date) by joining two tables (order ID, customer ID, and Order Date) and (customer ID, customer Name, Contact Name, country).
  • Create a new table (name, date of birth) by joining two tables (student id, name) and (student id, date of birth).

CBSE Computer Science Class 11 Syllabus 2024 has been provided in this article. Students need not get worried about the Syllabus or Exams. Just check out this article and start the preparation quickly. Download the PDF of Class XI CBSE Computer Science Syllabus 2024 from this article. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for sessions 2020-21. The syllabus for CBSE Class 11 Computer Science is published by Central Board of Secondary Education, Head Office in New Delhi.

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