B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1st Year Syllabus & Subjects
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1st Year Syllabus & Subjects 2019: B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1st Year Syllabus & Subjects are provided here. B. Tech is a 4 years engineering degree course with various branches of engineering like Civil, Mechanical, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology etc. Each year consists of 2 semesters in B.Tech Course (बीटेक मैकेनिकल इंजीनियरिंग प्रथम वर्ष का सिलेबस). In this article, we’ve provided B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1st Year Syllabus for 1st year (both semester 1 and Semester 2). Most of the subjects and syllabus for B.Tech 1st year are common for every engineering branch.
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Semester 1 Syllabus
Note: Subject names may vary depends on university or college.
Course No. | Course Name |
CH101 | Chemistry |
EE101 | Electrical Sciences |
MA101 | Mathematics – I |
PH101 | Physics – I |
CH110 | Chemistry Laboratory |
ME110/ PH110 | Workshop /Physics Laboratory |
ME111 ** | Engineering Drawing |
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering Semester 2 Syllabus
Note: Subject names may vary depends on university or college.
Course No. | Course Name |
BT101 | Modern Biology |
CS101 | Introduction to Computing |
MA102 | Mathematics – II |
ME101 | Engineering Mechanics |
PH102 | Physics – II |
CS110 | Computing Laboratory |
EE102 | Basic Electronics Laboratory |
PH110/ME110 | Physics Laboratory/Workshop |
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering 1st year Syllabus – Chemistry
- Structure and Bonding;
- Origin of quantum theory, postulates of quantum mechanics;
- Schrodinger wave equation: operators and observables, superposition theorem and expectation values, solutions for the particle in a box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotator, hydrogen atom;
- Selection rules of microwave and vibrational spectroscopy;
- Spectroscopic term symbol;
- Molecular orbitals: LCAO-MO;
- Huckel theory of conjugated systems;
- Rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscopy;
- Chemical Thermodynamics: The zeroth and first law, Work, heat, energy, and enthalpies;
- The relation between Cv and Cp;
- Second law: entropy, free energy (the Helmholtz and Gibbs) and chemical potential;
- Third law; Chemical equilibrium;
- Chemical kinetics: The rate of reaction, elementary reaction, and chain reaction;
- Surface: The properties of the liquid surface, surfactants, colloidal systems, solid surfaces, physisorption, and chemisorption;
- The periodic table of elements;
- Shapes of inorganic compounds;
- Chemistry of materials;
- Coordination compounds: ligand, nomenclature, isomerism, stereochemistry, valence bond, crystal field, and molecular orbital theories;
- Bioinorganic chemistry and organometallic chemistry;
- Stereo and regio-chemistry of organic compounds, conformers;
- Pericyclic reactions; Organic photochemistry;
- Bioorganic chemistry: Amino acids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids; Macromolecules (polymers);
- Modern techniques in the structural elucidation of compounds (UV-vis, IR, NMR);
- Solid phase synthesis and combinatorial chemistry;
- Green chemical processes.
Electrical Sciences – Mechanical Engineering Syllabus (1st year)
- Circuit Analysis Techniques: Circuit elements, Simple RL and RC Circuits, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Linearity and Superposition, Source Transformations, Thevnin’s and Norton’s Theorems, Sinusoidal Forcing Function, Complex Forcing Function, Phasor Relationship for R, L and C, Impedance and Admittance, Phasor Diagrams, Response as a function of ω.
- Diodes and Transistors: Semiconductor Diode, Zener Diodes, Rectifier Circuits, Wave Shaping Circuits, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field-Effect Transistors, Transistor Biasing, Transistor Small Signal Analysis, Transistor Amplifiers.
- Operational Amplifiers: Op-amp Equivalent Circuit, Practical Op-amp Circuits, DC Offset, Constant Gain Multiplier, Voltage Summing, Voltage Buffer, Controlled Sources, Instrumentation Circuits, Active Filters and Oscillators.
- Logic Gates and Combinational Circuits: Number Systems and Codes, Logic Gates, Boolean Theorems, DeMogan’s Theorems, Sum-of Product Form, Algebraic Simplification, Karnaugh Map Method, Parity Generator and Checker, Inhibit Circuits.
- Sequential Circuits and Arithmetic Circuits: NAND and NOR gate Latches, S-C Flip-Flop, JK Flip-Flop, D Flip-Flop, Data Storage, Serial Data Transfer, Frequency Division and Counting, Binary Addition, 2’s Complement System, Full Adder, BCD Adder.
- Transformers and AC Machines: Ideal Transformer, Circuit Model of Transformer, Determination of Parameters of Circuit Model of Transformer, Voltage Regulation, Efficiency, Three Phase Induction Motor, Three Phase Synchronous Generator, Induced Voltage, Electromagnetic Torque, Equivalent Circuit of Three Phase Induction Motor, Torque Speed Characteristic.
- Fractional-kW Motors and DC Machines: Single Phase Induction Motors, Characteristics, and Typical Applications, Stepper Motors, Construction Features, Methods of Operations, DC Generator and DC Motor Analysis, Methods of Excitation, Speed Torque Characteristics and Speed control of DC Machines.
- Electrical Engineering Systems: Transmission and Distribution Power Systems, Open-loop and Closed-loop Control Systems, Satellite Control System, Communication System, Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation, Speech Analysis and Synthesis Systems.
Mathematics 1 Syllabus
- Systems of linear equations and their solutions;
- vector space Rn and its subspaces;
- spanning set and linear independence;
- matrices, inverse, and determinant;
- range space and rank, null space and nullity, eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
- diagonalization of matrices; similarity;
- inner product, Gram-Schmidt process;
- vector spaces (over the field of real and complex numbers), linear transformations.
- The convergence of sequences and series of real numbers;
- continuity of functions;
- differentiability, Rolle’s theorem, mean value theorem, Taylor’s theorem;
- power series;
- Riemann integration, fundamental theorem of calculus, improper integrals;
- application to length, area, volume and surface area of revolution.
B.Tech Physics 1 Syllabus
- Classical Mechanics: Review of Newtonian Mechanics in a rectilinear coordinate system, Motion in plane polar coordinates.
- Conservation principles, Collision problem in laboratory and center of mass frame, Rotation about a fixed axis. Non-inertial frames and pseudo forces, Rigid body dynamics.
- Special Theory of Relativity: Postulates of STR, Galilean transformation, Lorentz ransformation, Simultaneity, Length Contraction, Time dilation, Relativistic addition of velocities, Energy-momentum relationships.
- Quantum Mechanics: Two-slit experiment, De Broglie’s hypothesis, Uncertainty Principle, wave function and wave packets, phase and group velocities, Schrödinger Equation, Probabilities and Normalization, Expectation values, Eigenvalues, and eigenfunctions.
- Applications in one dimension: Particle in a box, Finite Potential well, Harmonic oscillator.
Engineering Drawing Syllabus
- Importance of engineering drawing;
- Conventions and standards: ISO;
- Scales;
- Curves;
Orthographic projections: points, lines, planes, and solids; - Sections of solids;
- Isometric projections;
- Development of surfaces;
- The intersection of solids.
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