Unix and Shell Programming Lecture Notes PDF- B.Tech 3rd Year Books

Download Unix and Shell Programming Lecture Notes Pdf. You can get the Complete Notes on Unix and Shell Programming in a Single Download Link for B.Tech Students. Unix and Shell Programming Study Materials (SLM), Important Questions List, Unix, and Shell Programming Syllabus, Unix and Shell Programming Lecture Notes can be download in Pdf format (యునిక్స్ మరియు షెల్ ప్రోగ్రామింగ్). We provide B.tech Unix and Shell Programming study materials to B.Tech students free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

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Unix and Shell programming vtu Notes

The UNIX operating system is a set of programs that act as a link between the computer and the user. The computer programs that allocate the system resources and coordinate all the details of the computer’s internals are called the operating system or kernel. Users communicate with the kernel through a program known as the shell. The shell is a command-line interpreter; it translates commands entered by the user and converts them into a language that is understood by the kernel.

• Written technical communication and effective use of concepts and terminology.
• Facility with UNIX command syntax and semantics.
• Ability to read and understand specifications, scripts, and programs.
• Individual capability in problem-solving using the tools presented within the class. Students will demonstrate a mastery of the course materials and concepts within class

Unix and Shell Programming Lecture Notes Pdf Download

Unix and shell programming vtu notes


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UNIX notes vtu


Unix and shell programming Question paper


List of Unix and shell programming Reference Books

  • The Unix Programming Environment by Brian W. Kernighan & Rob Pike, Pearson.
  •  Introduction to Unix Shell Programming by M.G.Venkateshmurthy, Pearson.
  • Unix and shell programming by B.M. Harwani, OXFORD university press.
  • Sumitabha Das, “Unix Concepts And Applications”, 4thEdition. TMH, 2006. (1, 2 units)
  •  Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilbery, “Unix and shell
    Programming”, 1stEdition, Cengage Learning India, 2003.
  • Graham Glass, King Ables, “Unix for programmers and
    users”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
  • N.B Venkateswarlu, “Advanced Unix programming”,
    2ndEdition, BS Publications, 2010.
  • Yashwanth Kanitkar,” Unix Shell programming”, 1stEdition,
    BPB Publisher, 2010

Unix and shell programming Syllabus- B.Tech 3rd Year


Introduction to Unix-Brief History-What is Unix-Unix Components-Using Unix-Commands in Unix-Some Basic Commands-Command Substitution-Giving Multiple Commands.


The File system –The Basics of Files-What’s in a File-Directories and File Names-Permissions-I Nodes-The Directory Hierarchy, File Attributes and Permissions-The File Command knowing the File Type-The Chmod Command Changing File Permissions-The Chown Command Changing the Owner of a File-The Chgrp Command Changing the Group of a File.


Using the Shell-Command Line Structure-Met characters-Creating New Commands-Command Arguments and Parameters-Program Output as Arguments-Shell Variables- -More on I/O Redirection-Looping in Shell Programs.


Filters-The Grep Family-Other Filters-The Stream Editor Sed-The AWK Pattern Scanning and processing Language-Good Files and Good Filters.


Shell Programming-Shell Variables-The Export Command-The Profile File a Script Run During Starting-The First Shell Script-The Read Command-Positional parameters-The $? Variable knowing the exit Status-More about the Set Command-The Exit Command-Branching Control Structures-Loop Control Structures-The Continue and Break Statement-The Expr Command: Performing Integer Arithmetic-Real Arithmetic in Shell Programs-The here Document(<<)-The Sleep Command-Debugging Scripts-The Script Command-The Eval Command-The Exec Command.


The Process-The Meaning-Parent and Child Processes-Types of Processes-More about Foreground and Background processes-Internal and External Commands-Process Creation-The Trap Command-The Stty Command-The Kill Command-Job Control.

• Documentation will demonstrate good organization and readability.
• File processing projects will require data organization, problem solving and research.
• Scripts and programs will demonstrate simple effective user interfaces.
• Testing will demonstrate both black and glass box testing strategies. The Scripts and programs will demonstrate effective use of structured programming.
• Scripts and programs will be accompanied by printed output demonstrating the completion of a test plan.
• Project work will involve group participation.

Unix and Shell Programming Important Questions

  • What is kernel? Is it similar to the operating system? Explain.
  • Differentiate between head and tail.
  • Explain the features of Unix.
  • Write a shell script to count no of lines for a given file without using wc commands.
  • Explain the commands cp, rm and cat with examples.
  • Explain process utilities.
  • Write a shell script for the following
    i) for display only the lines which are containing the word “Unix”.
    ii) For display only duplicate lines in a file.
    iii) For display only 3 and 6 fields in a file.
    iv) For display particular user files only.
  • What are the filter and pipes? Explain with example.
  • Discuss the sort command with examples.
  • Explain the various operations of sed commands.
  • Write a shell script checking whether “rama” was logged in or not.
  •  Differentiate between sed and awk.
  • What is meant by associate arrays? Discuss.
  • How to find the exit status of a command? Discuss.
  • Write a shell script for performing the arithmetic operations.
  • Explain the features of C shell.
  • Write a shell script to print the reverse sting on the screen.
  • Explain any four operations that can be performed on a file.
  • Write a program to print file contents in reverse order.

Online Unix and Shell Programming Books at Amazon.in

  • Archna Verma (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 137 Pages - 01/01/2010 (Publication Date) - Laxmi Publications (Publisher)

Hope you get the complete notes on Unix and shell programming.  Any University student can download given B.Tech Unix and shell programming Interaction Notes and Self  Learning material or you can buy B.Tech 3rd Year Unix and shell programming Books at Amazon also. Share this article with your classmates and friends so that they can also follow Latest Study Materials and Notes on Engineering Subjects.  For any query regarding Unix and shell programming Pdf Contact us via the comment box below.

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