RRB NTPC Books Non Technical 2024 – Download RRB Exam Notes & Material

Check out the RRB NTPC Books. The Railway Recruitment Board has released the enormous vacancies for the RRB Non-Technical Category. Are you looking for the books of RRB NTPC? Now you’re at the right page. This article gives you the information regarding RRB NTPC Books. The list of various books for RRC NTPC Exam is available through our web portal (RRB NTPC పుస్తకాలు). Candidates can prepare from these books to crack the written exam of RRB NTPC. Aspirants are advised to keep visiting the RRB website or our website to know about the  RRB Materials. In this article, I am going to provide you the information of RRB Non-Technical Popular Category(NTPC) Books and Exam Notes 2024.

Railway Recruitment Board decides the type of question paper for RRB NTPC. So many job seekers are with a goal to achieve the Railway Job or Central Govt Job. To get their dreams to come true, candidates must prepare well for the Exam. To start their preparation, you need to know the best books for the exam. So, to provide aspirants the right books for their exam I am going to post this article with information on RRB NTPC Books, RRB Exam Notes and Study Materials. Continue reading the below article for the best RRB Books.


Recruitment BoardRailway Recruitment Board (RRB)
Name of the postRRC NTPC 
Number of Vacancies2.5 lakh
Apply ModeOnline
Official website of RRBindianrailways.gov.in
RRB NTPC BooksAvailable Now

RRC NTPC Best Recommended Books

RRB NTPC exam consists of 2 stages of CBT. The exam contains objective type questions. The questions will be from Maths, Reasoning, GK/Current Affairs, General Science etc as per the RRB NTPC Syllabus. Students will get an idea of choosing the right books to purchase by the below-mentioned list of RRB Books. These books are sorted from a large number of books like the good ones by the experts for exam preparation. Here is the list of the best books recommended for you. Please have a look at it.

Subject Book Name Publisher



General Science

Railway to the Point General Knowledge and General ScienceKICX
Objective General ScienceExpert Compilations
Lucent’s General ScienceRavi Bhushan
Encyclopaedia of General ScienceArihant Experts


Arithmetic Ability

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamsR.S Aggarwal
Fast Track Objective ArithmeticArihant – Rajesh Varma
Time Competitive Arithmetic ObjectiveSagir Ahmad


Quicker Reasoning TestUpkar Publications
Verbal and Non-Verbal ReasoningR.S Aggarwal
New Approach to Reasoning Verbal & Non-Verbal: Verbal, Non – Verbal & AnalyticalIndu Sijwali and B. S. Sijwali


General Awareness

Lucent’s General KnowledgeLucent Publication
Pratiyogita DarpanUpkar Publication
Manorama YearbookMalayala Manorama
General Knowledge & Awareness 2019 for RRB Railway Recruitment Exams (NTPC/ALP/ASM/Technical)Disha Experts

RRC NTPC Non-Technical Materials

Go through the above-mentioned books and start your preparation. These books will help you a lot to gain knowledge. Learning and Practising from these books will improve your efficiency and confidence levels towards success. Keep visiting our website for the updates.

Buy RRB NTPC Books Online @ Amazon.in

We have provided a list of RRB NTPC Books. Candidates can visit our website and download the books of RRC NTPC or can buy at Amazon.in. Exam Notes and Materials of RRB NTPC are also made available to you.

Hope this article is useful for the aspirants to know about the RRB NTPC Books. Students can also this article with their friends. For more information about the RRC Exam Notes and Materials keep visiting the Official Website of the RRB or our website for the updates.

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