PAU CET Result 2025 – Check Punjab Agriculture Cut off and Merit List Details, Score card, Result Dates

PAU CET Result 2025: Check out the details of the Topic PAU CET Results 2025. Here we have provided the complete details on the Basic Points of PAU CET 2025 like Exam Pattern, Exam Dates, Eligibility, Syllabus, Application Form, and Fee. PAU CET 2025 (पीएयू सीईटी परिणाम) is the entrance exam conducted by Punjab Agricultural University. Check PAU CET 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 Recent & Previous Year Results.

Candidates can take admissions in UG & PG Courses in the field of Agriculture based on the CET exam. In this, all the details are completely related to the Punjab Agriculture University. You can view or download the PAU CET Entrance examination result 2025 PDF will be available soon in the article.

About PAU CET (Punjab Agricultural university Common Entrance Test)

The PAU CET result is the outcome of the Punjab Agricultural University Common Entrance Test conducted for admission to various undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in agriculture and related fields offered by the university. The result is usually declared in the month of July every year. Candidates can check their result by visiting the official website of the university and entering their roll number and other required details.

The result will mention details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, sectional and overall marks, and qualifying status. The university also prepares a merit list based on the performance of candidates in the entrance exam, which is used for admission to various programs offered by the university. Candidates must carry their scorecard during the counselling process, as it serves as a proof of their performance in the entrance exam.

PAU CET Courses

Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) conducts the Common Entrance Test (CET) to offer admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. However, it’s essential to verify the current course offerings directly from the official PAU website or relevant authorities as course offerings may change over time. Here are some of the typical courses that PAU may offer through its Common Entrance Test:

Undergraduate Courses:

  1. B.Sc. Agriculture
  2. B.Sc. Horticulture
  3. B.Sc. Forestry
  4. B.Tech. Biotechnology
  5. B.Sc. Food Technology
  6. B.Sc. Agriculture (Hons.) in various disciplines

Postgraduate Courses:

  1. M.Sc. Agriculture (Agronomy, Entomology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Soil Science, Plant Pathology, etc.)
  2. M.Sc. Horticulture (Fruit Science, Vegetable Science, Floriculture and Landscaping, etc.)
  3. M.Tech. Agricultural Engineering (Soil and Water Engineering, Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, etc.)
  4. M.Sc. Forestry
  5. M.Sc. Food Technology
  6. MBA (Agribusiness

PAU Result 2025 Important Dates

The selection of the candidates will be based on the PAU Common Entrance Test (CET) and Counselling. So, candidates should put in their best efforts to prepare for the exam. The conducting body will release the result for Undergraduate and postgraduate courses after the conduction of the examinations. Aspirants can check the result dates of PAU CET 2023 Result from the table below:

Event NameDates
PAU CET 2023 Examination Date24 May 2023
Result Release dateJune 2023
Admit card release dateJune 2023
Exam dateJune 2023
Result dateJuly 2023

PAU CET Result 2025

Here we have given PAU CET Result 2025 in the below links:

PAU CET Result 2025 – Link will be Updated Soon

PAU CET Previous Year Results

How to Check the PAU CET Result 2025

Candidates who will be appearing for the PAU CET 2023 must be eagerly waiting for the PAU CET 2023 result to get declared. Aspirants should note that the result will be declared after the few weeks of the conduction of the examinations. Who is waiting for the CET result will be able to check the result by following the simple steps are mentioned below:

  • Firstly log to the official website of IGKC CET
  • Home Page will be appeared on the screen
  • Search and Click on the relevant link “PAU CET 2025 Result”.
  • The result page will be opened.
  • Enter your registration id and Date of Birth.
  • The result will be displayed on the screen.
  • Finally, save and download the result sheet.
  • Take a hard copy for future reference.

PAU CET Cutoff Marks 2025

Candidates will be required to obtain min marks to qualify for further rounds. On the basis of the cut off merit list will be released by the Punjab Agriculture University (PAU). As of now, there is no information about the min marks which is to be obtained by the candidates but as soon as the notification for PAU CET 2023 is released information will be updated here.

PAU CET Merit List 2025

After the result declaration, the conducting body will release the merit list. In the merit list names of the candidates will be on the basis of ranks secured by them in the test. The higher the marks higher the rank in the merit list and vice versa. Candidates whose names will be there in the merit list will qualify for the counseling round and further admission process. So, aspirants should prepare for the examination with hard work and score well in the exam then only, they will be able to get their name in the merit list and for further counseling round as well.

How to Download PAU CET Rank card 2025

The PAU CET Rank Card 2023 can be downloaded from the official website of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) by following the below-given steps:

  • Go to the official website of PAU (
  • Click on the “Admissions” tab and select the “PAU CET” option.
  • Click on the link for “PAU CET Rank Card 2025“.
  • Enter your roll number and date of birth in the required fields.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • Your PAU CET Rank Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  • Check your rank card carefully and download the same.

PAU CET Counselling 2025

The counselling will start from last week of July to 2nd week of August.

The counselling will be done to the candidates who appear for the examination based on the rank the candidate will be allotted a seat the candidate who does not appear for the counselling are ineligible. The counselling will take place on the particular date & time.

PAU CET Results Revaluation / Reverification

PAU CET (Punjab Agricultural University Common Entrance Test) does not have a provision for revaluation or reverification of the answer sheets. The results declared by the university are final and cannot be challenged or revised in any way. However, if a candidate feels that there has been an error in the evaluation of the answer sheet, they can contact the university authorities for further clarification. In case of any discrepancy in the results, candidates are advised to contact the university authorities immediately. Candidates can also check their answer sheet by applying for photocopies of the answer sheet, which can be done within a stipulated time frame after the declaration of the result.

FAQS About PAU CET Result 2025 – Check Punjab Agriculture Cut off and Merit List Details, Score card, Result Dates

What is PAU CET?

PAU CET stands for Punjab Agricultural University Common Entrance Test. It is an entrance examination conducted by Punjab Agricultural University to offer admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the field of agriculture and related disciplines.

When will the PAU CET Result be declared?

The PAU CET Result is expected to be declared in the month of July 2023.

How can I check my PAU CET Result 2023?

You can check your PAU CET Result by visiting the official website of the university and entering your roll number and other required details.

What details will be mentioned in the PAU CET Result 2023?

The PAU CET Result will mention details such as your name, roll number, sectional and overall marks, and qualifying status.

What is the PAU CET Cut Off 2023?

PAU CET Cut Off is the minimum marks required to qualify for admission to various programs offered by Punjab Agricultural University. The cut off is determined by the university based on various factors such as the number of applicants, availability of seats, difficulty level of the exam, etc.

When can I check the PAU CET Cut Off?

You can check the PAU CET Cut Off by visiting the official website of the university.

When will PAU CET results be declared?

The result declaration date for PAU CET can vary each year. Usually, the results are announced a few weeks after the entrance exam has been conducted. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official PAU website for updates on result dates.

How can I check PAU CET result?

Candidates can check their PAU CET results on the official website of Punjab Agricultural University. The university will provide a link to access the results using the candidate’s login credentials, such as application number and password.

Will the PAU CET result be available in offline mode?

No, the PAU CET result is usually available online only. Candidates can check their results on the official website or through any other designated portal as specified by the university.

What details are required to check the PAU CET result?

To check the PAU CET result, candidates may need their application number and password, or other login credentials provided during the application process.

Is there a scorecard for PAU CET?

Yes, after the declaration of PAU CET results, candidates can download their scorecards from the official website. The scorecard will contain details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, subject-wise scores, and overall rank.

How is the merit list prepared for PAU CET?

The merit list for PAU CET is usually prepared based on the candidate’s performance in the entrance exam. It may also consider factors such as reservation categories and qualifying marks. The university will release a separate merit list for different courses.

What is the PAU CET cut-off for various courses?

The cut-off for PAU CET can vary for different courses and categories. The cut-off marks are the minimum qualifying marks required for candidates to be eligible for admission. The university will release the cut-off marks along with the result or during the counseling process.

What are the next steps after the PAU CET result is declared?

After the PAU CET result is declared, candidates who qualify and meet the cut-off criteria will be eligible for counseling and admission processes. They must participate in the counseling sessions as per the schedule provided by the university to secure their admission.

What information will be mentioned in the PAU CET result?

PAU CET results usually contain details like the candidate’s name, roll number, subject-wise marks obtained, overall score, and the qualifying status. Merit list details and cutoff scores may also be available.

Will the PAU CET scorecard be sent by post?

Generally, PAU CET scorecards are not sent by post. Candidates need to download their scorecards from the official website. It is advisable to take a printout of the scorecard for future reference.

What is the cutoff score for PAU CET?

The cutoff score for PAU CET varies each year and depends on factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the exam, and the availability of seats in different courses. The university usually releases the cutoff scores along with the results or during the counseling process.

Is there any counseling process after the PAU CET results?

Yes, after the declaration of results and the preparation of the merit list, PAU conducts a counseling process for candidates who have qualified. During the counseling process, candidates will be allotted seats in their preferred courses based on their rank and availability of seats.

What is the minimum cutoff score required to qualify for PAU CET?

The minimum cutoff score for PAU CET varies each year and is determined by factors such as the number of applicants, the difficulty level of the exam, and the number of available seats. Candidates who score equal to or above the cutoff marks are eligible for admission.

Is there any counseling process after the PAU CET results are declared?

Yes, after the results are declared, eligible candidates are called for counseling. During the counseling process, candidates can choose their preferred courses and colleges based on their ranks and availability of seats.

What are the minimum qualifying marks for PAU CET?

The minimum qualifying marks, also known as the cut-off marks, depend on various factors like the number of applicants, difficulty level of the exam, and the availability of seats. The university will release the cut-off marks along with the result.

Can I get my PAU CET scorecard through the mail?

In most cases, candidates can download their scorecards from the official website. The university may not send individual scorecards by mail.

Will the PAU CET scorecard be valid for future admission sessions?

The validity of the PAU CET scorecard usually depends on the admission policy of the university. It’s best to check the official website or the admission brochure for specific information.

What should I do after the PAU CET results are announced?

After the results are declared, candidates who qualify should follow the university’s counseling and admission process. The university will provide details about the counseling schedule and necessary documents for verification.

Is there any provision for re-evaluation of PAU CET answer sheets?

The re-evaluation policy varies from one university to another. Check the official PAU website or contact the university authorities for information regarding re-evaluation procedures.

What is the validity of the PAU CET score?

The validity of the PAU CET score may vary depending on the university’s policies. Generally, the score is valid for the current academic year’s admissions.

Is there any cutoff for PAU CET?

Yes, PAU will have a cutoff score for admission to various courses. Candidates who meet the cutoff criteria will be eligible for further admission rounds.

What is the PAU CET merit list, and how is it prepared?

The merit list is a list of candidates arranged in descending order of their scores. It is prepared based on the marks obtained in the PAU CET. Higher-ranking candidates get priority during the admission process.

What are the next steps after the PAU CET results are declared?

After the results are declared, candidates who qualify will be called for counseling and seat allotment based on their ranks. The counseling process will involve document verification and course selection.

Can I get a revaluation of my PAU CET answer sheet?

The university’s policies regarding revaluation or rechecking of answer sheets will be mentioned on the official website. Candidates can follow the prescribed procedure if revaluation is allowed.

Will the PAU CET results be sent through email or post?

Typically, PAU CET results are not sent through email or post. You will have to check the results online on the official website. However, universities may send individual notifications or emails informing candidates about the result declaration and further admission process.

Are there any re-evaluation or rechecking options available for PAU CET results?

The re-evaluation or rechecking options depend on the university’s policy. In some cases, universities may allow candidates to apply for re-evaluation or rechecking of their answer scripts. If you believe there is an error in your PAU CET result, you should contact the university’s examination department for further guidance.

How long will the PAU CET results be valid?

The validity of PAU CET results may vary depending on the university’s policy. Typically, the results are valid for the current academic year for which the exam was conducted.

What happens after the PAU CET results are declared?

After the PAU CET results are declared, the university may publish merit lists based on the candidates’ scores. Shortlisted candidates will be called for counseling and further admission processes.

Hope this page is useful for those who are eagerly looking for the PAU CET Entrance exam Result (पीएयू परिणाम) in the year 2023 details are completely provided here. So, visit once in this article and if you have any doubt give a comment on below comment section below otherwise go for the official website. Don’t forget to share this web portal to our friends and family members.

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