Operating System Notes PDF – B.Tech 3rd Year Books

Operating System Pdf: Check Out Operating System Pdf Free Download. You can get the Complete Notes on Operating System in a Single Download Link for B.Tech Students. Operating System Study Materials (SLM), Important Questions List, Operating System (ఆపరేటింగ్ సిస్టమ్) Syllabus, Operating System Lecture Notes can be downloaded in Pdf format. We provide B.tech Operating System study materials to B.Tech students free of cost and it can download easily and without registration need.

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Operating System Pdf Free Download

Introduction: Modern general-purpose computers, including personal computers and mainframes, have an operating system to run other programs, such as application software. Examples of operating systems for personal computers include Microsoft Windows, Mac OS (and Darwin), Unix, and Linux. The lowest level of any operating system is its kernel. This is the first layer of software loaded into memory when a system boots or starts up. The kernel provides access to various common core services to all other systems and application programs. These services include but are not limited to: disk access, memory management, task scheduling, and access to other hardware devices.

Operating System Notes Pdf Free Download

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 List of Reference Books for Operating System of B.Tech 3rd Year

  • Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2001.
  •  Operating Systems: A Design-Oriented Approach, Charles Crowley, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education”, 1996.
  • The Operating Systems: A Concept-Based Approach, D M Dhamdhere, Second Edition, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Education, 2007.
  • Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne 9th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2012.
  • The Operating Systems – Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
  • Operating Systems-S Halder, Alex A Aravind Pearson Education Second Edition 2016.

Operating System Syllabus- B.Tech 3rd Year

• Study the basic concepts and functions of operating systems.
• Understand the structure and functions of OS.
• Learn about Processes, Threads and Scheduling algorithms.
• Understand the principles of concurrency and Deadlocks.
• Learn various memory management schemes.
• Study I/O management and File systems.
• Learn the basics of the Linux system and perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers.


Introduction to Operating System Concept: Types of operating systems, operating systems concepts, operating systems services, Introduction to System call, System call types.


Process Management – Process concept, The process, Process State Diagram, Process control block, Process Scheduling- Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Operations on Processes, Interprocess Communication, Threading Issues, Scheduling-Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms.


Memory Management: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, the structure of the Page Table, Segmentation
Virtual Memory Management: Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, Page-Replacement Algorithms, Thrashing


Concurrency: ProcessSynchronization, The Critical- Section Problem, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization
examples Principles of deadlock – System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Deadlock Prevention, Detection and Avoidance, Recovery from Deadlock


File system Interface- the concept of a file, Access Methods, Directory structure, File system mounting, file sharing, protection.
File System implementation- File system structure, allocation methods, free-space management mass-storage structure overview of Mass-storage structure, Disk scheduling, Device drivers,


Linux System: Components of LINUX, Interprocess Communication, Synchronization, Interrupt, Exception and System Call. Android Software Platform: Android Architecture, Operating System Services, Android Runtime Application Development, Application Structure, Application Process management

• Design various Scheduling algorithms.
• Apply the principles of concurrency.
• Design deadlock, prevention, and avoidance algorithms.
• Compare and contrast various memory management schemes.
• Design and Implement a prototype file systems.
• Perform administrative tasks on Linux Servers
• Introduction to Android Operating System Internals

Operating System Important Questions List

  • What are the various components of the operating system structure and explain the simple and layered approach of the operating system in detail?
  • In a multiprogramming and time-sharing environment, several users share the system simultaneously, This situation can result in various security problem:
    i) What are two such problems?
    ii) Can ensure the same degree of security in a time-shared machine as in a dedicated machine? Justify your answer.
  • Name five major activities of an OS with respect to process management and briefly describe why each is required.
  •  Write in detail about the thread libraries.
  •  What is Readers-Writer’s problem? Give a solution to Readers- Writers problem using Monitors.
  •  What is a Critical Section problem? Give the conditions that a solution to the critical section problem must satisfy.
  • What is Virtual Memory? Discuss the benefits of virtual memory techniques.
  •  What is Thrashing? What is the cause of Thrashing? How does the system detect Thrashing? What can the system do to eliminate this problem?
  •  What is deadlock? Consider the deadlock situation that could occur in the dining philosopher’s problem when the philosophers obtain the chopsticks one at a time.
  • Discuss how the four necessary conditions for deadlock indeed hold in this setting. What are the
    solutions to this problem?
  • Explain Deadlock Detection scheme for Several Instances of a Resource Type.
  • Explain the three allocation methods in file system implementation. Illustrate with a proper diagram.
  • What are the objectives of file management systems? Explain the file system architecture.
  • Explain different structures and page tables with strengths and weaknesses.

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