Mobile Computing Pdf Free Download- B.Tech 4th Year Study Material, Lecture Notes, Books Pdf

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Introduction to Mobile Computing

The rapidly expanding technology of cellular communication, wireless LANs, and satellite services will make information accessible anywhere and at any time. In the near future, tens of millions of people will carry a portable palmtop or laptop computer. Smaller units, often called personal digital assistants or personal communicators, will run on AA batteries and may have only a small memory; larger ones will be powerful laptop computers with large memories and powerful processors.

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Mobile Computing Notes Pdf


Mobile Computing Lecture Notes


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Mobile Computing Question Paper


List of Reference Books for Mobile Computing

  • Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison-Wesley, Second Edition, 2009.
  • Raj Kamal, “Mobile Computing”, Oxford University Press, 2007, ISBN: 0195686772
  •  ASOKE K TALUKDER, HASAN AHMED, ROOPA R YAVAGAL, “Mobile Computing, Technology Applications and Service Creation” Second Edition, Mc Graw Hill.
  • UWE Hansmann, Lother Merk, Martin S. Nicklaus, Thomas Stober, “Principles of Mobile Computing,” Second Edition, Springer.
  •  “GENESIS : Personal Communication Device”. GENESIS 191A321 Document, 1993.
  •  “Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems Projects”. Department of Transportation, Minnesota Document, March 1994.
  • “Intelligent Transportation Systems Projects”. Department of Transportation, Minnesota Document, January 1995.
  •  J. Arlook and Randall Jones. “Tracking IVHS: Where It is and Where It is Going”. In Geo-Information Systems^ November/December 1993.
  •  D. Barbara and T. Imielinski. “Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments”. In Proc. of SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, pages 1-12. ACM, 1994.

Mobile Computing Syllabus- B.Tech 4th Year

• To make the student understand the concept of the mobile computing paradigm, its novel applications, and limitations.
• To understand the typical mobile networking infrastructure through a popular GSM protocol
•Understand the issues and solutions of various layers of mobile networks, namely MAC layer, Network Layer & Transport Layer
• To understand the database issues in mobile environments & data delivery models.
• Understand the ad hoc networks and related concepts.
• To understand the platforms and protocols used in the mobile environment.


Introduction: Mobile Communications, Mobile Computing – Paradigm, Promises/Novel Applications and Impediments and Architecture; Mobile and Handheld Devices, Limitations of
Mobile and Handheld Devices. GSM – Services, System Architecture, Radio Interfaces, Protocols, Localization, Calling, Handover, Security, New Data Services, GPRS.


(Wireless) Medium Access Control (MAC): Motivation for a specialized MAC (Hidden and exposed terminals, Near and far terminals), SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Wireless LAN/(IEEE 802.11)


Mobile Network Layer: IP and Mobile IP Network Layers, Packet Delivery and Handover Management, Location Management, Registration, Tunneling and Encapsulation, Route Optimization, DHCP.


Mobile Transport Layer: Conventional TCP/IP Protocols, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Other Transport Layer Protocols for Mobile Networks. Database Issues: Database Hoarding & Caching Techniques, Client-Server Computing & Adaptation, Transactional Models, Query processing, Data Recovery Process & QoS Issues.


Data Dissemination and Synchronization: Communications Asymmetry, Classification of Data Delivery Mechanisms, Data Dissemination, Broadcast Models, Selective Tuning and Indexing Methods, Data Synchronization – Introduction, Software, and Protocols.


Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs): Introduction, Applications & Challenges of a MANET, Routing, Classification of Routing Algorithms, Algorithms such as DSR, AODV, DSDV, etc. , Mobile Agents, Service Discovery. Protocols and Platforms for Mobile Computing: WAP, Bluetooth, XML, J2ME, Java Card, PalmOS, Windows CE, SymbianOS, Linux for Mobile Devices, Android.

• Able to think and develop a new mobile application.
• As  Able to take any new technical issue related to this new paradigm and come up with a solution(s).
• Able to develop new ad hoc network applications and/or algorithms/protocols.
• Able to understand & develop any existing or new protocol related to the mobile environment

Mobile Computing important Questions List

  • Discuss the protocol architecture of GSM.
  • What are the functions of authentication and encryption in GSM?
  •  What are the motivations for a specialized MAC? Discuss in detail the multiple access with collision avoidance techniques
  • Explain the basic requirements of mobile IP.
  • Explain how tunneling works in general and especially for mobile IP using IP in-IP, minimal, and generic routing encapsulation respectively. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these three methods.
  •  Explain the concept behind the traditional TCP. What are the improvements that are made into the classical TCP?
  • Why do we go for ITCP? What the advantages and disadvantages of it.
  • Explain the operation of selective tuning and indexing techniques.
  • Describe domain-dependent specific rules for data synchronization.
  •  Explain the WML script used in mobile devices.
  • Discuss the MAC layer Bluetooth system.

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