Manav Bharti University Time Table 2021 – BCA, BBA, B.Com, BA LLB, B.Pharm & PG Courses

Manav Bharti University Time Table 2021:  Manav Bharti University was founded in the year 2009 in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. University. Manav Bharthi University offers UG (Under Graduation) programs in B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) in 5 specialties, BCA, BBA, B.Com, BA LLB, B.Pharm, and BA correspondingly. In PG (Post Graduation) courses provided by the university is MCA, MBA, MA in 2 specialties, M.Com, LLB, LLM, and M.Pharm and Diploma courses proffered by the university are D.Pharm and D.El.Ed correspondingly. What it also offers proffers B.Tech and B.Pharm lateral entry admission details and Time Table/Date Sheet (मानव भारती विश्वविद्यालय समय सारणी) notification.

Also, Refer:

About Manav Bharti University (MBU)

The Manav Bharti Charitable Trust (MBCT) is a not for profit-making Trust. The objects of the Trust are poverty, education, medical relief, and any other object of general public utility not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit. MBCT provides scholarships, fellowships, stipends, or other periodically monetary help to deserving students. It is also helping and supporting the poor, destitute, widows, and orphans. MBCT has established various educational institutes for spreading quality education at economic prices.

Manav Bharti University was established in 2009 under the H.P. Private University (Establishment & Regulation) Act and is owned by Manav Bharti Charitable Trust with the aim to advance and disseminate the knowledge and maintain the highest standard of learning through teaching, research, extension education program and conceptual aspects relevant to the need of the state. The University is committed to making all-around social transformation through the spread of quality education in rural areas.

Two free charitable hospitals cum laboratories are being run by “Manav Bharti Charitable Trust” for needy and poor people. This trust has earned a reputation in the field of employment-based education.

Manav Bharti University is a government-recognized university with the right to confer degrees as per Sections 2f and 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956.

Manav Bharti University Time Table/Date Sheet 2021

Here, University Cliq providing the tentative exam schedule for the Manav Bharti University entrance exam 2021.

Events NamesTime Table Release Dates (tentative) 
Releases of Advertisement2nd week of April 2021
Online application form Registration Dates3rd week of April 2021
Registration and submission Last date2nd week of May 2021
Admit Cards Availability3rd week of May 2021
Entrance Exams ScheduleDuring the last week of May 2021
Manav Bharti University final result4th week of June 2021

Available Courses in Manav Bharti University Solan

Engineering & Technology (Bachelor of Technology): Civil | CSE | ECE | Mechanical | Electrical
Computer Science: BCA | MCA
Management (Post Graduate Courses): BBA | MBA
Pharmacy (Approved by PCI): Diploma | Bachelor in Pharmacy
Law (Approved by BCI): LLB | BA LLB
General: BA | MA | B.Com. | M.Com.

Manav Bharti University Exam Dates 

Results for 2020 will be declared soon on the Official Website. So, here are the Results for the Previous Years. As soon as the Results are updated on the Official Website, we will be notifying you. So that students need to check this article daily to know about the Update. Refer to the below-given details. Here we have given declared results of 2021 and also previous years. Here we have given Manav Bharti University Result Semester-wise results.

Manav Bharti University (MBU) Time Table 2021- It will be updated soon

Manav Bharti University (MBU) Time Table 2020 – It will be updated soon

Manav Bharti University (MBU) Time Table 2018 – It will be updated soon

Manav Bharti University (MBU) Time Table 2019 – Click Here

Manav Bharti University (MBU)  Entrance Examination Results – Click here

Manav Bharti University (MBU) Time Table – Click here 

Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download of MBU

Manav Bharti University (MBU) conducts the various UG and PG examination every year to test the skills and knowledge of the students. They can download the Manav Bharti University May Exam admits card by visiting the official website of the university.

Those students who will qualify for the Manav Bharti University examination will go for the next level of the course. They should start their preparation after downloading the Manav Bharti University May Hall ticket. The admit card for the entrance examination will be issued for only those aspirants who will submit the applications duly completed before the last date. Admit cards shall be available as per the scheduled date on the website. aspirants will be able to download their hall ticket by entering the Application Form Number.

How to Check the MBU Time Table

Manav Bharti University Time Table: The following are the steps to check out the Manav Bharti University (MBU) Exam Date Sheet. Students may easily check the Time Table and any other information related to the Results of Manav Bharti University by following these steps. As we know that Manav Bharti University Time Table notification is out. So candidates can check their results by giving personal information like registration no etc.

  • First, Students need to go to the Official Website
  • Now, go to the Time Table Notification Tab/Menu
  • Next, Click on your Respective courses Annual and Semester Result
  • Then, Click on the Year in which you are studying and
  • Its must enter one’s Registration number
  • Check the Manav Bharti University Date Sheet.

How to Download Scorecards of MBU

To download the scorecard of this institute, follow the steps given below

  • Visit the official website
  • Enter your Hall Ticket Number
  • Enter Your Date of Birth in DD/MM/YY format
  • Enter submit
  • Results will appear on the screen, print the same.

We have provided Manav Bharti University Time Table 2021 in this article. Students are requested to share this article with their friends. Students who want to know more details about this article about those associated with the Official Website for the Manav Bharti University or our web page to know more information. In our previous article we have given Manav Bharti University   Admissions,  courses, fee structure, Admit card, and also Time Table of this universityStudents who have any queries about this article can leave a review in the below report box for clarifying their doubts.

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