JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus 2025 for R16, R13, R10 Regulation

Check out JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus 2025 on this page. Students who are in the M.Pharmacy 2nd year 2nd semester with different specializations can check JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Exam Syllabus. Every year The University giving the updates about JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus. So students can check JNTUK M.Pharmacy Syllabus for 2-2 & all the subjects with different courses on this website. For all the engineering colleges under the administration of JNTUK, this R16 regulation JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus is useful.

For all the updates You can check JNTU Kakinada official website www.jntuk.edu.in. Below we are providing the JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Curriculum for all the branches. Check it and download JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus in pdf format.

About JNTU Kakinada

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada (JNTU Kakinada) is a public university, located in Kakinada, East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. JNTU Kakinada is known for its EAMCET entrance test. This is one of the most leading universities mainly in engineering. The university has been accredited by the National Board of Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of the University Grants Commission (UGC) with ‘A’ grade.

The university has been consistently ranked as the second-best university in the state of Andhra Pradesh after Andhra University and as one of the premier public technological universities across India. Hundreds of colleges are running under this university and offering many courses like Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Petro Chemical Engineering, and Petroleum Engineering, B.pharmacy and M.pharmacy, M.Tech.

JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus 2025 for R16, R13, R10 Regulation

Students who are checking for JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 examination syllabus can check below. Here the syllabus for various branches is tabulated so the students can download their syllabus by branch wise. The latest JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2nd Year 2nd sem syllabus for R16, R13, R10 regulation is given below. The links below will help you to download the syllabus files in pdf format.

SpecializationsDownload links
Industrial PharmacyDownload
Pharmaceutical AnalysisDownload
Pharmaceutical Analysis and QADownload
Pharmaceutical Analysis and QCDownload
Pharmaceutical ChemistryDownload
Pharmaceutical Management and Regulatory AffairsDownload
Pharmaceutical TechnologyDownload
Pharmacology and ToxicologyDownload
Pharmacy PracticesDownload
Quality Assurance and Regulatory AffairsDownload

JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 R16 Regulation

JNTUK is established in the year 1946. JNTUK M.Pharmacy regulation is once every three years. In 2016 onwards the three years regulation is R16. For every change in regulation, there should be a compulsory modification of syllabus, concepts and the topics should be changed and also the semester exam pattern changes. There are several regulations before R16 that are R13, R10, R07, etc., so there is a modification in the syllabus for each regulation.

JNTUK M.Pharmacy R16 Syllabus Books & Course Structure For All Specializations/Branches

JNTU Kakinada released M.Pharmacy R16 Syllabus Books & course structure For All Specializations. Download the M.Pharmacy Syllabus books From below Links.

JNTU Kakinada M.Pharmacy R16 Syllabus Books


Applicable for the students of M.Pharmacy (Regular) Course from the Academic Year 2016-17 onwards

The M.Pharmacy Degree of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada shall be conferred on candidates who are admitted to the program and who fulfill all the requirements for the award of the Degree.

How to check the JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus 2025 PDF

These guidelines will help you to check the results for the year 2021 in single check:

  • Firstly, go to the official link provided by the University as per the JNTUKL 2-2 result For R15, R13, R09.
  • Then Click on the JNTUK M.Pharmacy 2-2 Syllabus page.
  • Later on, go ahead by entering the hall ticket number in the suggested box and make sure you type the proper hall ticket number in order to avoid any sort of errors and when ensures, click on further submit button.
  • Then go ahead by clicking the Hit get result button and a fresh page appears on the screen.
  • You are very close to view the syllabus and the results are further displayed on the screen.
  • Take a print out of the results for further usage.

Also, Check

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