CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025 – Chapter, Topics
CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus: Are you Looking for CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025, Chapter, Topics ??? Then, you are on a right track. Those who are interested to know about the Information for Class IX CBSE Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025 may go through this article. As we have provided the details for CBSE Class 9 Syllabus (सीबीएसई कक्षा 9 स्वास्थ्य और शारीरिक शिक्षा पाठ्यक्रम). We all are aware that how important are the Class IX Exams in a student’s life. But students may not have to be worried about the CBSE Syllabus.
Each and every detail is provided in this article related to the Central Board of Secondary Education. You just have to check out and read every detail to know about it.
The objectives of Physical and Health Education are :
- To bring the overall awareness of values and to inculcate among students the desired habits and attitudes towards health and to raise their health status.
- To make the pupils physically, mentally, and emotionally fit and to develop their personal and social qualities that will help them to be good human beings.
- To develop a scientific point of view regarding health and physical education.
- To identify personal, family, and community health problems and acquire relevant scientific knowledge and information to prevent and control these problems to stay healthy.
- To take action individually and collectively to protect and promote
- Their own health
- The health of their family members: and
- The health of those around them in the community, seeking help when required from available community resources.
- To promote improved preventive and promotive self-care behavior in the families and in the community.
- To develop an awareness of HIV, AIDS, and drug abuse in the community;
- To develop awareness regarding the importance of physical fitness and organic efficiency in individual and social life.
- To develop awareness regarding the transfer of fundamental processes to physical activities of one’s choice.
- To develop an interest in exercise, sports, and games for self-satisfaction and making it a part of life.
- To enable an individual to enhance inner qualities – self-mastery, discipline, courage, confidence, and efficiency.
- To enable an individual to display a sense of responsibility, patriotism, self-sacrifice, and service to the community in a better way.
- To develop an awareness of the importance of self-defense and self-dependence.
- To develop an awareness of good posture so that one may strive to maintain a good posture.
- To enable an individual to lead an enthusiastic and active life.
- To enable an individual to practice socially acceptable behavior patterns in an impressive manner.
CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025
We have mentioned the PDF format which was given below. The overall Syllabus and the concepts of the paper everything were clearly mentioned in that PDF of Class IX.
Download CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education 2021 Syllabus
Download CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025
CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025
Physical Education
Unit – I: Introduction to Physical Education |
Meaning and Concept of Physical Education |
Aims and Objectives of Physical Education – Physical Development – Mental Development – Social Development – Emotional Development – Neuro-Muscular Development |
Changing Trends in Physical Education |
Unit – II: Physical Fitness |
Meaning and Concept |
Components of Physical Fitness – Speed – Strength – Endurance – Flexibility – Coordinative Ability |
Development of Physical Fitness through Games and Sports |
Unit – III: Measurement of Growth |
Measurement of Height & Weight – Body Mass Index |
Body Composition (Lean Body Mass, Fat percentage) |
Formulas for 2 sites/3 sites |
Waist and Hip Ratio |
Unit – IV: First Aid Measures |
Meaning and Concept |
Introduction to general Sports Injuries – Soft Tissue – Bone and Joint Dislocation |
PRICER and its Effects |
Unit – V: Sociological Aspects of Physical Education |
Meaning and Concept of sports culture, society |
Role of Family, School in Sports Socialization |
Role of Society in Sports Socialization |
Unit – VI: Physical Activity and Differently-abled Children |
Physical Education Programmes for Physical Challenged |
Physical Education Programmes for Visually Impaired |
Physical Education Programmes for Dumb and Deaf |
Unit – VII: Community Recreation |
Meaning and Concept of Recreation |
Recreational activities for different age groups |
Recreational activities for the family |
Unit – VIII: Sports and Human Resources |
Role of Sports in creating fit citizens |
Fit citizen as an asset for the family, society, and nation |
Fit citizen and productivity |
Unit – IX: Adventure Sports |
Meaning and Objective |
Introduction to the concept of Camping and Tracking |
To organize Site, Materials required, and safety measures |
CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus: CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus: Athletics: 30/50 mtrs dash, Middle distance, Jumps Fitness Tests: Fitness test for class IX should be conducted on the basis of the AAPHER test and record should be maintained (50 Mtrs dash, Pull-ups, Flexed arm hang, Sit up foe I min, Shuttle run 10×4 Mtrs, Standing broad jump, 9/12 run and walk)
Any two games: Students are required to play two games out of all the listed sports:
- Volleyball
- Football
- Handball
- Hockey
- Basketball
- Gymnastics
- Kabaddi
- Kho-Kho
Assessment & Observation:
During the school sessions, many observations would arise because of individual behavior, related conditions, change in social/cultural factors hence the teacher need to take corrective actions and record the behavior. Some key assessment points and their observations are mentioned here.
- Initiate to participate, if yes, observe for Leadership quality/Active/Energetic/Talented
- Team game, if yes, observe for Sportsman spirit/Good group behavior/Group sharing/Interaction & Coordination
- Organized game participation, if yes, observe for Discipline/Emotionally balanced/Rashness
- Rules & regulations follower, if yes, observe for Listening & speaking skills/knowledge about the rules
- Equipment management, if yes, observes for Self-control/Self-disciplined/Organized maintained.
Health Education
- Meaning and nature of health, the ecological concept of health, the interdependence of physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of health, factors, and conditions influencing health, the importance of health, meaning, purpose, principles, and methods of health education; the role of media in Health Education.
- Major accidents which cause deaths in rural and urban areas, factors responsible for accidents, general principles for prevention of common accidents, safety rules related to making fires, using stoves/cooking gas, using electricity, climbing stairs, crossing roads, boarding means of transport, cycling, swimming, playing, storing medicines and poisonous chemicals, practicing crafts, working in laboratories and using electrical and mechanical gadgets and machines, measures to remove accident hazards.
- Environmental conditions in villages, towns, and slums in relation to the health status of people, waste disposal practices, measures to prevent pollution, compost pits, soakage pits, sanitary latrines, sources of safe drinking water, municipal water supply system, housing.
- Relationship of personal and environmental health practices with the prevention of diseases and health promotion, cultural practices, and health.
- First-aid measures for cuts, wounds, sprains, strains, continuous bleeding, fractures, bites and stings, drowning, fainting, shock, burns Principles of first-aid, home nursing, and skills in dealing with specific situations.
- Factors and conditions affecting the nutritional status of an individual, nutritional needs of the body in terms of calories and nutrients, low-cost, locally available sources of food rich in these nutrients, nutritive values of commonly used foodstuff, balanced diet-its importance and requirements according to age, sex, occupation, pregnancy and geographical location, principles of diet planning, deficiency diseases, and their prevention.
Learning Outcomes
The syllabus in Physical and Health Education at this stage aims at realizing the following:
(I) Learning outcomes in Health Education:
- The learners develop a scientific point of view of health and physical education.
- They take action individually and collectively to protect and promote their own health, the health of their family, and of the people around them in the community.
- They are always ready to promote improved preventive and promotive self-care behavior in the family and in the community.
- They identify personal, family, and community health problems and are able to prevent and control these problems to stay healthy.
Suggestive Areas:
- Meaning and Nature of Health
- Environment and Health
- Health hazards of modernization: drug abuse, HIV and AIDS.
- Communicable and non-communicable diseases. Approved systems of the medicine being practiced in our country.
- Major accidents, which can be fatal in rural and urban areas. First Aid.
- Importance of International Health. Physical Education activities are dependent upon the facilities available in and around the school. Therefore the teacher should develop programs taking into consideration the facilities available in the school and in the community.
(II) Learning outcomes in Physical Education:
- The learners develop organic fitness, formal sense organs, and efficient organic systems.
- They cultivate habits of engaging in appropriate exercises so that immediate and future health needs will be met.
- They cultivate such traits of character as self-mastery, discipline, courage, and confidence.
- They develop a sense of patriotism, self-sacrifice, self-reliance, and a desire to serve.
- They develop neuromuscular skills that promote the ability to perform work with ease and grace.
- They develop attitudes of cooperation, good sportsmanship, and fair-play.
- They prepare themselves for making worthy use of leisure time by acquiring knowledge of sports for the purpose of participation or observing, appreciating, and enjoying them.
Suggestive Activities:
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Swimming
- Sports and Games (including training/coaching)
- Yoga
- Athletics
- Combative/ Material Arts
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Download PDF Link for CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025 | Click Here |
Students need not have to worry about the Exam syllabus. As we have provided about CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus Exam Syllabus 2025 in this article. Once, check it and immediately start the preparation. Also, keep following us for such Updates, and Don’t forget to share this article with your friends. So, they may also know about CBSE Class 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus 2025 – Language Paper and they may also start preparing for the Exams. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2020-21.
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