CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2025 – Chapters, Topics, Weightage
CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2025: Are you Looking for CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2025, Chapter, Topics ??? Then, you are on the right track. Those who are interested to know about the Information for Class XI CBSE Biology Syllabus 2025 may go through this article. As we have provided the details for CBSE Class 11 Syllabus. We all are aware that how important are the Class XI Exams in a student’s life. But students may not have to be worried about the CBSE Syllabus (सीबीएसई जीव विज्ञान कक्षा 11 का सिलेबस).
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CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2025
Totally five units are there. So, here we have mentioned the total marks and the titles of those five units as well.
Unit | Title | Marks |
I | Diversity of Living Organisms | 15 |
II | Structural Organization in Plants and Animals | 8 |
III | Cell: Structure and Function | 15 |
Iv | Plant Physiology | 15 |
V | Human Physiology | 17 |
Total | 70 |
Download CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2025
Download CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2025
And, the PDF was also given above for the scholars to download at any time they want.
Evaluation Scheme | Marks |
One Major Experiment Part A (Experiment No- 1,3) | 5 |
One Minor Experiment Part A (Experiment No- 4,5,6) | 4 |
Slide Preparation Part A (Experiment No- 2) | 5 |
Spotting Part B | 7 |
Practical Record + Viva Voce | 4 |
Project Record + Viva Voce | 5 |
Total | 30 |
CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus
Unit Names and their Weightage
Units | Title | No. of Periods | Marks |
Unit – I | Diversity of Living Organism | 23 | 07 Marks |
Unit – II | Structural Organisation in Plants & Animals | 22 | 11 Marks |
Unit – III | Cell: Structure and Function | 35 | 15 Marks |
Unit – IV | Plant Physiology | 40 | 17 Marks |
Unit – V | Human Physiology | 40 | 10 + 10 = 20 Marks |
Total | 160 | 70 Marks |
Practicals :
Evaluation Scheme and List of Experiments
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 30
Evaluation Scheme | Marks |
One Major Experiment Part A (Expt No. 1, 3, 7, 8) | 05 Marks |
One Minor Experiment Part A (Expt No. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) | 04 Marks |
Slide Preparation Part A (Expt No. 2, 4, 5) | 05 Marks |
Spotting Part B | 07 Marks |
Project Record + Viva Voice | 05 Marks |
Practical Record + Viva Voice | 04 Marks |
Total | 30 Marks |
- List of Experiments
- Study and description of three locally available common flowering plants, one from each of the families Solanaceae, Fabacceae and Liliaceae (Poaceae, Asteraceae or Brassicaceae can be substituted in case of particular geographical location) including dissection and display of floral whorls, anther and ovary to show number of chambers (floral formulae and floral diagrams). Types of the root (Tap and adventitious); stem (herbaceous and woody); leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and compound).
- Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).
- Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins, and fats. Detection in suitable plant and animal materials.
- Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.
- Study of the rate of respiration in flower buds/Leaf tissue and germinating seeds.
- Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.
- Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g. Rhoeo Leaves).
- Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower surface of leaves.
- Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and lower surface of leaves.
- Test for the presence of urea in urine.
- Test for the presence of sugar in the urine.
- Test for the presence of albumin in the urine.
- Test for the presence of bile salts in urine.
- Study/observation of the following (Spotting)
- Study of the parts of a compound microscope.
- Study of tissues and diversity in shapes and sizes of plant and animal cells (palisade cells, guard cells, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, squamous epithelium, muscle fibers, and mammalian blood smear) through temporary/permanent slides.
- Study of mitosis in onion root tip cells and animal cells (grasshopper) from permanent slides.
- Study of different modifications in roots stems and leaves.
- Study of the specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons – Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous plant, one dicotyledonous plant, and one lichen.
- Study of virtual specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons. Amoeba, Hydra, liverfluke, Ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.
- Study and identification of different types of inflorescence (cymose and racemose).
- Study of imbibition in seeds/raisins.
- observation and comments on the experimental set up for showing:
- a) Anaerobic respiration
- b) Phototropism
- c) Effect of apical bud removal
- d) Suction due to transpiration
- Study of a human skeleton and different types of joints with the help of virtual images/models only.
- Study of the external morphology of cockroach through virtual images/models.
Prescribed Books :
- Biology, Class-XI, Published by NCERT
- Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT (consider multimedia also)
Biology CBSE Syllabus For Class 11 2018 – 2019
CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus
Unit – I: Diversity of Living Organism
Chapter – 1: The Living World
What is living? Biodiversity; Need for classification; Three domains of life; taxonomy and systematics; the concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy; binomial nomenclature; tools for the study of taxonomy-museums, zoological parks, herbaria, botanical gardens.
Chapter – 2: Biological Classification
Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Monera, Protista, and Fungi into major groups: Lichens, Viruses and Viroids.
Chapter – 3: Plant Kingdom
Salient features and classification of plants into major groups – Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms – classification up to class, characteristic features and examples.
Chapter – 4: Animal Kingdom
Salient features and classification of animals non chordates up to phyla level and chordates up to class level (three to five salient features and at least two examples of each category).
(No live animals or specimens should be displayed.)
Unit – II: Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
Chapter – 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
Morphology and modifications: Tissues
Chapter – 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Anatomy and functions of different parts of flowering plants: root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed (To be dealt along with the relevant experiment of the Practical Syllabus).
Chapter – 7: Structural Organisation in Animals
Animal tissues: Morphology, anatomy, and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (a brief account only)
Unit – III: Cell Structure and Function
Chapter – 8: Cell-The Unit of Life
Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life: Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell; cell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall; cell organelles – structure and function; endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultrastructure and function); nucleus, nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus.
Chapter – 9: Biomolecules
Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure, and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, enzymes, types, properties, enzyme action.
Chapter – 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, and their significance.
Unit – IV: Plant Physiology
Chapter – 16: Digestion and Absorption
Alimentary canal and digestive glands, the role of digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones; Peristalsis, digestion, absorption and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats; calorific values of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; egestion; nutritional and digestive disorders – PEM, indigestion, constipation, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea.
Chapter – 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans; Mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans – exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration, respiratory volume; disorders related to respiration – asthma, emphysema, occupational respiratory disorders.
Chapter – 18: Body Fluids and Circulation
Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; composition of lymph and its function; human circulatory system – Structure of human heart and blood vessels; cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG; double circulation; regulation of cardiac activity; disorders of circulatory system – hypertension, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart failure.
Chapter – 19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination
Modes of excretion – ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory system – structure and function; urine formation, osmoregulation; regulation of kidney function – renin-angiotensin, atrial natriuretic factor, ADH and diabetes insipidus; role of other organs in excretion; disorders – uraemia, renal failure, renal calculi, nephritis; dialysis and artificial kidney.
Chapter – 20: Locomotion and Movement
Types of movement – ciliary, flagellar, muscular; skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and muscle contraction; skeletal system and its functions; joints; disorders of the muscular and skeletal system – myasthenia gravis, tetany, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout.
Chapter – 21: Neural Control and Coordination
Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans – central nervous system; the peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; generation and conduction of nerve impulse; reflex action; sensory perception; sense organs; elementary structure and functions of eye and ear.
Chapter – 22: Chemical Coordination and Integration
Endocrine glands and hormones; human endocrine system – hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads; mechanism of hormone action (elementary idea); role of hormones as messengers and regulators, hypo – and hyperactivity and related disorders; dwarfism, acromegaly, cretinism, goiter, exophthalmic goiter, diabetes, Addison’s disease.
Note: Diseases related to all the human physiological systems to be taught in brief.
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Students need not have to worry about the Exam syllabus. As we have provided about CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2025 in this article. Once, check it and immediately start the preparation. Also, keep following us for such Updates and Do not forget to share this article with your friends. So, they may also know about CBSE Biology Class 11 Syllabus 2020-21 – Language Paper and they may also start preparing for the Exams. The curriculum for March 2021 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2020-21.