NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books 2024 – Shemushi, Vyakaranavidi, Abhyaswaan Bhav-2

NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books: If you are searching for the details regarding NCERT Class X Sanskrit Books, then go through this article for the details regarding syllabus, chapter wise pdf download links, and also the link for full textbook download. CBSE had undertaken the NCERT syllabus from this current academic year 2020-21.

  1. Shemushi
  2. Vyakaranavidi
  3. Abhyaswaan Bhav-2

About NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books

National Council of Education, Research, and Training (NCERT) has been contributed to the role of developing as well as distributing textbooks to the students at the primary and secondary levels. These books, generally named NCERT books, are highly useful for the CBSE students as they prepare for their annual exams.

Download NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books
Publication / AuthorNCERT
Academic Year2020-21
ClassClass 10
Book Title
  1. Shemushi
  2. Vyakaranavidi
  3. Abhyaswaan Bhav-2
CategoryNCERT Books
No. of Chapters
  1. Shemushi – 12
  2. Vyakaranavidi – 12
  3. Abhyaswaan Bhav – 14
Language MediumSanskrit
EditionMarch 2020

Chapter and Units of शेमुषी Class X Textbook

There are 12 chapters in NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit शेमुषी book. They are


  1. प्रथमः पाठः – शुचिपर्यावरणम
  2. द्वितीयः पाठः – गुणवती कन्या
  3. तृतीयः पाठः – शिशुलालनम
  4. चतुर्थः पाठः – व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यः
  5. पञ्चमः पाठः – बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा
  6. षष्ठः पाठः – सुभाषितानि
  7. सप्तमः पाठः – भूकम्पविभीषिका
  8. अष्टमः पाठः – प्रश्नत्रयम
  9. नवमः पाठः – प्राणेभ्योपि प्रियः सुहृद
  10. दशमः पाठः – अन्योक्तयः
  11. एकादशः पाठः – विचित्रः साक्षी
  12. द्वादशः पाठः – जीवनं विभवं विना

Chapters and Units of 10th Class व्याकरणवीथिः TextBook

There are 14 chapters in Class X Vyakaranavidi


  1. प्रथम अध्याय – वर्ण विचार
  2. द्वितीय अध्याय – संज्ञा एवं परिभाषा प्रकरण
  3. तृतीय अध्याय – सन्धि
  4. चतुर्थ अध्याय – सब्दरूप – सामान्य परिचय
  5. पंचम अध्याय – धातुरूप – सामान्य परिचय
  6. षष्ठ अध्याय – उपसर्ग
  7. सप्तम अध्याय – अव्यय
  8. अष्टम अध्याय – प्रत्यय
  9. नवम अध्याय – समास परिचय
  10. दशम अध्याय – कारक और विभक्ति
  11. एकादशः अध्याय – वाच्य परिवर्तन
  12. द्वादश अध्याय – रचना प्रयोग

Chapters and Units of Class X अभ्‍यासवान भव 2 Textbook

There are 12 chapters in the 10th Class अभ्‍यासवान भव 2 book.

अभ्‍यासवान भव 2

  1. अपठितावबोधनम
  2. पत्रलेखनम
  3. अनच्‍छेदलेखनम
  4. चित्रवर्णनम
  5. रचनानुवाद: (वाक्‍यरचनाकौशलम)
  6. सन
  7. समासा:
  8. प्रत्‍यया
  9. अव्‍ययान
  10. समय:
  11. वाच्‍यम
  12. अशुद्धिसशोधनम
  13. मिश्रिताभ्‍यास
  14. आदर्शप्रश्‍नपत्रम

Download NCERT 10th Class Shemushi Book – Chapterwise

Download the PDFs of the Chapters in Class X शेमुषी Sanskrit textbook.

NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Book शेमुषी
पाठ 1शुचिपर्यावरणमDownload
पाठ 2गुणवती कन्याDownload
पाठ 3शिशुलालनमDownload
पाठ 4व्यायामः सर्वदा पथ्यःDownload
पाठ 5बुद्धिर्बलवती सदाDownload
पाठ 6सुभाषितानिDownload
पाठ 7भूकम्पविभीषिकाDownload
पाठ 8अष्टमः पाठः – प्रश्नत्रयमDownload
पाठ 9प्राणेभ्योपि प्रियः सुहृदDownload
पाठ 10अन्योक्तयःDownload
पाठ 11विचित्रः साक्षीDownload
पाठ 12जीवनं विभवं विनाDownload

Download NCERT Class X Vyakaranavidi Book – Chapterwise

Download the PDFs of the Chapters In 10th Class व्याकरणवीथिः Sanskrit textbook.

NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Book व्याकरणवीथिः
पाठ 1वर्ण विचारDownload
पाठ 2संज्ञा एवं परिभाषा प्रकरणDownload
पाठ 3सन्धिDownload
पाठ 4सामान्य परिचयDownload
पाठ 5धातुरूप – सामान्य परिचयDownload
पाठ 6उपसर्गDownload
पाठ 8अव्ययDownload
पाठ 8त्ययDownload
पाठ 9समास परिचयDownload
पाठ 10कारक और विभक्तिDownload
पाठ 11वाच्य परिवर्तनDownload
पाठ 12रचना प्रयोगDownload

Download NCERT 10th Class Abhyaswaan Bhav Book – Chapterwise

Download the PDFs of the Chapters In Class 10 अभ्‍यासवान भव Sanskrit textbook. Practice the grammar and spellings in the NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books thoroughly for good marks and language.

NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Book अभ्‍यासवान भव
पाठ 1अपठितावबोधनम
पाठ 2पत्रलेखनम
पाठ 3अनच्‍छेदलेखनम
पाठ 4चित्रवर्णनम
पाठ 5रचनानुवाद: (वाक्‍यरचनाकौशलम)
पाठ 6सन
पाठ 8समासा:
पाठ 8प्रत्‍यया
पाठ 9अव्‍ययान
पाठ 10समय:
पाठ 11वाच्‍यम
पाठ 12अशुद्धिसशोधनम
पाठ 13मिश्रिताभ्‍यास
पाठ 14आदर्शप्रश्‍नपत्रम

NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books Complete Book

The complete book of NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books can be downloaded here. Click here to download the full-text books.

Download Shemushi (शेमुषी) Full Book

Download Vyakaranavidi ( व्याकरणवीथिः) Full Book

Download  Abhyaswaan Bhav (अभ्‍यासवान भव 2)  Full Book

CBSE 10th Class Sanskrit Preparation – Complete Guide

  1. The concepts: Sanskrit is a very concept-based language. Try to study each and every concept and practice well for getting Sanskrit.
  2. The essay questions: The Essay question in Sanskrit Exam become the most scoring section if you practice well and don’t make mistakes in sentence formation and grammatical mistakes. Most of the questions often get repeated, you can easily understand the language and pattern.
  3. The NCERT books: These NCERT books are your good books for the exams. You need not have to check with other books in the market other than your NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books. Nothing goes around these CBSE books and will score 100 percent marks.
  4. The key is grammar: Sanskrit Grammar is easy and simple. You do not have to do a lot of work on it. Once you are familiar with the concepts in it, practice the question papers you have along with tests.
  5. Write and Practice everything: Whatever you come across in NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books write and practice it. No one can overtake you if you do this kind of writing.

Advantages of NCERT books to Students

By using these NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books, the students gain a lot of advantages.

  • The student will achieve a good career excellence.
  • The student will enhance self-awareness and explore their surroundings.
  • It will promote Life Skills, goal setting, and increase the lifelong learning process.
  • They inculcate values and cultural learning and international understanding.
  • They make the student acquire the ability to utilize technology and information for the betterment of mankind.
  • The Student tries to strengthen knowledge and attitude related to livelihood skills.
  • He will develop the ability to appreciate art and showcase his inner talents.
  • NCERT books promote thinking towards physical fitness, health, and well-being.
  • Promote arts-integrated learning.

Buy NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books at

Keep following our website for more details regarding NCERT Class 10 Sanskrit Books. If you have any queries regarding CBSE Class X Books, feel free to ask us through the comment section below,

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