100+ LWC Interview Questions – Must Ask Questions About LWC
100+ LWC Interview Questions: Lightning Web Components (LWC) is a modern programming model used to build responsive, single-page applications in Salesforce. As LWC is gaining popularity, there is an increase in demand for developers skilled in LWC. Companies are hiring candidates who have the knowledge and expertise to build LWC applications.
In this article, we will discuss some of the common LWC interview questions and answers, as well as other important topics related to LWC programming.
LWC Interview Questions and Answers
LWC (Lightning Web Components) is a widely-used web development framework built on top of the Salesforce Lightning platform. As the popularity of LWC continues to grow, the demand for skilled LWC developers is also increasing. If you’re preparing for an LWC interview, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the framework’s features and capabilities.
This article provides a comprehensive list of LWC interview questions and answers, covering a range of topics from programming and event handling to best practices and performance optimization. Whether you’re a seasoned LWC developer or a beginner, these interview questions will help you prepare for your next LWC interview and showcase your expertise in the framework.
LWC Programming Interview Questions
- What is the difference between Aura components and LWCs?
- How do you define an LWC component in JavaScript?
- What is the purpose of the @api decorator in LWC?
- How do you use the wire service in LWC?
- What are the benefits of using LWC over Aura components?
- What is the syntax for conditional rendering in LWC?
- How do you use the event system in LWC?
- How do you make an asynchronous callout from an LWC component?
- What is the role of the @track decorator in LWC?
- How do you use the shadow DOM in LWC?
LWC Component Lifecycle Interview Questions
- What is the order of execution for the LWC component lifecycle methods?
- How do you use the connectedCallback() method in LWC?
- What is the role of the renderedCallback() method in LWC?
- How do you use the errorCallback() method in LWC?
- What is the purpose of the disconnectedCallback() method in LWC?
- How do you use the reRender() method in LWC?
- What is the role of the template in the LWC component lifecycle?
- How does the LWC component lifecycle differ from the Aura component lifecycle?
- What happens during the first render cycle of an LWC component?
- How does the rerender cycle differ from the first render cycle in LWC?
LWC Event Handling Interview Questions
- How do you create a custom event in LWC?
- What is the difference between bubbling and capturing in LWC event handling?
- How do you handle an event in a parent component in LWC?
- What is the syntax for registering an event listener in LWC?
- What is the role of the detail property in an LWC event?
- How do you dispatch an event from a child component to a parent component in LWC?
- How do you prevent default behavior in an LWC event?
- What is the difference between a synchronous and asynchronous event in LWC?
- How do you pass parameters to an event handler in LWC?
- How do you use the Event.stopImmediatePropagation() method in LWC?
LWC Data Binding Interview Questions
- What is the difference between one-way and two-way data binding in LWC?
- How do you bind a property to an attribute in LWC?
- What is the syntax for using expression binding in LWC?
- How do you use the @wire decorator to bind data to a property in LWC?
- What is the role of the track property in LWC data binding?
- How do you bind an array of objects to a property in LWC?
- How do you use the default property value in LWC data binding?
- What is the role of the immutable property in LWC data binding?
- How do you use the wire service to bind data to a property in LWC?
- What is the difference between reactive and non-reactive data in LWC?
LWC DOM Manipulation Interview Questions
- How do you manipulate the DOM in LWC?
- Can you give an example of how you have used the querySelector() method in LWC to manipulate the DOM?
- How do you add or remove a class from a DOM element in LWC?
- How do you update the text content of a DOM element in LWC?
- Can you explain the difference between the innerHTML and textContent properties when manipulating the DOM in LWC?
- How do you create a new DOM element in LWC and append it to the page?
- Can you give an example of how you have used the setAttribute() method to modify a DOM element in LWC?
- How do you remove a DOM element from the page in LWC?
- Can you explain the role of the shadow DOM in LWC and how it affects DOM manipulation?
- How do you get the computed style of a DOM element in LWC?
LWC Rendering Interview Questions
- How does LWC handle rendering changes to the DOM?
- Can you explain the role of the render() method in LWC?
- How do you update the rendering of a component in response to a data change in LWC?
- How do you conditionally render elements in LWC?
- Can you give an example of how you have used the template if:true directive in LWC?
- How do you rerender a component in LWC without modifying its data?
- Can you explain the difference between rerender() and render() methods in LWC?
- How do you prevent unnecessary rendering in LWC?
- Can you explain the role of the @track decorator in LWC and how it affects rendering?
- How do you implement server-side rendering (SSR) in LWC?
LWC Styling Interview Questions
- How do you apply CSS styles to an LWC component?
- What is the syntax for using CSS custom properties in LWC?
- Can you inline styles in LWC? If yes, how?
- How do you apply a CSS class to an LWC element?
- How do you override the default styling of an LWC component?
- What is the purpose of using the :host selector in LWC styling?
- Can you use CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS in LWC?
- How do you use pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements in LWC styling?
- What is the difference between :host and :host-context in LWC styling?
- How do you create a reusable CSS module in LWC?
LWC Debugging Interview Questions
- What are the tools available for debugging LWC?
- How do you enable debugging for an LWC component?
- How do you use console.log() in LWC?
- What is the purpose of using the LWC Debug Mode?
- What is the difference between console.log() and console.debug() in LWC?
- How do you use the LWC DevTools Extension in Chrome?
- What are the common errors you may encounter while developing LWC?
- How do you use the Lightning Inspector in LWC debugging?
- What is the use of the LWC Jest Test Runner?
- How do you use the LWC Playground for debugging?
LWC Best Practices Interview Questions
- What are the best practices to follow while developing LWC?
- How do you optimize LWC performance?
- What is the recommended way to structure an LWC project?
- How do you ensure code reusability in LWC?
- What is the importance of using ES6 classes in LWC development?
- How do you write efficient LWC tests?
- How do you handle events and data flow in LWC?
- How do you use Lightning Data Service in LWC development?
- What is the recommended way to handle error handling in LWC?
- How do you maintain code quality in LWC development?
LWC Performance Optimization Interview Questions
- What are the ways to optimize LWC performance?
- How do you measure LWC performance?
- What is the recommended way to handle large data sets in LWC?
- How do you minimize the number of HTTP requests in LWC?
- What is the use of Lightning Data Service in LWC performance optimization?
- How do you use the LWC Cache to improve performance?
- How do you use memoization in LWC to reduce re-rendering?
- What is the difference between LWC’s imperative and reactive approaches to data retrieval?
- What is the recommended way to handle lazy loading in LWC?
- How do you use code splitting in LWC to improve performance?
LWC vs Aura Interview Questions
- What is the difference between LWC and Aura?
- How is the component structure different in LWC and Aura?
- How do you handle data binding in LWC and Aura?
- What is the difference between the expression syntax in LWC and Aura?
- What is the difference between the JavaScript engines used in LWC and Aura?
- How do you handle server-side processing in LWC and Aura?
- What is the difference between LWC and Aura in terms of event handling?
- How do you handle CSS styling in LWC and Aura?
- What is the difference between the unit testing frameworks used in LWC and Aura?
LWC vs React Interview Questions
- How does React handle state management compared to LWC?
- What is the difference between React’s virtual DOM and LWC’s shadow DOM?
- How does React’s JSX differ from LWC’s HTML templates?
- Can you explain the differences between React’s component lifecycle methods and LWC’s lifecycle hooks?
- How does React implement server-side rendering compared to LWC?
- What is the difference between React’s React Router and LWC’s Lightning Router?
- Can you explain the differences between React’s Redux library and LWC’s wire service?
- How does React handle server-side rendering compared to LWC?
- How does React’s component hierarchy differ from LWC’s component hierarchy?
- How does React handle event handling compared to LWC?
LWC vs Angular Interview Questions
- How does Angular handle data binding compared to LWC?
- What is the difference between Angular’s component lifecycle hooks and LWC’s lifecycle hooks?
- How does Angular handle dependency injection compared to LWC?
- Can you explain the differences between Angular’s template syntax and LWC’s HTML templates?
- How does Angular’s change detection mechanism differ from LWC’s?
- What is the difference between Angular’s RxJS library and LWC’s wire service?
- How does Angular handle server-side rendering compared to LWC?
- How does Angular’s component hierarchy differ from LWC’s component hierarchy?
- Can you explain the differences between Angular’s services and LWC’s modules?
- How does Angular handle event handling compared to LWC?
LWC vs Visualforce Interview Questions
- How does Visualforce differ from LWC in terms of component architecture?
- Can you explain the differences between Visualforce’s controller classes and LWC’s JavaScript classes?
- How does Visualforce handle data binding compared to LWC?
- What is the difference between Visualforce’s Apex controllers and LWC’s JavaScript controllers?
- How does Visualforce’s page rendering mechanism differ from LWC’s?
- Can you explain the differences between Visualforce’s Visualforce components and LWC’s Lightning components?
- How does Visualforce handle server-side rendering compared to LWC?
- How does Visualforce’s component hierarchy differ from LWC’s component hierarchy?
- What is the difference between Visualforce’s Visualforce expression language and LWC’s JavaScript expressions?
- How does Visualforce handle event handling compared to LWC?
LWC Security Interview Questions
- What are the best practices for securing LWC components?
- How does LWC handle Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks?
- What is the difference between LWC’s SecureWindow API and regular window APIs?
- How does LWC handle Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?
- What is the difference between LWC’s @wire service and REST APIs in terms of security?
- Can you explain how LWC’s Locker Service enhances security?
- What are the best practices for handling sensitive data in LWC components?
- How does LWC prevent injection attacks?
- What is the difference between LWC’s custom permissions and standard Salesforce permissions in terms of security?
- How does LWC handle authentication and authorization?
LWC Deployment Interview Questions
- What are some best practices for deploying LWC components?
- Can LWC components be deployed to both production and sandbox environments?
- How can you manage LWC component versions?
- What is the role of the Salesforce CLI in LWC deployment?
- Can you deploy LWC components using change sets?
- What is the difference between deploying LWC components using the Salesforce CLI and using the Developer Console?
- How can you troubleshoot deployment issues with LWC components?
- What are some considerations for deploying LWC components in a complex Salesforce org?
- How can you ensure that LWC components are properly tested before deployment?
- Can LWC components be deployed as part of a managed package?
LWC Architecture Interview Questions
- What is the underlying architecture of LWC components?
- Can LWC components be used with other web frameworks?
- How does LWC handle state management?
- What are some benefits of using a component-based architecture like LWC?
- Can LWC components be used with custom Apex controllers?
- How does LWC handle event-driven programming?
- What is the role of the Shadow DOM in LWC architecture?
- Can LWC components be used with Lightning App Builder?
- What are some best practices for designing LWC component architecture?
- How can you ensure that LWC components are scalable and maintainable?
LWC (Lightning Web Components) is a popular framework used for building web applications on the Salesforce platform. To help you prepare for your LWC interview, we have provided a comprehensive list of common LWC interview questions and answers, as well as questions on LWC programming, component lifecycle, event handling, data binding, DOM manipulation, rendering, styling, debugging, best practices, performance optimization, security, deployment, and architecture.
It is important to remember that while these questions are a great starting point for interview preparation, they are by no means exhaustive. It is recommended that you research additional resources and practice your skills to increase your chances of success in your LWC interview.
By using the information provided in this article, you should be better prepared for your LWC interview and able to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field of web development using the LWC framework. Good luck with your interview!