CDAC Admission 2021 – Application Form, Registration, Exam Dates, Courses, Syllabus, Eligibility

CDAC Admission: CDAC C-CAT 2021 Application Form Released, As per the new update, the CDAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) has released the CDAC C-CAT 2021 exam for February 2021 batch candidates. According to the official notification, CDAC has formally released the admission date released for PG Diploma Courses in ICT – Feb 2021. Students who want to join the CDAC PG Courses 2025 for February 2021 batch can register for the entrance exam by logging onto the official website

Also Read:

Latest News: The CDAC Entrance Exam 2021 will be conducted in the month of 10th and 17th January 2021

CDAC 2021 – Important Dates

Along with releasing the application form, CDAC has also released the detailed exam notification along with details of the important exam events and the respective dates or deadlines for them. According to the notification, the online registration process for CDAC C-CAT 2019 is already underway and candidates will have time until December 30, 2020 to complete the online registration process. The CDAC Admission Test 2021 will be held in two phases i.e. on 10th and 17th January 2021. All the other important exam events and their respective dates are provided in the table given below:

Exam EventImportant Dates
CDAC C-CAT 2021 Application Process BeginsDecember 1, 2020
CDAC C-CAT 2021 Application Process EndsDecember 30, 2020
CDAC I Admission Test 2021January 10, 17, 2021
Declaration of ResultJanuary 25, 2021
CDAC 2021 March Session StartsMarch 2, 2021

CDAC 2020

Exam EventImportant Dates
CDAC C-CAT 2019 Application Process Begins30th October 2019
CDAC C-CAT 2019 Application Process Ends27th November 2019
CDAC I Admission Test 20198th December 2019
CDAC II Admission Test 201915th December 2019
CDAC 2020 February Session Starts18th February 2020

Courses Offered by CDAC

Along with providing details about the exam dates and exam details, CDAC has also announced for the courses for which the admission application process has been opened for the students. Candidates can apply for any of the following 24-week career-oriented full-time PG Diploma in ICT courses.

Short Course NameFull Course Name
PG-DACPG Diploma in Advanced Computing
PG-DAIPG Diploma in Artificial Intelligence
PG-DBDAPG Diploma in Big Data Analytics
PG-DASSDPG Diploma in Advance Secure Software Development
PG-DESDPG Diploma in Embedded Systems Design
PG-DITISSPG Diploma in IT Infrastructure, Systems & Security
PG-DIoTPG Diploma in the Internet of Things
PG-DVLSIPG Diploma in VLSI Design
PG-DHPCSAPG Diploma in HPC Systems Administration
PG-DSSDPG Diploma in System Software Development
PG-DMCPG Diploma in Mobile Computing
PG-DBIHIPG Diploma in Biomedical Instrumentation & Health Informatics
PG-DGIPG Diploma in Geoinformatics

CDAC C-CAT Eligibility Criteria

S.No.Course nameEligibility RequirementsMinimum marks
1Applicable to allGraduate in engineering or equivalent (e.g. BE/ BTech/ 4-year BSc Engg/ DoEACC B Level/ AMIE) in IT/ Computer Science/ Telecommunications/ Electronics/ Electrical/ Instrumentation


Postgraduate degree in engineering sciences with the corresponding basic degree (e.g. MSc in IT, Computer Science, Electronics)

CATEGORY I (Section A in C-CAT)
2Post Graduate Diploma in GeoinformaticsPostgraduate degree in Applied Sciences/ Geology/ Geography/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Computational Sciences or allied areas50%
CATEGORY II (Sections A+B in C-CAT)
3Post Graduate Diploma in HPC System AdministrationPostgraduate degree in Mathematics or allied areas



4Post Graduate Diploma in Mobile ComputingPostgraduate degree in Mathematics or allied areas



5Post Graduate Diploma in System Software DevelopmentPostgraduate degree in Mathematics or allied areas



6Post Graduate Diploma in Big Data AnalyticsMCA


Graduate in any discipline of Engineering or equivalent


Postgraduate degree in Physics/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ MBA systems or allied areas

7Post Graduate Diploma in IT Infrastructure, Systems & SecurityPostgraduate degree in Mathematics or allied areas



8Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced ComputingMCA, MCM


Graduate in any discipline of Engineering or equivalent


Postgraduate degree in Physics/ Computer Sciences/ Mathematics or allied areas


Postgraduate degree in Management with graduation in Science/ Computer Applications/ IT

9Post Graduate Diploma in Internet of ThingsMCA55%
CATEGORY III (Sections A+B+C in C-CAT)
10Post Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Instrumentation & Health InformaticsBE in Biomedical or related fields55%
11Post Graduate Diploma in VLSI Design55%
12Post Graduate Diploma in Embedded Systems Design55%

Steps to fill CDAC C-CAT Application Form 2021

The process of CDAC registration followed by filling the CDAC C-CAT 2021 Application Form December 30, 2020 is a multi-level process. The steps provided below are to be followed by aspirants:

  • Visit the official website of CDAC at in.

Step 1- CDAC C-CAT Registration

The CDAC C-CAT 2021 registration is the 1st step while applying for the entrance examination. Candidates are required to fill in some generic information. The process will end up with the formation of CDAC C-CAT application form number and PW. Candidates are advised to note down these two as they are crucial for CDAC login in the future.

Step 2- Selection of CDAC Courses

In this step, candidates are required for CDAC login using their form number & password formed at the time of CDAC C-CAT registration. Herein, they have to enter some personal as well as professional details. Candidates are also required to carefully select the category of CDAC PG Diploma courses as well because no second chance will be provided to change the same.

  • Students applying for Category 1 are only eligible for PG-DGi.
  • Category 2 people are eligible for courses under both category 1 as well as category 2 respectively.
  • Eligible students selecting the Category 3 can apply for all Diploma courses in PG.

CDAC C-CAT Application Fee 2021

CourseCDAC C-CAT PapersExam fee






Rs. 1350/-

Rs. 1550/-

Rs. 1750/-

CDAC  Admit Card

CDAC C-CAT Admit Card will be released on January 6 to 14, 2021. The Admit Card can be Downloaded till January 14, 2021. No candidate will be Allow to appear for C-CAT without a valid admit card. The admit card along with a photo identity proof must be presented to the C-CAT officials/invigilators for verification at the time of the test.

CDAC Result and Ranks

The CDAC has been Declared the result on the official website. CDAC C-CAT 2019 (Feb 2020) Result has been Declared Now. Those candidates have given the CDAC C-CAT, they will be able to check their exam result through online mode. On the basis of the performance of the candidates in this examination, the admission will provide to the candidates.

CDAC Online Registration

Those students who are facing difficulty at any step of CDAC C-CAT application form 2021 or have any query regarding the same should contact the authorities without delay. People are supposed to contact the CDAC Corporate office, i.e.

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,

Pune- 411 007

Ph- 020-25503143

Email- [email protected]


In this page, we have given the information about the CDAC Application Form 2021 details. If you have any queries give a comment via comment section or go for the official website. Do not forget to share this article with our friends and family members.

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