Download Organizational Development and Change Notes | MBA HR Study Material

Here, we are providing information about the Organizational Development and Change Notes is one of the Sub – Community subject in the MBA (Master of Business Administration) Course. And, here we are mentioning the subject important topics, and unit wise titles and also the other similar books also. The candidates can download the Organisational Development and Change Notes PDF. This subject is for the students of Banking and Finances in MBA. The students can also buy the Organisational Development and Change Book at Online Store also.

Organizational Development and Change Notes

Organizational Design, Development, and Change Notes is a field of study that addresses change and how it affects the Organisations. The following strategies are to be developed to introduced to change the functions such as improving Organisational functioning, team-building effects, etc.

Course TitleOrganizational Design, Development, and Change
Year1st Year
Available ineBook, PDF Format
Similar Books
  • Organizational change
  • Reframing Organisations
  • Organizational Desing, Development and Change
  • IGNOU MS Organisational Change and Development
Important Topics
  • Understanding Organisations
  • Organisational Design
  • Approaches to Work Design
  • Organizational Analysis
  • Organisational Development and Chance

The above table gives information about the Organisational Development and Change Notes Important topics, edition, and the Language of the subject and also the Year. This subject will be in the Ist year for MBA Students and for BBA students this subject will be in IInd Year.

The below-mentioned candidates can also refer to the Organisational Development and Change Notes:

  • MBA
  • BBA

Important Topics

  • Understanding Organisations
  • Organisational Design
  • Approaches to Work Design
  • Organizational Analysis
  • Organisational Development and Chance

The above mentioned are the important Topics of the Organisational Development and Change Subjects. And, the titles of the topics were also mentioned below. The candidates of MBA and BBA (Bachelor of Business Administrative) can also download those topics as well.

Units Titles of MBA Year 1 Organizational Design, Development and Change

we are giving the Unit Titles of Organizational Development and change subjects. So, the students can know what are the topics that will be covered in the Organisational Development and Change subjects.

Understanding Organisations

  • Approaches to Understanding Organisations
  • Factors Affecting Organisation Structures

Organisational Design

  • Typology of Organisation Structures
  • Some Basic Organisation Design and Restructuring Strategies

Approaches to Work Design

  • Organizing and Analysing Work
  • Job Design
  • Emerging Issues of Work Organisation and Quality of Working Life

Organizational Analysis

  • Organizational Diagnosis: Tools and Techniques
  • Questionnaires as a Diagnostic Tool
  • Interview as a Diagnostic Tool
  • Workshops, Task-forces, and other Methods

Organisational Development and Chance

  • Organisational Development
  • Alternative Interventions
  • Process of Change
  • Change Agents: Roles and Competencies
  • Institution Building

Download Organization Development and Change Notes PDF

The table which was mentioned is to download the Unit wise Topics of the Work Design and Organizational Development subject.  And, the title of the unit was mentioned in the Ist Column and in the IInd column, the download links were available. By clicking on the links the links will be download automatically. The students can download the Organizational Development and Change Notes PDF whenever they want.

Organizational Development and Change Notes PDFDownload Links
Understanding OrganisationsDownload
Organisational DesignDownload
Approaches to Work DesignDownload
Organizational AnalysisDownload
Organisational Development and ChaneDownload

Work Design in Organizational Development in MBA Finance Similar Books

These are the other similar Books for the Organisational Development and Change Notes. The students of MBA and BBA can also refer to these books also. These books also will cover the syllabus of the Organisational Design, Development, and Change subject.

  • Organizational change
  • Reframing Organisations
  • Organizational Desing, Development and Change
  • IGNOU MS Organisational Change and Development

Buy through Online

  • Organizational Development and change: Cumming and Worley; 9E
  • Organizational Development; Wendell L.French and Cecil H.Bell, Pearson Publication
  • Organizational Design for Excellence, Pradip N. Khadwalla, TMH, 2005

These are the Organizational Development and Change Notes that were available in the Online Shopping Store where we can even buy Study Materials also. And, also the cost of the study materials are at a very reasonable price.

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