Download International Marketing Management Book – M.Com, MBA Study Material

In this article, Scholar can get details about International Marketing Management Book and what is meant by International Marketing Management also. The students can download the (Master of Commerce) M.Com Study Material of 1st Year Subject Unit-wise PDF will also available for the students on this page only. And, also as well.

The table which was mentioned below shows the important topics like Language, available, Similar Books, Important Topics of the International Marketing Management Book. 

M.Com International Marketing Management Book

By the American’s Perception Marketing Association International Marketing Management is that the multinational process of executing and planning the conception, distribution of goods, ideas, and services to make exchanges the Organizational objectives and satisfy individuals. And, also tell about the Local Brands vs Global Brands in International Marketing.

Key Sorts of International Marketing Management:

  • Foreign Market options include joint ventures, exporting, franchising, licensing, foreign direct investment, and also various other forms of strategic alliance.
  • Capital Requirements, Resources, and potential entry models licensing is Comparatively low risk in terms of your time.
Book TitleInternational Marketing Management
Year1st Year
Important Topics
  • Introduction to International Marketing
  • International Market Selection and Entry
  • International Product and Pricing Decisions
  • International Distribution and Promotion
  • Managing International Marketing Operations
  • International Marketing Research
Available inPDF, eBook Format
Similar Notes
  • Marketing Management: An India Perspective by Vijay Prakash Anand
  • International Marketing Management – An Indian Perspective by Varshney
  • International Marketing Management, Jain
  • International Management, Vijay Pratap
  • International Management, Rakesh Mohan Joshi
  • International Marketing with CourseMate by Michael R. Czinkota

The below-mentioned candidates can refer to this International Marketing Management Book:

  • MBA
  • M.Com 1st Year
  • M.Com

Important Topics

These are the Important Topics of the International Marketing Management subject.

  • Introduction to International Marketing
  • International Market Selection and Entry
  • International Product and Pricing Decisions
  • International Distribution and Promotion
  • Managing International Marketing Operations
  • International Marketing Research

Unit Titles of Local Brands and Global Brands in International Marketing subject

Introduction to International Marketing

  • International Marketing: Basic Concepts
  • International Marketing Orientation and Involvement
  • Analyzing international Marketing Environment

International Market Selection and Entry

  • International Market Segmentation
  • Foreign Market Selection
  • International Marketing Entry Decisions

International Product and Pricing Decisions

  • International Product Planning
  • International Branding, Packaging, and Other Decisions
  • International Pricing

International Distribution and Promotion

  • International Distribution
  • International Marketing Communication
  • International Advertising
  • Personal Selling, Publicity and Sales promotion

Managing International Marketing Operations

  • International Marketing Planning, Organising, and Control
  • International Marketing of Services
  • Emerging Trends and Issues in International Marketing

International Marketing Research

  • Introduction to International Marketing Research
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis and Report Writing

The above was the M.Com Year 1 Unit Titles of the International Marketing Management subject.

Download International Marketing Management Book PDF:

These are the Unit Wise Titles of the International Marketing Management Book PDF and the download links which were mentioned in the below table format. The students of MBA (Master of Business Administration) can refer to this International Marketing Management Book PDF.

International Marketing Management Book PDFDownload Links
Introduction to International MarketingDownload
International Market Selection and EntryDownload
International Product and Pricing DecisionsDownload
International Distribution and PromotionDownload
Managing International Marketing OperationsDownload
International Marketing ResearchDownload

Download International Marketing Management PDF

Download International Marketing Management PDF, Click on the below link to download the Self Learning Materials (SLM):

International Marketing ManagementDownload Links

International Marketing Management Subject Similar Books

The same similar books are also available in both Market and Online as well. These are the Important Topics of the International Marketing Management Subject. And also we were mentioned with the Author names as well. Because some books will be popular by authors as well.

  • Marketing Management: An India Perspective by Vijay Prakash Anand
  • International Marketing Management – An Indian Perspective by Varshney
  • International Management, Jain
  • International Management, Vijay Pratap
  • International Marketing Management, Rakesh Mohan Joshi
  • International Marketing with CourseMate by Michael R. Czinkota

Buy through

  • Marketing Management: An India Perspective by Vijay Prakash Anand
  • International Marketing Management – An Indian Perspective by Varshney
  • International Management, Jain
  • International  Management, Vijay Pratap
  • International Management, Rakesh Mohan Joshi
  • International Marketing with CourseMate by Michael R. Czinkota

These are the list of the books which was available in Online Stores like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. The students can now purchase these books at any time they want.

The candidates who are reading this International Marketing Management Book can share the article with those who are searching for this International Marketing Management subject. Maybe it will be useful for them.

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