NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books 2024 – Download in English, Hindi, Urdu

NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books: For the details of syllabus, full textbook download link and pdf links of the chapters/ lessons in Class VII Social Studies Books check this article NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books.

NCERT had included the CBSE syllabus for the current academic year 2020-21. There are 3 Social textbooks in 7th Class explained in three languages 1) English 2) Hindi 3) Urdu. They are

  1. History – Our Past 2 | इतिहास (हमारे अतीत – 2) |  تاریخ۔ ہمارا ماضی 2
  2. Our Environment | हमारा पर्यावरण | ہمارا ماحول
  3. Our social and political life Part 2 | सामाजिक एवं राजनितिक जीवन – 2 |  2 – ہماری معاشرتی اور سیاسی

NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books

The NCERT Class 7 Social Science books make the student enjoy the education in a playful manner and at the same time he/she gains the knowledge in the correct process. There are 3 books on Social Science in the English language. They are 1) History – Our Past-II 2) Our Environment 3) Social & Political Life. There are 3 books on Social Studies in the Hindi language. They are 1) Hamara Ateet 2) Hamara Paryavaran 3) Samajik Evem Rajnitik Jeevan. There are 3 books on Social Science in the Urdu language. They are 1) Hamara Maazi 2) Hamaare Mahol 3) Samazi Aur Siyasi Zindagi.

NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books
Publication / AuthorNCERT
Academic Year2020-21
ClassClass 7
SubjectSocial Science
Book Title
  1. Our Pasts II
  2. Our Environment
  3. Social and Political life
CategoryNCERT Books
No. of Chapters
  1. Our Pasts II – 10
  2. Our Environment – 9
  3. Social and Political life – 9
Language MediumEnglish, Hindi, Urdu
EditionApril 2020

 History – Our Past II | इतिहास (हमारे अतीत – 2) |  تاریخ۔ ہمارا ماضی 2

While preparing in NCERT Class 7 Social Science books, students should refer to their prescribed Social Studies textbook to clear their doubts and gain the concepts. The details of NCERT Class 7 Social Science books are given here.

Chapters and Units

The chapters of NCERT Class 7 Social Science book  History – Our past II are given below.

History – Our Past II

  • Chapter 1: Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years
  • Chapter 2: New Kings and Kingdoms
  • Chapter 3: The Delhi Sultans
  • Chapter 4: The Mughal Empire
  • Chapter 5: Rulers and Buildings
  • Chapter 6: Towns, Traders and Craftspersons
  • Chapter 7: Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities
  • Chapter 8: Devotional Paths to the Divine
  • Chapter 9: The Making of Regional Cultures
  • Chapter 10: Eighteenth-Century Political Formations

हमारे अतीत – 2 (इतिहास)

  • अध्याय 1: हज़ार वर्षों के दौरान हुए परिवर्तन की पड़ताल
  • अध्याय 2: नये राजा और उनके राज्य
  • अध्याय 3:दिल्ली के सुल्तान
  • अध्याय 4: मुग़ल साम्राज्य
  • अध्याय 5: शासक और इमारतें
  • अध्याय 6: नगर, व्यापारी और शिल्पजन
  • अध्याय 7: जनजातियाँ, खानाबदोश और एक जगह बसे हुए समुदाय
  • अध्याय 8: ईश्वर से अनुराग
  • अध्याय 9: क्षेत्रीय संस्कृतिओं का निर्माण
  • अध्याय 10: अठारहवीं शताब्दी में नए राजनितिक गठन

تاریخ۔ ہمارا ماضی II

پہلا باب: ایک ہزار سال میں تبدیلیوں کا سراغ لگانا
باب 2: نئے کنگز اور بادشاہت
باب 3: دہلی سلطان
باب 4: مغل سلطنت
باب 5: حکمران اور عمارتیں
باب 6: قصبے ، تاجر اور صنعت کار
باب 7: قبائل ، خانہ بدوش اور آباد جماعتیں
باب 8: خداتعالیٰ کے لئے عقیدت مند راستے
باب 9: علاقائی ثقافتوں کی تشکیل
دسواں باب: اٹھارہویں صدی کی سیاسی تشکیل

Download History – OurPast II book Chapterwise (in English, Hindi, Urdu)

The download links of the Units in NCERT Class 7 Social Science Book History – Our past II are given below in English,Hindi and Urdu.


Our Environment | हमारा पर्यावरण | ہمارا ماحول

While preparing for Class 7 Social Science, students should refer to their prescribed Social Studies textbook to clear their doubts and gain the concepts. The details of NCERT Class 7 Social Science books are given here.

Chapters and Units

The chapters of NCERT Class 7 Social Science book Our Environment are given below.

Our Environment

  • Chapter 1: Environment
  • Chapter 2: Inside Our Earth
  • Chapter 3: Our Changing Earth
  • Chapter 4: Air
  • Chapter 5: Water
  • Chapter 6: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
  • Chapter 7: Human-Environment – Settlement, Transport, and Communication
  • Chapter 8: Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
  • Chapter 9: Life in the Temperate Grasslands
  • Chapter 10: Life in the Deserts

हमारा पर्यावरण (भूगोल)

  • अध्याय 1: पर्यावरण
  • अध्याय 2: हमारी पृथ्वी के अंदर
  • अध्याय 3: हमारी बदलती पृथ्वी
  • अध्याय 4: वायु
  • अध्याय 5: जल
  • अध्याय 6: प्राकृतिक वनस्पति एवं वन्य जीवन
  • अध्याय 7: मानवीय पर्यावरण: बस्तियाँ, परिवहन एवं संचार
  • अध्याय 8: मानव – पर्यावरण अन्योन्यक्रिया: उष्णकटिबंधीय एवं उपोष्ण प्रदेश
  • अध्याय 9: शीतोष्ण घासस्थलों में जीवन
  • अध्याय 10: रेगिस्तान में जीवन

ہمارا ماحول

پہلا باب: ماحولیات
باب 2: ہماری زمین کے اندر
باب 3: ہماری بدلتی ہوئی زمین
باب 4: ہوا
باب 5: پانی
باب 6: قدرتی پودوں اور جنگلی حیات
باب 7: انسانی ماحولیات – تصفیہ ، نقل و حمل ، اور مواصلات
باب 8: انسانی ماحول سے تعامل – اشنکٹبندیی اور سب ٹراپیکل ریجن
باب 9: تپش آمیز گھاس کے میدانوں میں زندگی
باب 10: صحراؤں میں زندگی

Download Our Environment book Chapterwise (in English, Hindi, Urdu)

The download links of the Units in NCERT Class 7 Social Science Book Our Environment are given below in English, Hindi, and Urdu.


Social and Political life Part II

While preparing in NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books, students should refer to their prescribed Social Studies textbook to clear their doubts and gain the concepts. The details of NCERT Class 7 Social Science books are given here.

Chapters and Units

The chapters of NCERT Class 7 Social Science book Social and Political life Part I are given below.

Social and Political life Part II

  • Chapter 1: On Equality
  • Chapter 2: Role of the Government in Health
  • Chapter 3: How the State Government Works
  • Chapter 4: Growing up as Boys and Girls
  • Chapter 5: Women Change the World
  • Chapter 6: Understanding Media
  • Chapter 7: Understanding Advertising
  • Chapter 8: Markets Around Us
  • Chapter 9: A Shirt in the Market
  • Chapter 10: Struggles for Equality

समकालीन और राजनितिक जीवन – 2 (राजनितिक विज्ञान)

इकाई एक: भारतीय लोकतंत्र में समानता

  • अध्याय 1: समानता

इकाई दो: राज्य सरकार

  • अध्याय 2: स्वास्थ्य में सरकार की भूमिका
  • अध्याय 3: राज्य शासन कैसे काम करता है

इकाई तीन: लिंग बोध – जेंडर

  • अध्याय 4: लड़के और लड़कियों के रूप में बड़ा होना
  • अध्याय 5: औरतों ने बदली दुनिया

इकाई चार: संचार माध्यम और विज्ञापन

  • अध्याय 6: संचार माध्यमों को समझना
  • अध्याय 7: विज्ञापनों को समझना

इकाई पाँच: बाज़ार

  • अध्याय 8: हमारे आस – पास के बाज़ार
  • अध्याय 9: बाज़ार में एक कमीज़
  • अध्याय 10: समानता में लिए संघर्ष

ہماری معاشرتی اور سیاسی زندگی حصہ دوم

پہلا باب: مساوات پر
باب 2: صحت میں حکومت کا کردار
باب 3: ریاستی حکومت کیسے کام کرتی ہے
باب 4: لڑکے اور لڑکیاں بن کر بڑھنا
باب 5: خواتین دنیا کو تبدیل کرتی ہیں
باب 6: میڈیا کو سمجھنا
باب 7: اشتہاری سمجھنا
باب 8: ہمارے ارد گرد مارکیٹیں
باب 9: مارکیٹ میں شرٹ
باب 10: مساوات کے لئے جدوجہد

Download Our Social and Political life Part II book Chapterwise (in English, Hindi, Urdu)

The download links of the Units in NCERT Class 7 Social Science Book Our Social and Political life Part II are given below in English, Hindi, and Urdu.


NCERT VII Class सामाजिक विज्ञान Download Full Textbooks

English PDF BookHindi PDF BookUrdu PDF Book
History – Our Past-2/ Hamara Ateet / Hamara MaaziClick HereClick HereClick Here
Our Environment/Hamare paryavaran/Hamare MaholClick HereClick HereClick Here
Social & Political Life/ Samajik Evem Rajnitik Jeevan/ Samazi Aur Siyasi ZindagiClick HereClick HereClick Here

Importance of NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books

NCERT Class 7 Social Science books differ from other books based on these reasons

    1. Authentic Information: Many experts do more study on the subjects and write these books.
    2. Clear and Strong basics: By studying the NCERT Class 7 Social Studies Book one can gain more basic knowledge and also basic grammar skills.
    3. Easy language: These textbooks are easily understandable to anyone as they are written using basic English and grammar skills.
    4. Standard knowledge: Students gain a lot of knowledge by using these books. Many competitive exams try giving questions from these.

CBSE Class VII Samajik Vigyan Books Daily Preparation Guide.

Dear Parents, the following NCERT Class 7 Social Science books preparation guide helps your children to learn class 7 subjects at home.

  • Make the students prepare for at least 5 hours daily.
    • The first one hour for home works,
    • the next two hours are for reading and learning the classwork on that day,
    • The last hour is for looking at the next day’s class.
  • If parents try to make children practice this type of preparation, students will be up to date about the syllabus and will be able to cover up all the NCERT Class 7 Social Science books.
  • Parents should take care of the children and should test their children weekly and must keep a check on the syllabus covered.

Buy NCERT Class 7 Social Science Books at

Keep visiting our site for more details regarding NCERT Class 7 Social Science books. While solving the problems in the CBSE Class VII Social Science Books in English, Hindi, and Urdu, if you get stuck anywhere in the problem, feel free to ask your doubts in the comment section.

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