NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books 2024 – In English, Hindi, Urdu

NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books: If you are searching for the details regarding NCERT Class XI Computers and Communication Technology Books, then go through this article for the details regarding syllabus, chapter wise pdf download links, and also the link for full textbook download. CBSE had undertaken the NCERT syllabus from this current academic year 2020-21.

  1. Computers and Communication Technology Part-1
  2. Computers and Communication Technology  Part-2

About NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books

National Council of Education, Research, and Training (NCERT) has been contributed to the role of developing as well as distributing textbooks to the students at the primary and secondary levels. These books, generally named NCERT books, are highly useful for the CBSE students as they prepare for their annual exams.

Download NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books
Publication / AuthorNCERT
Academic Year2020-21
ClassClass 11
SubjectComputers and Communication Technology
Book Title
  1. Computers and Communication Technology Part-1
  2. Computers and Communication Technology  Part-2
CategoryNCERT Books
No. of Chapters
  1. Computers and Communication Technology Part-1 – 8
  2. Computers and Communication Technology  Part-2 – 6
Language MediumEnglish, Hindi, Urdu
EditionMarch 2020

Chapters and Units of Computers and Communication Technology Part-1

There are 8 chapters in Computers and Communication Technology Part-1. They are

Computer and Communication Technology Part-I

  • Chapter 1: Experiencing the World of CCT
  • Chapter 2: Components of CCT
  • Chapter 3: Word Processing Tool
  • Chapter 4: Electronic Spreadsheet
  • Chapter 5: Electronic Presentation Tool
  • Chapter 6: Convergence of CCT
  • Chapter 7: The Internet
  • Chapter 8: Soft Skills for Effective Communication

कम्प्यूटर और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी भाग 1 

  • अध्याय 1: सीसीटीवी की दुनिया का अनुभव
  • अध्याय 2: सीसीटी के घटक
  • अध्याय 3: वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग टूल
  • अध्याय 4: इलेक्ट्रॉनिक स्प्रेडशीट
  • अध्याय 5: इलेक्ट्रॉनिक प्रस्तुति उपकरण
  • अध्याय 6: सीसीटीवी का अभिसरण
  • अध्याय 7: इंटरनेट
  • अध्याय 8: प्रभावी संचार के लिए शीतल कौशल

کمپیوٹر اور مواصلات ٹیکنالوجی پارٹ- I

باب -1: دستکاری کے بارے میں سیکھنا
باب -2: مٹی
باب -3: پتھر
باب -4: دھات
باب 5: زیورات
باب 6: قدرتی ریشوں
باب -7: کاغذی دستکاری
باب 8: ٹیکسٹائل
باب 9: پینٹنگ
باب -10: تھیٹر کرافٹس

Chapters and Units of Computers and Communication Technology Part-2

There are 6 chapters in Computers and Communication Technology Part-2. They are

Computer and Communication Technology Part-II

  • Chapter 1: Web Page Designing Using HTML
  • Chapter 2: Client-Side Scripting Using JavaScript
  • Chapter 3: Project-Based Learning
  • Chapter 4: CCT Projects in Local Context
  • Chapter 5 : Emerging Trends in CCT
  • Chapter 6: Computer Controlled Devices

कम्प्यूटर और संचार प्रौद्योगिकी भाग 2

  • अध्याय 1: HTML का उपयोग करके वेब पेज डिजाइनिंग
  • अध्याय 2: क्लाइंट-साइड स्क्रिप्टिंग जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करना
  • अध्याय 3: परियोजना आधारित शिक्षण
  • अध्याय 4: स्थानीय संदर्भ में सीसीटी परियोजनाएं
  • अध्याय 5: उभरते रुझान सीसीटी में
  • अध्याय 6: कंप्यूटर नियंत्रित उपकरण

کمپیوٹر اور مواصلات ٹیکنالوجی پارٹ II

باب 1: HTML کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے ویب صفحہ ڈیزائن کرنا
باب 2: جاوا اسکرپٹ کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے کلائنٹ سائڈ اسکرپٹنگ
باب 3: پروجیکٹ پر مبنی لرننگ
باب 4: مقامی تناظر میں سی سی ٹی پراجیکٹس
باب 5: سی سی ٹی میں ابھرتے ہوئے رجحانات
باب 6: کمپیوٹر کنٹرولڈ ڈیوائسز

Download Class 11 Computer and Communication Technology Part-I

NCERT has given download details for all the chapters in Class 11 Computer and Communication Technology Part-I

Download Class 11 Computer and Communication Technology Part-I

Download Class 11 Computer and Communication Technology Part-II

NCERT has given download details for all the chapters in Class XI Computer and Communication Technology Part-II

Download Class 11 Computer and Communication Technology Part-II

NCERT Class 11 Computer and Communication Technology Books – Full Textbooks Download

Actually, NCERT provides links for only Chapters and Units in NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books. But for the convenience of students, we are providing the links for Downloading the full NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books in 3 languages.

  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Urdu

Why should we use NCERT Books for Studying?

We are opted for studying the NCERT syllabus for this academic year as CBSE had undertaken to change its syllabus from the year 2020-21. We are referred to use these NCERT books because

  1. Studying these books allows the student to develop his/her behavior.
  2. These are created for students to make their education and learning skills far better than other students.
  3. Students are improved on the basis of English and communication skills.
  4. Students can realize their strengths and weakness and try to improve themselves.

Preparation Guide for 11th Class Students

Generally, Class 11 needs a lot more application of knowledge of theories, formulas, visualizations, etc.

  1. Questions asked in the exams will not be direct from NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology books. So, students must prepare accordingly.
  2. Note down the important points for every chapter in a notebook for revision purposes at the time of exams.
  3. Understand the steps to solve the problems from the example questions at the end of every chapter in NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology books.
  4. Solve exercises at the end of the chapter. Mark difficult questions to practice them later.

Buy NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology books at

Keep visiting us and follow our articles at for the details regarding NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books. For further more details regarding NCERT Books, if you have any doubts in NCERT Class 11 Computers and Communication Technology Books contact us using the comment section below. We are feeling very happy to answer your doubts.

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